Cs 1311 Lecture 09 WDL

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Linked List: Traversal Insertion Deletion


Linked List Traversal


Linked List Traversal

Traversal means visiting or examining each node. Simple linked list Start at the beginning Go one node at a time until the end Recursive procedure (or function) Given a head pointer Looks at just one node What procedure will look at the rest?


The Node Code

Node definesa record data isoftype Num next isoftype Ptr toa Node endrecord


The Big Picture

42 98 12 6

heap head stack


The Little Picture



The Classic Code

Procedure Traverse (current isoftype in Ptr toa Node) // Precon: Pass in pointer to a list // Purpose: Print each data item // Postcon: No changes to list if(current <> NIL) then print(current^.data) Traverse(current^.next) endif endprocedure // Traverse


The Big Picture

42 98 12 6

heap head stack



Insertion Into Linked Lists

Node Definition
node definesa record data isoftype Num next isoftype ptr toa node endrecord

The Scenario
You have a linked list Perhaps empty, perhaps not Perhaps ordered, perhaps not
48 17 142


You want to add an element into the linked list

Adding an Element to a Linked List

Involves two steps:
Finding the correct location Doing the work to add the node

Finding the Correct Location

Three possible positions: The front The end Somewhere in the middle

Inserting to the Front


93 head




There is no work to find the correct location Empty or not, head will point to the right location

Inserting to the End

head 48 17 142



Find the end of the list (when at NIL) Recursion or iteration

Dont Worry!

Inserting to the Middle

head 17 48 142 93

142 //


Used when order is important Go to the node that should follow the one to add Recursion or iteration

The Work to Add the Node

Create the new node Fill in the data field Deal with the next field Point to nil (if inserting to end) Point to current (front or middle) temp <- new(Node) temp^.data <- new_data temp^.next <- current current <- temp

Three Types of Insertion

To front No recursion needed To end Get to the end, then add node In order (in middle) To maintain sorted property

Inserting at the Front of a Linked List

Inserting to the Front of a Linked List

Need an in/out pointer parameter
Create new node Fill in data Make new nodes next pointer point to current Update current to point to new node

Animated Insert to Front of Linked List

4 2






procedure Insert (current iot in/out ptr toa Node, new_data isoftype in Num) temp isoftype ptr toa Node temp <- new(Node) temp^.data <- new_data temp^.next <- current current <- temp endprocedure

Inserting at the End of a Linked List

Inserting to End of a Linked List

Recursively traverse the list until at end Then: Create new node at current Fill in data Terminate the new nodes next pointer to point to NIL

Inserting to the End of a Linked List

procedure Add_To_End( current isoftype in/out Ptr toa Node, new_data isoftype in Num ) // Purpose: Add new node to end of list // Pre: current points to NIL-terminated list // Post: new list has added element at end if( current = NIL ) then current <- new( Node ) current^.data <- new_data current^.next <- NIL else Add_To_End( current^.next, new_data) endif endprocedure //Add_To_End

Inserting at the End of a Linked List

48 17 142 53

current R new_data 53 current R new_data 53 current R new_data 53 current R new_data 53

Inserting in Order into a Linked List

Inserting In Order into a Linked List

Recursively traverse until you find the correct place to insert Compare to see if you need to insert before current If adding largest value, then insert at the end Perform the commands to do the insertion Create new node Add data Update the next pointer of the new node Update current to point to new node

Inserting in Order into a Linked List

procedure Insert_In_Order(current isoftype in/out Ptr toa Node, new_data isoftype in Num ) // comments here temp isoftype Ptr toa Node if ((current = NIL) OR (current^.data > new_data)) then temp <- new( Node ) temp^.data <- new_data temp^.next <- current current <- temp else Insert_In_Order(current^.next,new_data) endif endprocedure //Insert_In_Order

Inserting In Order into a Linked List

13 18 23 19 current current current

new_data 19 temp

new_data 19 temp

new_data 19 temp

Inserting into a linked list involves two steps: Find the correct location Do the work to insert the new value We can insert into any position Front End Somewhere in the middle (to preserve order)


Deleting an Element from a Linked List

The Node Definition

Node definesa record data isoftype num next isoftype ptr toa Node endrecord

The Scenario
head 6 4 17 42

Begin with an existing linked list Could be empty or not Could be ordered or not

The Scenario
head 6 4 17 42

Begin with an existing linked list Could be empty or not Could be ordered or not

The Scenario
head 4 17


Begin with an existing linked list Could be empty or not Could be ordered or not

The Scenario
head 4 17


Begin with an existing linked list Could be empty or not Could be ordered or not

Finding the Match

Well examine three situations: Delete the first element Delete the first occurrence of an element Delete all occurrences of a particular element

Deleting the First Element

This can be done without any traversal/searching Requires an in/out pointer
procedure DeleteFront (current iot in/out ptr toa Node) // deletes the first node in the list if (current <> nil) then current <- current^.next endif endprocedure

Deleting from a Linked List

Deletion from a linked list involves two steps: Find a match to the element to be deleted (traverse until nil or found) Perform the action to delete
Performing the deletion is trivial: current <- current^.next

This removes the element, since nothing will point to the node.

. . Delete(head, 4) . .



6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, ptr toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out in num) Node, target isoftype target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. occurrence of a node. . // Delete singlethen if(cur <> NIL) if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17


. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete single occurrence of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

. . Delete(head, 4) . .



Linked List Deletion (All Occurrences)

Deleting All Occurrences

Deleting all occurrences is a little more difficult. Traverse the entire list and dont stop until you reach nil. If you delete, recurse on current If you dont delete, recurse on current^.next

. . Delete(head, 4) . .


6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, ptr toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out in num) Node, target isoftype target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 4 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target = endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target = endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target = endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target = endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrencesiot a node.ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur of in/outin num) target isoftype // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in num) // Delete all thentarget of a node. isoftype in // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) target) then if(cur^.data =occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur cur^.next if(cur^.data = then cur <- <> NIL) target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Delete(cur^.next, target) Target = 4 endif endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrencesiot a node.ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur of in/outin num) target isoftype // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in num) // Delete all thentarget of a node. isoftype in // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) target) then if(cur^.data =occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur cur^.next if(cur^.data = then cur <- <> NIL) target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Delete(cur^.next, target) Target = 4 endif endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin num) Node, target isoftype ptr toa Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target . if(cur <> NIL)occurrencesisoftype in // Delete all then of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next elseDelete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif Target == 4 endif endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target == 4 endprocedure endif Target endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, procedure Delete(cur iot in/outin target isoftype ptr toa Node, target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. num) target isoftype in // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL)occurrences of a node. // Delete all then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) elseDelete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 4 endprocedure endif Target = endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, toa . procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptrnum) Node, target isoftype in target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . // Delete all occurrences of a node. if(cur <> NIL) then if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then if(cur^.data = target) then cur <- cur^.next cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) Delete(cur, target) else else Delete(cur^.next, target) Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endif Target == 4 endif Target 4 endprocedure endprocedure

6 17

. procedure Delete(cur iot in/out ptr toa Node, . target isoftype in num) Delete(head, 4) // Delete all occurrences of a node. . if(cur <> NIL) then . if(cur^.data = target) then

cur <- cur^.next Delete(cur, target) else Delete(cur^.next, target) endif endif endprocedure

Target = 4

. . Delete(head, 4) . .


Deletion involves: Getting to the correct position Moving a pointer so nothing points to the element to be deleted Can delete from any location Front First occurrence All occurrences


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