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MIDDLE SCHOOL HOMEWORK OCTOBER 1, 2012 5th Prep Longfellow: Mandarin: Workbook p.48 and 49. For October 4. 5th Prep Walter Scott: Lengua Espaola: Traer materiales e informacin para proyecto asignado en agenda. Para el lunes 8 de octubre. Language Arts: Practice Book p. 13. 5th Prep Pedro Mir: Language Arts: Practice Book p. 13. Social Studies: Copy definition on p.102. For October 3. 6th Prep Keats: Social Studies: Coy definitions on p.92. For next class.. 6th Prep Neruda: Social Studies: Coy definitions on p.92. For next class. Lengua Espaola: Leer Captulo Mayo del Clsico. Para el viernes 5 de octubre. 1st Form Verne: Estudios Sociales: Prueba el 11 de octubre. 1st Form Mistral: Estudios Sociales: Prueba el 11 de octubre. 2nd Form Kipling: Social Studies: Watch CNN at 7 p.m on October 3rd and fill out the form given. Alsoo review Test D1. For Thursday.

2nd Form Defoe: Lengua Espaola: Ejercicio #7 pg. 39. Fotocopiar y pegar en el cuaderno. Para maana. Language Arts: Read chapter 6-10 to discuss tomorrow; from Where the Red Fern Grows. Social Studies: Watch CNN at 7 p.m on October 3rd and fill out the form given. Alsoo review Test D1. For Thursday. 2nd Form Dickens: Social Studies: Watch CNN at 7 p.m on October 3rd and fill out the form given. Alsoo review Test D1. For Thursday.

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