Reasearch Into Shot Types

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EWS (Extreme Wide Shot): The view is so far away from the subject that he/she is not visible.

VWS (Very Wide Shot): The subject can be seen (barely) The environment seems to be the main focus instead of him/her.

WS (Wide shot): The subject takes over most of the frame.

CU (Close Up): The main focus is on a certain feature of the subject or object. It takes up the whole frame.

MS (Mid Shot): Some features or parts of the subject is shown in more detail whilst being to see the whole subject.

MCU (Medium Close Up): Half way between Mid Shot and Close Up.

ECU (Extreme Close Up): This shot gets right into the subject and shows extreme detail.

CI (Cut In): Shows a different parts of the subject in detail

CA (Cut Away): The focus is on something else other than the subject.

Two-Shot: This is when two people are framed in the shot.

OSS (Over-the-Shoulder Shot): This is when youre looking at the subject from behind the shoulder.

POV (Point-of-View): Shows the view from the subjects perspective.

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