HC Socrates

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of thought Early life and childhood

Beginning of career

Big idea Impact on the world Signicant accomplishments

A great philosopher By: Hayden Cunningham

Quote of Thought
The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. o This could mean several things to certain people. I think it

means that the most important and true wisdom you can have is when you know that you know nothing. o George Socrates was a great philosopher of his time. There were some very fascinating things about him. His life as a philosopher was a good one. o George Socrates was an important gure in philosophy because he showed knowledge(in his quotes, especially), he studied his adult life, and he kept notes to himself. That shows he was a true philosopher because he believed in self-knowledge. o

Early life and childhood

Sculpting impacted Socrates. It most likely helped him with philosophy learning about art, patterns, etc.

Beginning of career
Socrates hardly gives his own ideas. Instead, he looks

for mistakes in the ideas of others. This is the most of Socrates' philosophy. What Socrates is doing is trying to make a much standard for truth. Truth must consistent. That is Socrates' dangerous idea. Rather than be satised with whatever answer sounds ne, we should look more closely at the things we call 'true.'

Big idea
After Socrates' death, Plato began writing books

about his master. In these dialogues, Socrates works in philosophical debates with other wise men of his age. The problem is that it is dicult to tell which ideas belong to Socrates and which ideas belong to Plato. Plato was his prized student. His big idea was knowledge. Socrates tried to know knowledge about many things. This helps us today. Thanks to him, we know more.

Socrates has became fro being in the eld of ethics. He

Signicant accomplishments

has opened the door for us to know more about ethics. Socrates made what philosophers call today The Socrates Method. Gregory Vlastos described Socrates method as "calls for common sense and common speech. This has helped the world today. It helps people do things. Also, his knowledge in dierent categories help us. It gives us plenty of knowledge.

Impact on the world

Socrates has lled our knowledge of. Hes given us knowledge of

ethics. His eld was ethics which is another branch of philosophy. Socrates followed his father by sculpting but hes always wanted to be a philosopher. Thats what he did. It is unclear how Socrates earned a living. Socrates did not work. He inuenced himself. Obviously, he learned much about sculpting and everything within that area. His dad helped him learn about that.
His dad might have been upset when he learned his son didnt

want to be a sculptor anymore. Socrates probably had to overcome that and do what he really wanted to do anyway. Socrates was most likely famous for sculpting. He was probably famous for that when he entered the eld of philosophy.

Military Hero. Socrates served Athens in the warfare

with Sparta. b. Stonecutter. Socrates worked from time to time as a stonecutter.

Stonecutter. Socrates worked from time to time as a


Sculptor. He completed two works of sculpture,

"Hermes," the god, and "The Three Graces."

George Socrates is someone to look up to. The inuence

of his ideas and approach remains strong in providing a foundation for much western philosophy that followed. As you can see, philosophers today look up to him! His personality was obviously curiosity. His life skills was curiosity. This is a good thing to have in our everyday lives as well. Socrates preferred conversational teaching and didnt leave a single record behind. As a result, all of the quotes from Socrates we have today are actually from the writings of his students (mostly Plato and Xenophon). This is mostly why we dont know a lot about him.

Lessons learned from his life

Lessons learned from his life is to be open minded.

Dont be afraid to just think of all possibilities. Be curious. Do what you want to do and learn what you want to learn. To be full of knowledge is to be even more full of curiosity. ~Hayden Cunningham
Socrates ()

Works Cited:
1. 2. 3.

Socrates, George. "Custom Search ." Brainy Quote. BookRags Media Network , n.d. Web. 24 Sep 2012. <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/socrates.html George, Socrates. "Dear Socrates." philosophy now. Philosophy Now , 2012. Web. 27 Sep 2012. <Dear Socrates>. . "Socrates." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc, 26 September 2012 at 10:40.. Web. 28 Sep 2012. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates>. Christopher, Phillips. "WHAT IS THE SOCRATIC METHOD?." philosopher. Socrates Caf , n.d. Web. 29 Sep 2012. <http://www.philosopher.org/Home.html>. . "Socrates: Life, Death and Philosophy." Education Portal Academy. Education- Portal.com, 2003- 2012. Web. 29 Sep 2012. <http://education-portal.com/academy/ lesson/socrates-life-death-and-philosophy.html>. Jamie, . "Great Thinkers on Self-Education: Socrates." Self Made Scholar. Great Thinkers on Self-Ed, June 2, 2009. Web. 29 Sep 2012. <http://selfmadescholar.com/b/ 2009/06/02/great-thinkers-on-self-education-socrates/>.




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