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Presented By:Ayush Bhardwaj

The current Czech Republic comprises two historical lands: Bohemia in the West, & Moravia in the South-east. The new state of Czechoslovakia was constituted to reflect the union of the Czech and Slovak territories that were merged together after World War I.

But, At the end of 1992, the Czech part of the former nation found itself an another country known as Czech Republic.

Total Area :78,866km2 Formation of czech republic :- 1 January 1993

Total population :- 10,424, 336 (2008) Age Structure : - (2007)
0- 14 year 14.2% (male 758,305 Female 718,618) 15 64 Year 71.2% (male 3,726,148 Female 3,665,225) 65 & above - 14.6% (Male 598,481 Female 914,353)

Sex Ratio :sex ratio at birth

under 15 Year 15 64 Year 65 & above

106 male(s)/1000 females

- 106 male(s)/1000 females - 101 male(s)/1000 females - 095 male(s)/1000 females

Population Growth Rate:-

+0.41% (2009)

Life expectancy at birth:Male :74.0 Year Female :- 80.1 year

Literacy:Literacy rate :- 99.0% Male Literacy rate :- 99.0% Female Literacy Rate :- 99.0%


70% 60% 50% 40% 30%

10% 0%

Developed industrialized economy Principal Industries : Iron and steel production ,Metalworking ,Chemical Production, Electronic, Transportation equipment's, Textile, Glass, Pharmaceutical Industries. Agriculture Product:Sugar beet, Fodder root, Potatoes, Wheat, Hops

Currency :- czech Koruna Trade organization :- EU, WTO, OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) GDP :- $254.1 billion (2009) GDP per capita :- $24,900

GDP by Sector:- (2009) Agriculture :2.3% Industry :37.2% Services :60.5% Inflation rate :- 1% Labor Force :- 5.401 million(2009) Labor Force by occupation:Agriculture:3.6% industry :40.2% Services :56.2%

Unemployment :- 7.9% (march 2010) Export :$112.6 billion (2009) Export Goods :Machine and transport equipment 52% Raw material and fuel 9% Chemical 5% Export partner :Germany Slovakia Poland France

UK Italy Austria

Import :- $103.1 billion (2009) Import Goods:Machine and transport equipment 46% raw material and fuel 15% Chemical 10% Import Partner :Germany Nether land Slovakia Poland Austria

Russia Italy France

Czech cuisine :Czech cuisine is marked by a strong emphasis on meat dishes. Pork is quite common; beef and chicken are also popular. Fish is rare, which is served at Christmas. Aside from Slivovitz, Czech beer and wine, Czechs also produce two uniquely Czech liquors, Fernet Stock and Becherovka. Kofola is a non-alcoholic domestic cola soft drink which competes with Coca Cola and Pepsi in popularity. Sports:Sports play a part in the life of many Czechs, who are generally loyal supporters of their favorite teams or individuals. The two leading sports in the Czech Republic are football (soccer) and ice hockey.

Science:The Czech Republic has a rich scientific tradition. From the invention of the modern contact lens and separation of modern blood types, to the production of the Semtex plastic explosive.

Music :Music in the Czech Republic has its roots both in high-culture opera and symphony and in the traditional music of Bohemia and Moravia. Crosspollination and diversity are important aspects of Czech music. Composers were often influenced by traditional music.


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