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to Revolution--TEST Mr. Brandstrader

Name: ______________________

Road to Revolution: Test Study Guide

Part 1 Vocabulary: Look up the following words and write their definition. (***Hint: Some can be found in the textbook but some will also be found in the dictionary) import export Patriots Loyalists allies militia tyranny repealed boycott debtor self-sufficient (how does it apply to a country or colony?) intolerable (not the law, just the word) self-governing monopoly (not the game) act (not in a play) goods merchant

Part 2: Answer the following questions. These questions will help you study the following topics for the test. Use your homework and notes. Ways to study would be to look at the notes from your packet, have a partner quiz you, or practice rewriting the information so it sticks in your memory. 1. To ensure a healthy, growing economy, a country should import OR export more goods... WHY? Explain your answer. 2. Which countries were involved in the French and Indian War? Who won the war? 3. Before 1763, did Britain rule the American colonies with an Iron Fist or pretty much leave them alone? 4. What products/goods did the Stamp Acts place a tax on? 5. Why would the Quartering Act upset the American colonists? 6. The Townshend Acts was a tax placed on ALL items imported from which country? 7. How did the Americans respond and fight back against against the Townshend Acts? 8. Critical Thinking: Is there any possible way that the Townshend Acts could have been a positive thing in the long term? 9. The Intolerable Acts restricted the everyday life of the American colonists and made their lives intolerable. Did this act UNITE the American colonists or DIVIDE them? Explain.

Road to Revolution--TEST Mr. Brandstrader

Name: ______________________

10. A common misunderstanding most Americans have of our history is that the revolution was fought because Americans do not believe in and refused to pay taxes. That version of history is not true. *Please EXPLAIN: No taxation without representation. 11. STUDY TIP: Make flash cards for each of the boxes of notes in your Road to Revolution packet. ***Come in for extra help if you want to review or practice.

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