JohnCourson LeonLottEndorsement F

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Sheriff Leon Lott hopes ALL of us

will unite to support the re-election of OUR SENATOR

Dear Neighbor I am supporti

Heres why.

hn Courson b ecause he is m However, as th y Senator. e Sheriff of Ric hla for Senator Cou rson goes mu nd County for the past 16 ch further. years, my sup port Senator Cours on has always women who p b rotect you eve een a stalwart in his supp ort for the m ryday. His wor impact on the en k safety of ever yone, not only in the Senate has had a p and ositive in Richland C Senator Cours ounty but Sta on is like me tewide. in that we bo an opportunit th believe tha y to look beyo tp nd political p people we se arties and do ublic service is rve. He has d what is right emonstrated through his m for the his lo ilit State Senator. ary service in the Marines ve for this Country and Sta and his distin te guished servic e as a Also, Senator Cou Pro Tempore, th rson was recently elected as e honor and a b first ever from Richland C the Senates new Presiden t ounty. This im lessing for th e Midlands. portant positio n is an On Tuesday, N ove our Senator Jo mber 6, please join me in hn Courson. supporting th Thank you. e re-election of Leon Lott Richland Cou n

ng Senator Jo

Sheriff Leon Lott


Senator John Courson

ty Sheriff

An open letter from


with a special request for your support.
PAID FOR BY COURSON FOR SENATE. Prsrt Std US Postage PAID Columbia SC Permit #1186

Courson for Senate

PO Box 11619 Columbia, SC 29211

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