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Human Resources Management (Part-I)

Personnel Function
Q. 1: What are the main functions of human resources management? Ans: The main functions of human resources management are: Employment Human Resource Development (HRD) Industrial Relations Employee Services Occupational Health and Safety Salary and Wages Administration

Q. 2: What are the main functions of human resources management? Ans: The functions of human resources management are: HR planning Preparing organization manual Recruitment Induction Training Employee motivation Salary and wages administration Industrial relation Health and safety Employee services Gives Handling Handling of disciplinary process

Q. 3: Why Personnel functions are getting more challenging/complicated day-by-day? Ans: The functions of Personnel Department are getting more and more complex with the passage of time mainly due to the following reasons: Increase in labour force Growing literacy Multiplicity of Unions Administration of Labour Laws Inflation

Polities Q. 4: What are its non-Personnel functions? Ans: Besides all these functions there are some other functions like company security, housing, traveling, company transport, internal communication like Intercom, PABX etc. and in smaller companies these functions are handled by Manager (P & A). But in big companies all these general functions are handled not by the Personnel Department but by Manager (Admin) or the Administrative Officer.

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