NY Shale Open Letter

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Big names arent helping our small towns.

We are long time New York residents. We are the farmers who for generations have loved and continue to love this land. We are the business owners eager to hire more people and grow our local economy. We are the families who want our children, and their children, to have the opportunity to stay and prosper here in New York. And, we are New Yorkers who believe shale gas is a tremendous opportunity for our region, has been extensively studied and will benefit our economy. Yes, we have listened and evaluated critics arguments against shale gas development. We live here so naturally we want our land, our water and communities to be safe. We care when there are claims about drinking water safety, air pollution and other negative health effects. We have carefully reviewed the facts and we believe shale development can be done safely. We want an honest debate about shale gas development guided by science and facts. We are neither nave nor short sighted. We are not willing to sacrifice our environment and health for economic opportunity. But, we also see misinformation spread by critics. We see studies ignored and innuendo promoted. And, worst yet, we see attacks against the proponents of shale gas that are personal and just plain nasty. Civility and respect must guide this important debate. You probably wont recognize the groups listed below. We dont have names that you see among the credits at the end of a movie or an album nor are we on the cover of Hollywood magazines. But the individual members of these groups are people who live in New York every day, have spent our lives here and have chosen to stay in our communities to fight for a better economic future for New York. The 15 groups listed below represent a growing majority of upstate New Yorkers who are proud to support shale gas development. As individuals, were ordinary people. But together, we are a voice for all those who believe in the potential of shale gas and the hope of jobs, revenue and investment for New Yorks communities.




jlcny.org iogany.org
The LocaL Farm Bureaus oF
Broome County Chemung County Chenango County SChuyler County Sullivan County SteuBen County tioga County





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