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The Consumer AME Productions By Elise Warlow

33 Convent Gardens 07960057094

#establishing shot A man is sitting in his garage exhaling the smoke, the smoke flowing out of his lips, the man is wearing a dirty white vest top and dirty/muddy jeans and heavy work boots. He takes another pull of the cigarette and puts the cigarette in the ashtray. The man is focusing on a pin board which has a dozen of pictures with crosses through them with a red thick pen, there is one photo on the pin board without a cross through her picture, the girls name and address is shown underneath the picture. The man gets up slowly with a crooked smile on his face taking one more draw of the cigarette. The man looks old and dangerous. The man is outside a house walking towards the door to knock, the house looks well kept and neat, and we hear a loud knocking of the door. Suddenly we s see the girl from the photo laying tied, dressed in casual clothing as if she was just relaxing at home, no shoes where worn and she wore odd socks, we see she is tied to the table and she is struggling and is finding it hard to move and she says Where am I? The man smiles his crooked smile and he replies

. The man then picks up the hammer lying on the table next to the victim and holds it above his head before saying . the man brings down the hammer towards his victims head. Then the screen goes black and the name of the film then flashes onto the screen.

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