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Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

08-20 Expectations, Pre-Algebra review Internet usage form Health form Lunch form Information form Parent's email to me Chapters 1-3 Pre-Algebra review Chapters 4-6 3*5 card 2 words that describe you 2 things you like to do 2 truths and a lie Pre-Algebra review Chapters 7-8 Graph the sequences on separate graphs: 3,6,9, . . . 2,4,8, . . . Pre-Algebra review Chapter 9 Graph the sequences on the same graph and determine which growth pattern is best and why? Pre-Algebra review Chapter 10 Solve the equations simultaneously to determine where the lines cross. y = 2x + 3 y = -3x + 5






Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

08-27 08-28 08-29 08-30 Pre-Algebra review Chapter 11 and 12 Pre-Algebra review Pre-Algebra review Test review sheet Pre-Algebra review Test review sheet answers (The results are laid out in the same manner as the sheet.) Page 1 35 14.42 in 48 in2 34.42 in right triangle scalene triangle acute - an angle measured between 0 and 90 degrees congruent - geometry for equals hypotenuse - the longest side of a right triangle irrational numbers - numbers that can NOT be written as a fraction Pythagorean - the relationship between the sides of right triangles range - largest value minus smallest value, from smallest value to largest value scalene - a triangle with no sides being the same length similar triangles - triangles having the same angles, same shape, different size slope - the steepness of a line between two points variable - a symbol which represents a value x-axis - the horizontal axis y-intercept - where the line crosses the y-axis -14 -8x + 2 -15 1/3 5 3x + 10 60 20 n - 4 = 10 90 Page 2 () nx 11/2 30 */ -5 15/4 +

Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

4/3 18x18 $980 8.745 * 107 117/500 2.85 43% 35.4 31% mean = 7.5 median = 8 mode = 10 range = 6 -13/3 x-3y70 or y70/x3

Page 3 110 13/24 6/5 14/21 -2/25 most anywhere between 5 and 7, it should NOT go through (0,0) y = -3/4 x + 4
3 2 1 -3 -2 -1 0 -1 -2 -3 1 2 3

y = -1/3 x - 1 Page 4 (-1,-2) 40 3.64 feet cir = 37.68 in area = 113.04 in2 vol = 141,3 in3 SA = 150.72 in2 08-31 Test 0 (postponed), Test review - none -


Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

09-04 09-05 Test 0 Chapter 1 Look through chapter 1 and determine if you have any questions p68 1-99, 5th Chapter 1 / Pre-Algebra review - none Correct Test 0 What have you learned from your test grade?

09-06 09-07


Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

09-10 09-11 09-12 Test 0 Rework the test and make sure that you know how to work the problems. Test 0 Rework every problem on the test review sheet. 1-1 Patterns Please write an equation that describes the growth of the blocks and tell me the number of blocks in the 200th group.


Chapter 1 Express the 2nd growth pattern above in five different ways. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Test 0b - none -



Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

09-17 09-18 Patterns Patterns 1-2 Worksheet Patterns Continue working on the Patterns 1-2 Worksheet How can you write y=2/x with x in the numerator and staying on the right side. Patterns Patterns 0-2 Worksheet Correct Test 0b - none Patterns Please graph these two coordinate pairs and write an equation for the line. You will need to go straight from the coordinate pairs to the equation using the slope-intercept form - y = mx + b. (2,5), (5,7)

09-19 09-20 09-21


Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

09-24 Five ways to display data For each of these items, show the other 4/5 ways: y = 3x + 4 (2,4),(6,1) x | y ---------------------1 | -1 2 | 1 4 | 5 | | |\ (0,5) | \ | \ -----\-----------\ (7,0) What are the corresponding y values for x = 3, x = 4, for the table: x | y ---------------------2 | 5 3 | ? 4 | ? 5 | 7

Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

09-25 Patterns For these patterns: 1,4,9,16, . . ., why are these called square numbers? 1,3,6,10, . . ., why are these called triangular numbers? Grains of rice At the beginning of the story, we are introduced to the raja as someone who believed he "was wise and fair, as a raja should be." Yet he requires villagers in his province to turn over almost all their rice for safe storage, leaving them only enough to get by. When a year of drought arrives, famine and hunger ensue. The villagers beg the raja to release some of the rice from the royal store but he refuses. As his people become more and more famished, the raja decides to have a feast for him and his court. As a parade of elephants returns from the royal storehouses loaded down with sacks of rice, Rani, a clever village girl, walks behind them, collecting falling rice in her skirt. She is caught by the royal guards, but when they accuse her of stealing she tells them she is collecting the rice to return to the raja. The raja, striving to be wise and fair, decides to reward her for returning his rice. He tells Rani: "Ask me for anything and you shall have it." To the raja's great surprise, Rani asks for just one grain of rice. When the raja says that is not enough of a reward, she acquiesces and asks that he give her one grain of rice on the first day. Then each day, for the following thirty days, he is to give her double the rice he gave her the day before. The raja considers this to be a modest request and readily agrees. Would Rani receive more rice by getting what she asked or by asking for a million grains? 09-26 Patterns Determine the equations for square and triangular numbers. For 'Grains of rice', graph the two situations on one graph. Patterns - none Test 1a p46 Box with game p53 Box with graph

09-27 09-28


Algebra 1 Schedule and Assignments

10-01 Patterns p63 Will any comparison between the colored tiles not be linear? p88 Box p102 Box

10-02 10-03 10-04 10-05 Correct Test 1a


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