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Military Weapons of World War I

Infantry Weapons

Ross Rifle (Canadian)

Favoured by Sam Hughes (Minister of Militia) Considered to be most accurate In rain and mud it jammed

Lee-Enfield Rifle (British)

Replaced Ross Rifle Accurate within 1400 meters

Machine Gun fired up to 400 rounds a minute needed to be mounted on a flat surface required 4 to 5 men to operate just one

Large Caliber Field Gun

Launched large shells in to opposing trenches Needed 12 men to operate

Big Bertha could fire 120 km away!

Flame Thrower

a fuel container filled with oil, shoots out a flame into the air Consumed a lot of fuel Attached to tanks


First used by British at battle of Somme Caterpillar tracks to go over difficult terrain Didnt work well in mud (got stuck) Could fit 10 men at 4mph (Fiat Tipo)


Used for reconnaissance and eventual combat in the skies (dogfights) Eventually machine guns were attached 5 planes shot down = ace Royal Flying Corps

Billy Bishop Canadian flying ace Destroyed 72 enemy planes

Manfred von Richtoffen (German) Red Baron 80 confirmed victories

Zeppelin German for reconnaissance and dropping bombs easy targets for artillery

Dreadnoughts equipped with machine guns, torpedoes, canons

Convoy system
Battleships accompany a number of cargo ships leaving ports

U-Boats (Unterseeboot)

Underwater submarines Used torpedoes to attack British Dreadnoughts Used also for reconnaissance Sunk Lusitania, pushing US into war

Chemical & Biological Weapons

Chlorine gas

Green in colour First used by Germans at Ypres development of gas masks

Odourless caused internal and external bleeding

Mustard Gas

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