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28 September 2012

N e w s l e t t e r
A very special welcome to Darren Lui, Caitlin Braithwaite, Isabella Bamford and their families to Kaikorai Primary School!

Dear Parents It has once again been a very busy term at Kaikorai Primary School and for me the culmination of my rst year as Principal here. It is an important time of the year for the Board, Staff and myself as we reect on our successes and make plans for 2013. Your input in the direction that the school takes is always valued. You will nd a hard copy survey has been sent home with your child for you to consider and ll out over the holidays. This can also be completed online. The information provided from this survey will be vital in setting the direction the school takes for next year and beyond. We would like to see a huge proportion returned and to help with this, we have offered the incentive of a family movie pass to one lucky family who completes the survey. The Board, Staff and I would like to publicly thank Tor Devereux, Renae Barnes,the Parent Group and of our volunteers on the day for a fantastic fair! A huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes in organising a fair and the $22,000 will make a signicant difference to what we can offer your child. We wish all of our students a safe and enjoyable holiday and we look forward to seeing them again on the 15th of October. Kind regards Simon Clarke Principal

Important Dates 15 Oct- First day of term 1 Nov - School Photos 2 Nov - Room 12 Assembly 2 Nov - Next Newsletter 14 Dec - Last day of the school year 30 Jan - First Day Back

Wright St, Roslyn 4640065

28 September 2012


Junior News
What a busy term it has been. Sadly there has been a lot of sickness this term with large numbers away most weeks. Lets hope that the two week break in the spring sunshine helps to get rid of all those bugs. We have had such fun learning about How we Belong in the Solar System. Some classes will continue this learning into Term 4. Things coming up in Term 4 are Student teachers in Rooms 10 and 12, Swimming 19th -23rd November at DNI Pool. A note will come home early in Term 4 re costs and class times. Fun Friday will run for 5 weeks from 9th November to the 7th December wed love your help on Friday afternoons from 1.30 to 2.45. PMP will run from week 1 to week 5, parent help is always much appreciated. Teachers will be updating you if their times have changed. Kaikorai Kiwis our preschool programme has 4 sessions in Term 4 starting on the 17th of October, 31st October and the 14th and 28th of November.

Middle News Not only did the Olympics capture our imagination, but so too did the Paralympics. The middle syndicate classes joined up with the Paralympic Schools programme. The resources that were available added much useful information to learning in classroom and their regular their newsletters kept us up to date with latest happenings and insights into the NZ team in London. We were inspired by the athletes efforts and entered the Paralympic Schools Supporters Competition to let them know that we were supporting them. We were thrilled to nd out that our entry earned us the rst equal prize. Our fantastic entry, along with those of other schools, can be seen at We were thrilled to nd out that the main prize for winning this competition is to have a Paralympian visit our school. We are keen to nd out more! St Hildas students have been working with all four classes for Kiwi Sports. We appreciate their enthusiasm and expertise. Children have really enjoyed working with Harley and Staples from Football South who have taken sessions each week this term. There is no doubt that everyones soccer skills have improved. A large number children from the middle syndicate are children playing Futsal, Touch, Flippaball and T-ball next term.

Senior News In the senior classes over the last two weeks we have been busy with our preparations for an earthquake drill. We have practised the DROP, COVER, and HOLD, our safety numbers, how to listen for instructions, and making a safe exit from buildings when the earthquake is over. We have identied our hazards in the classrooms, removing some of them, and have started to identify hazards in other places too. The children are very good at their turtle impressions now, but hopefully we never need to use these skills. We have also looked at what causes earthquakes and New Zealands history of earth movements. Another highlight has been our tness session with the team from Les Mills. It was our last session with them; we have enjoyed their lessons and will miss them next term.

Wright St, Roslyn 4640065

28 September 2012

Sarah Walker and the New Zealand Breakers
The children at Kaikorai Primary School have been involved in a lot of successes lately but it was great to have some very successful people in our school recently sharing their story. The New Zealand Breakers answered questions, signed anything and often everything and held a basketball workshop for all of the players in the school and at our last assembly we were very lucky to have silver Olympic medalist, Sarah Walker, join us. She reminded the children to try lots of different things, to try your best at them and to set goals for yourself.

Sun Hats !It is really important that all children have a sun hat at school next term. It would be best if that sun hat lives at school all term so that children are always prepared for outside activities. The holidays will be a good time to get this sorted.

Walking Bus
!The number of children on the Walking School Bus remained pretty high through the winter and now that the weathers
getting better the number is increasing quite signicantly. Its wonderful that so many families are using the Walking School Bus as this is a fun, healthy, safe and environmentally friendly way for children to get to school - and it means that parents dont have to deal with the hassle of the busy trafc around school and trying to nd a park! Parent helpers walk with the Walking School Bus every morning to ensure that the children get to school safely. The Walking School Bus needs at least one more parent helper for Term 4 and perhaps two. If you would be able to volunteer to walk with us one morning each week, then please contact Tor. The Walking School Bus leaves from the corner of Highgate and Belgrave Crescent (just along from Roslyn Kindergarten) each school morning at 8.20am. Children can also join the bus along the way. If youd like to try out the Walking School Bus just come along one morning.

Wright St, Roslyn 4640065

28 September 2012

Planting for Penguins
Our school was lucky enough to be invited to take part in a Planting for Penguins programme at Taiaroa Heads earlier this month. !We would like to thank Kids Restore New Zealand for funding this project and allowing us to take part. !This whole day event involved a group of Kaikorai children exploring ways they could help the little blue penguin and its habitat. !The weather was great and after spending some time learning about native plants, and some of the issues penguins are faced with we were out in the sunshine helping to improve their habitat. ! ! Teamwork was the key and we made quick work of getting rid of some of the pesky plants surrounding the native pikau plants. ! Encouraging words were passed between groups of children throughout the day and an overall sense of achievement and pride was apparent on everybody's faces. !While our work soon had to stop so we could get back on the bus to school, small groups of children have continued to explore ideas and are looking for ways to share their knowledge with others. !Look out for the photos and information on display in the ofce. ! This is an ongoing project with the aim of planting 20,000 native plants in the area over the next couple of years and we hope to be involved in future events.

Les Mills Fitness

Les Mills School of Fitness has come to a end this week. All classes have enjoyed sessions of BODYCOMBAT, BODYVIVE, BODYJAM AND BODYATTACK with Dallas and Crystal. Thanks to all the families who have supported this project and redeemed free passes, which has earned us over $300 to buy sports equipment for our school. Thanks to Les Mills for giving us a healthy way to raise money, while at the same time having fun getting t.

The Ruskes Alpacas (left) were just one of the popular activities at this years fair.

Children at the Planting for Penguins day. (Above)

Parent Group News

CALENDARS, CARDS & DIARIES FUNDRAISER This year well once again be selling Calendars, Cards and Diaries featuring your childs art work. The children have been working hard creating their wonderful pieces of art and the order forms will go home during the rst week of Term 4 so look out for this in your childs school bag! The Calendars, Cards and Diaries are the same price as last year ($12.50 each for the Calendars and Card Packs, $16 each for the Diaries) and they make wonderful gifts.

! PARENTS GROUP MEETING ! There will be a Parents Group meeting on Wednesday October 24 at 2pm in the Staff Room. All are very welcome to attend.
FAIR TOTAL UPDATE All Fair expenses have now been received and paid and in the weeks since the Fair weve received some additional income which means that the total amount raised by the Fair is now sitting at $22,800!

If you have any questions or youd like more information about the Parents Group, then please contact Tor (453-1108, 027-635-1512,
Wright St, Roslyn 4640065

Kaikorai Primary Orchestra
On Thursday our school orchestra (a group of 20 middle and senior children) went on a tour to Roslyn and Maori Hill Playcentre and Maori Hill Montessori Preschool.! The children demonstrated their different instruments, with a number playing solos. Our orchestra consists of the following instruments, violins,! cello, clarinet, ute, recorders, guitars, piano, and of course our wonderful and necessary percussion players! We then performed Alarm Clock and Indian Prayer and Dance to our very enthusiastic audiences.! Our group enjoyed this tour and are looking forward to further performances next term.!! We are always on the lookout for new players, so if you wish to join, please see Mrs Kumar (room 2).


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The Its My Turn To Cook Tonight Bosch School Holiday Program Supported by 5+ A Day,!!inspires kids to be food savvy - to cook some meals, create a special occasion, make a food movie, do some random acts of kindness, learn about food choices, kitchen safety, read labels & much much more. Give your kids an advantage !-!!Oct 2 - 4 online and live. $25 (per family) for 3 days fun, action, competitions, great prizes.

Diggers Holiday Programme

Camp 1:! 1st-5th October! 9am-3pm at the Edgar Centre Camp 2: 8th-12th October 9am-3pm at the Edgar Centre One week camp $184pp ($253 for two children from the same family) Both camps $299pp (391 for two children from the same family) Daily Rate $46 is also available Basketball Otago 03 456 4063,

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