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Ques1. Why is hydrogen included in the reactivity series of metals?

Ans1. Hydrogen is a non metal that can lose an electron and become electropositive, a property common to metals. It can also displace some metals from their salt solutions. Ques2. Why is Cu vessel covered with green coating in rainy season? Ans2. Copper has a tendency to develop a layer of rust of Cu(OH)2 on it by reacting with H2O and O2. In rainy season , this reaction is accelerated by the abundant availability of H2O in rains. Hence, corrosion of Cu takes place at a higher rate. Ques3. What reactions take place during the digestion of food in our body? Ans3. In the mouth starch is broken down to sugar by salivary amylase. In stomach, digestion of protein takes place in an acidic medium. In small intestine after making the food alkaline by bile, digestion of sugar, fats and proteins take places by amylase, lipase and trypsin respectively. Then food reachas large intestine for the absorption of water. Ques4. Why does blue colour of CuSO4 solution start fading when a zinc rod is dipped in it? Ans4. When Zn rod is dipped in CuSO4 solution, a displacement reaction takes place giving ZnSO4 as a product and thus bringing a change in the deposited on zinc rod as:- CuSO4 + Zn ---------------> ZnSO4 +CU. Please write the names of the reactants and products yourself........... I hope u knw the names..... Ques5. Can we stir AgNO3 solution with a Cu spoon? Why or why not? Ans5. No, we can't stir AgNO3 solution with a Cu spoon because copper is more reactive than silver. A displacement reaction will take place producing Cu(NO3)2 + Ag. Ques6. A Cu coin is dipped in AgNO3 (aq) for hours/days. What'll happen to the colour of the solution? Ans6. A Cu coin was dipped in AgNO3 solution. A displacement reaction must have taken place and subsequently bringing a change in the previously existing whitish transparent color of AgNO3 to blue-GREEN Cu(NO3)2. AgNO3 +Cu ----------> CU?(NO3)2 +Ag. Ques7. Why do gold and silver not corrode in moist air?

Ans7. Gold (Ag) and silver (Au) are very less reactive metals and take a very long time to react with other substances. This is a major season that Ag and Au don't corrode in the presence of water (moisture) and o2(air)or moist air. Ques8. Explain step wise the following experiments:(a) Combination reaction between Quick lime and Water. Ans (a). 1. When CaO is added to H2O, a new compound is producedCa(OH)2 (Calcium Hydroxide) 2. This product is also called slaked lime or lime water depending on the amount of H2O added to it. 3. This reaction highly exothermic and releases a big amount of heat energy. Reaction:- CaO + H2O ----------> Ca (OH)2 Please write the name of the reactants and products................... (b) Decomposition of FeSO4 on heating. Ans (b). 1. FeSO4 on being supplied with heat, loses the water of crystallization. FeSO4 . 7H2O ----------> FeSO4 + 7H20 2. If furthur heat is supplied, FeSO4 decomposes to produce a brown residue along with pungent smelling gas(es) that give a smell of burning sulphur. 2FeSO4--------------> Fe2O3 + SO2 + SO3 Please write the names................. (c) Electrolysis of Water. Ans (c). 1. When we supply electricity to the water kept in the set up after adding a few drops of H2SO4 to improve conduction, electrolysis of H2O start taking place. 2. H2O breaks down into 2: H2 and O2 in the ratio of 2:1 by volume. 3. They are collected into test tube and their presence can be checked by bringing a burning matchstick near the mouth of test tubes. 4. O2 will support combustion and H2 would produce a pop sound. (d). Oxidation of Cu to Cu(II) oxide. Ans (d). 1. Copper oxidizes in presence of heat to form Cu(II) oxide or CuO. 2. When heat is supplied to Cu turnings, they start turning black. 3. This reaction can be reversed by supplying H2 to CuO. Reaction:- 2Cu +O2 ----------> 2CuO Ques9. and Ques10 i.e. Oxidation one and balancing........... You please do yourself. I knw u can do.... Ques11. What is Oxmoregulation? Explain its importance for body cells?

Ans11. Oxmoregulation is the regulation of water content in the body. It controls the premiabiility of the walls of the collecting duct. If oxmoregulation does not take place, accumulation of poisonous gases wastes take place in the body can even be fatal. Ques12. Why are WBC called soldiers of the body? Ans12. They are called soldiers of the body because they help in fighting adverse condition like infection or some diseases caused by pathogens by producing powerful substance against them. Ques13. Leaves of a healthy plotted plant were coated with vaseline to block the stomata. Will this plant stay healthy for long? State three reasons. Ans13. Vaseline will block the stomatal pore. The plant won't stay healthy for long because:1. Since gaseous exchange can't take place, plant will use stored starch. 2. When starch won't be present, it will start to wither. 3. Since CO2 is essential for photosynthesis, the plant will eventually die. Ques14. (i) BP is high in arteries and low in veins. Why? Ans14. (i) BP is high in arteries because they carry blood straight back from the heart whereas in veins, the blood is being brought back from different organs. (ii) What are the major cause of high BP? Ans (ii) Following are the causes of hypertension:- age, heredity, overweight, smoking, alcoholism, stress etc. (iii) What'll happen if a person is having a high BP? Ans (iii) A person can even die if BP is not controlled. Ques15. Why do herbivores have a longer intestine and carnivores have shorter intestines? Ans15. Carnivores have a shorter intestinal track because they process the protein quickly and eliminate it. Herbivores have longer intestine track to digest the complex food known as cellulose. It take longer time to break down and for nutrients to absorb. Ques16. Why do feel pain in our skeletal muscles after vigorous exercise? Ans16. When we vigorously exercise, our muscles, if in unavailability of O2, respire anaerobically, producing lactic acid and energy. It is the sudden production of lactic acid that causes cramps accompanied by pain. Ques17. Which organism ingest food by Phagocytosis?

Ans17. Amoeba ingests food by Phagocytosis. Ques18. What are the values of normal systolic and diastolic BP? Ans18. Normal systolic and diastolic BP is 120 and 88 mm of Hg respectively. Ques19. What is an artificial kidney? How does it work? Ans19. An artificial kidney is a device to remove nitrogenous waste products from the blood through dialysis. It contains a number of tubes with a semi permeable membrane lining, suspended in a tank filled with dialysing fluid which has the same osmotic pressure as blood. The patient's blood is passed through these tubes. During this, the wastes from the blood pass into dialysing fluid by osmosis. The purified blood is pumped back into the patient. Ques20. Arrange the following in correct order through which the air flows upto alveoli? Ans20. External nostrils---------> Internal nostrils-----------> Nasal cavities---------> Larynx------------> Trachea-----------> Alveoli. Ques21. (i). What cause acidity?

Ans(i) Our stomach produces dil. HCl when food reaches in it into facilitate the functioning of a protein digesting enzyme-pepsin. When this production takes place excessively, a condition called diabetes is developed. (ii) What is the function of villi? Ans(ii) Villi are the small folds on the intestinal wall. They increase the surface area and hence, accelerate the rate of absorption. (iii) Which is easily digested and why Meat or Grass? Ans(iii) Herbivores consume grass which has a substance called cellulose. Cellulose is a very complex in nature. Therefore, grass is not more simpler as compare to meat and not easily digested. Ques22. What will happen to the process of photosynthesis if potted green plants is kept in:-

(i) Bright sunlight

Ans (i). Photosynthesis is facilitated by keeping the plant in sunlight. (ii) Dark Ans (ii). In the absence of sunlight, if plant is kept for long it uses its reserved food, withers and eventually dies. (iii) Absence of O2 Ans (iii) In absence of CO2, the plant dies.
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