Facebook Standards For Outsourced Content Reviewers

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Abuse Standards 6.

Operation Manual For Live Content Moderators
Major changes since AS 6.0
! Added sexual language and solicitation policy
! 3-criteria rule (one person in photo, one person tagged, and tagged person reporting):
" NOT applicable to photos
" Only applicable to PhotoComments
! Sex & Nudity issues clarified as follows:
" Content uploaded for the purpose of sexual arousal is no longer a violation; only sex and nudity standards apply
" Any kissing, groping, fondling heterosexual and homosexual is allowed; only sex and nudity standards apply
" Cartoon bestiality/necrophilia/pedophilia can be confirmed no need to escalate unless the act is being actively promoted or encouraged. Real
life violations are still escalated.
" Child nudity can be escalated if unsure of sexual context or age; includes older teenagers who may still be minors
! Graphic violence policies updated as follows:
" No exceptions for news or awareness-related context for graphic image depiction; confirm all such content
" Human/animal abuse subject to clear involvement/enjoyment/approval/encouragement by the poster
" Even fake/digital images of graphic content should be confirmed, but hand-drawn/cartoon/art images are ok
Hate speech: Humor and cartoon humor is an exception for hate speech unless ! Hate speech: Humor and cartoon humor is an exception for hate speech unless
" Slur words are being used, or
" Humor is not evident in the post/photo
! Attacks: Humor overrules racist and other attacks unless
" Slur words are being used, or
" Humor is not evident in the post/photo
! Photoshopped images are always confirmed even if there's no obvious attack on the person
! nternational Compliance:
" Anti-PKK and anti-Ocalan content should be UNCONFRMED
" ONLY confirm depiction if no other context or if context shows support
! PhotoComments:
" ONLY review the comment that has been reported
" The reported comment can be seen flagged in the comment trail on the details page
" All other comments are irrelevant to the moderation process
" All Abuse Standards policies are applicable
Sexually explicit language and sexual solicitation policy
A fresh policy has been formulated around content containing sexually explicit/descriptive language, as well as
users soliciting (requesting or offering) sexual activity. The content must be descriptive in nature (not just the
mere mention of sexual acts, genitals and other related words) in order to confirm the content.
Below is a full definition of the policy, relevant instructions to moderators and some examples of confirmed and unconfirmed content.
New definition:
Users may not describe sexual activity in writing, except when an attempt at humor or insult. This includes
! Describing a state of sexual arousal, defined as hard nipples, wetness or erections
! Describing an act of sexual intercourse, defined as sexual penetration, self pleasuring, or exercising fetish scenarios
! Description is defined as adding detail and going beyond mere naming or mentioning
ImpIications on decision-making (CR TooI): ImpIications on decision-making (CR TooI):
! Delete only if titles of objects match the new definition (Meaning, relevant content such as caption for photos, comments for posts, etc.)
! gnore messages/posts that use sexual language to insult or make a joke
! Delete if user is soliciting (requesting or offering) sexual services
! [Unconfirmed] want to fuck you [fucking = sex. No details given]
! [Unconfirmed] Yeah 'd like to poke that bitch in the pussy [poke in the pussy = sex. No details given]
! [Unconfirmed] 've got a hard-on for you girl [hard-on = sexual arousal. No details given.]
! [Unconfirmed] 'm gonna eat that pussy all night [eat pussy = oral sex. No details given]
! [Unconfirmed] Hello ladies, wanna suck my cock? [suck cock = oral sex. No details given]
! [Unconfirmed] How about come over and fuck you in the ass, girl [fuck in the ass = anal sex. No details given]
! [Unconfirmed] have a big penis and love girls touching it [ have a big penis is not sexual activity. Touching a penis = hand job. No
details given]
! [Unconfirmed] Kelly loves to suck cock (not reported by Kelly) [suck cock = oral sex. Need Kelly to report for bullying]
! [Unconfirmed] Jones likes to take it up the ass (not reported by Jones) [take up the ass = anal sex. Need Jones to report for bullying]
! [Confirmed] Looking for girls who want to have fun. nbox me for a good time. [sexual solicitation]
! [Confirmed] Ladies and girls, need some pussy. Call me on 555 143 5746 [sexual solicitation]
! [Confirmed] For 9 inches of pure pleasure call 1800 DK PUSS [sexual solicitation]
! [Confirmed] love drinking fresh hot cum [details of oral sex: drinking cum]
! ReIevant content: Must check.
" Photo
(for visual violations)
" text on photo
(for name match and other violations)
" caption
(for name match and other violations)
" 'reported by'
(as basis for name match)
" Note: Mentions, or people whose names
are mentioned and tagged within the
Types of reported content - 1
Photographic or other visual content with accompanying caption
are mentioned and tagged within the
caption, are considered valid name
matches with the reporter because the
text will still be visible even after the tag
is removed. Please confirm if such
mentions are seen.
! IrreIevant content: Must ignore.
" Comments No need to check for name
matches in comments thread, and no
need to look for other violations
" Photo tags (these tags can be removed
by the reporter so no need to check here
for name matches). However, see note
above on 'mentions'.
" 'Posted by', also called 'poster'
Summary: When moderating this type of content,
only review the relevant content for policy
violations (Abuse standards, name matches,
hate-related violations, etc.)
Types of reported content - 2
Uploaded videos with accompanying caption
! ReIevant content: Must check.
" Video
(for visual AND audio violations)
" Audio
(for name match and other violations)
" text within video
(for name match and other violations)
" caption
(for name match and other violations)
" 'reported by'
(as basis for name match)
" Note: Mentions, or people whose names are mentioned and tagged within the caption, are considered valid
name matches with the reporter because the text will still be visible even after the tag is removed. Please name matches with the reporter because the text will still be visible even after the tag is removed. Please
confirm if such mentions are seen.
! IrreIevant content: Must ignore.
" Comments No need to check for name matches in comments, and no need to look for other violations
" Video Tags, if any (these tags can be removed by the reporter so no need to check here for name matches).
However, see note above on 'mentions'.
" 'Posted by', also called 'poster'
! Summary: When moderating this type of content, only review the relevant content for
policy violations (Abuse Standards policies, name matches, hate-related violations,
Types of Posts
" Group Posts
" Status messages
" Topic Posts
" Wall Posts
Types of reported content - 3
All types of posts that have been reported by the user (the reporter)
! Relevant content: Must check.
" Actual Post/Reported Comment
name match and other violations)
" Wall Posts
" Comments
" 'reported by'
(as basis for name match)
! rrelevant content: Must ignore.
" 'Posted by', also called 'poster'
" For comments: All comments other
than the reported one
Summary: When moderating this type of
content, only review the relevant content for
policy violations (Abuse Standards policies,
name matches, hate-related violations, etc.)
Comments posted against another user's photo content
Types of reported content - 4
Note: n this category, one of the comments
about the photo has been reported by the user,
NOT the photo itself.
ReIevant content: Must check.
!Reported Comment
(for name match and other
PhotoComments 3-criteria rule:
Confirm the photo comment if all 3 criteria (as below) about the
parent content (the photo itself) are met:
1. Only one person is displayed in the photo
2. Only one user is tagged
3. The tagged user is reporting the photocomment
!'reported by'
(as basis for name match example
!Photo and Tags as per new policy
IrreIevant content: Must ignore.
!'Posted by', also called 'poster'
Summary: When moderating this type of content, only
review the relevant content for policy violations (Abuse
Standards policies, name matches, hate-related
violations, etc.)
PaLe ConLenL
The tabIe on the Ieft shows what types of visuaI and verbaI attacks
can and cannot be used against various types of peopIe:
!Ordinary person non-public figures who aren't 'famous'
!PubIic figure any person featured in any mass medium (internet, news, etc.)
!LEO Any person belonging to a law enforcement agency such as the police,
drug enforcement agencies, etc. Does not apply to military personnel
!HOS Any person who is currently the head of a ruling political entity in a
ExampIes of types of attacks
!Empty threat Not Applicable; refer to Hate Content p11
!CredibIe threat "Let's cut Jason's [target] throat [method] when he
comes back home tonight [time]. 2 out of 3 sufficient to escalate.
Users may NC1 create content that degrades |nd|v|dua|s based on the be|ow
protected categor|es. Note: rotected category status shou|d overr|de the
person's status as ub||c I|gure or nCS. Lxamp|e, "I hate Cbama" |s
unconf|rmed, wh||e "Can't stand that n|gger Cbama" |s conf|rmed.
rotected Categor|es (see tab|e be|ow)
Race Ethnicity
ReIigion Sex
White, Black,
British, French,
Male, Female Heterosexual,
Lesbian, Gay,
Any life
comes back home tonight [time]. 2 out of 3 sufficient to escalate.
!Referencing negativeIy Not Applicable; refer to Hate Content p11
!Cyber buIIying Not applicable; refer to Hate Content p11
!Attacking with hate symboIs
!Attacking based on being a sexuaI assauIt victim "Janie says she
was raped when she was 12. think she deserved it.she must have been
asking for it.
Name Match Policy
! The Name Match Policy is intended to protect the identity and privacy of individuals who are named in photos, videos and
! The name match should be between the reporter ('reported by') and the actual content that was reported (photo+caption,
video+caption or post+comments).
! gnore all irrelevant content when checking for name matches
! Possible name matches: First name only, last name only, full name and fuzzy name match
! Fuzzy name match could be in the form of initials, nicknames, etc.
Some examples
Confirmed Unconfirmed
Name match valid:
Name match not valid:
Decision = Unconfirmed Name match valid:
Decision = Confirmed
Decision = Unconfirmed
Clear target but no name match:
Decision = Unconfirmed
See exception for
photocomments in slide 5
Name match valid:
Decision = Confirmed
CredibiIity Test: Consequence, Specificity and PracticabiIity
Question 1 (Consequence): s the proposed violence
(a) targeted at a head of state/law enforcement officer,
(b) terrorism or
(c) organized crime?
Answer "Yes" to any of the above - Escalate as Egregious
Answer "No" - Move to Question 2.
Question 2 (Specificity): Does the content specify 2 out of
these 3 details: Time/Place, Method or Target?
Answer "Yes" - Move to Question 3
Pow Lo assess credlblllLy
ls LargeL an PCS/LLC?
ls lL an acL of Lerrorlsm?
ls lL parL of organlzed crlme?
LSCALA1L uoes lL have 2 ouL of 3 deLalls:
1lme/lace, MeLhod, 1argeL?
Assessment Flowchart
Answer "Yes" - Move to Question 3
Answer "No" - gnore content.
Question 3 (PracticabiIity): s it it clearly impossible for the
individuals proposing violence to carry it out?
Answer "Yes" - gnore content.
Answer "No" - Escalate as Egregious
Answer " don't know" - Escalate as Egregious
ls lL lMCSSl8LL Lo carry ouL Lhe acL?
1he target needs to be c|ear|y |dent|f|ab|e, examp|es be|ow -
"l'm golng Lo sLab Llsa P." (LscalaLe as Lgreglous)
l'm golng Lo sLab Lhe ldloLs ln lrance" (uo noL escalaLe)
nate Content
(Va||d Name Match not requ|red)
1. Slurs or raclal commenLs of any klnd
2. ALLacklng based on proLecLed caLegory
3. PaLe symbols, elLher ouL of conLexL or
ln Lhe conLexL of haLe phrases or
supporL of haLe groups.
4. Showlng supporL for organlzaLlons and
people prlmarlly known for vlolence.
Sex and Nud|ty
1. Any C8vlCuS sexual acLlvlLy, even lf
naked parLs are hldden from vlew by
hands, cloLhes or oLher ob[ecLs.
CarLoons/arL lncluded. loreplay
allowed (klsslng, groplng, eLc.). even
for same sex (man-man/woman-
2. naked 'prlvaLe parLs' lncludlng
female nlpple bulges and naked buLL
cracks, male nlpples are ok.
3. lxelaLed or black-barred conLenL
showlng nudlLy or sexual acLlvlLy as
4. naked chlldren, lncludlng carLoon
verslons (able Lo sLand on Lhelr own)
and older mlnors - LscalaLe lf unsure
of sexual conLexL (chlld porn)
3. ueplcLlon of sexual assaulL or rape ln
any form.
6. MoLhers breasLfeedlng wlLhouL
1heft Vanda||sm and Iraud
1. ralslng or dlsplaylng crlmes LhaL Lhey
or Lhelr frlends commlLLed
2. Crganlzlng crlmlnal acLlvlLy or
sollclLlng lllegal servlces.
3. Lncouraglng oLhers Lo engage ln
crlmlnal acLlvlLy.
4. LscalaLe based on credlblllLy
8u||y|ng and narassment
1.valld name maLches no maLLer whaL Lhe
conLenL ls (negaLlve, poslLlve or neuLral)
2. ConLacLlng oLher users perslsLenLly
wlLhouL prlor sollclLaLlon or conLlnue Lo do
so when Lhe oLher parLy has sald LhaL Lhey
wanL no oLher furLher conLacL wlLh Lhe
Graph|c Content
1. ConLenL showlng osLer's dellghL
ln/lnvolvemenL ln/promoLlng
of/encouraglng of vlolence agalnsL
humans or anlmals for sadlsLlc
purposes (e.g. LorLure, sLaged
anlmal flghLs, anlmal sLarvaLlon,
obvlous neglecL, eLc.)
2. ueplcLlng Lhe muLllaLlon of people
or anlmals, or decaplLaLed,
dlsmembered, charred, or burnlng
3. oachlng of anlmals should be
conflrmed. oachlng of endangered
anlmals should be escalaLed
4. urlne, feces, vomlL, semen, pus,
and ear wax. (CarLoon feces, urlne
and splL are Ck, real and carLoon
snoL ls Ck)
3. vlolenL speech (Lxample: l love
Se|f narm
- Note: All self harm conLenL should
be escalaLed.
1.1hreaL and serlous promoLlon of sulclde.
2.SupporLlng people, groups, and symbols
LhaL advocaLes and promoLlng eaLlng
dlsorders as a llfesLyle cholce.
3.ueplcLlng self-muLllaLlon and groups
and people LhaL promoLe and supporL lL
(ex: cuLLlng groups)
Abuse Standards Violations
AII the items beIow shouId be confirmed; anything not on this Iist can be unconfirmed
people prlmarlly known for vlolence.
3. ueplcLlng symbols prlmarlly known for
haLe and vlolence, unless commenLs
are clearly agalnsL Lhem.
6. versus phoLos" or vs phoLos": phoLos
comparlng Lwo people slde by slde.
7. Any phoLoshopped lmages of people,
wheLher negaLlve, poslLlve or neuLral
8. lmages of drunk and unconsclous
people, or sleeplng people wlLh Lhlngs
drawn on Lhelr faces.
9. vldeos: SLreeL/bar/schoolyard flghLs even lf
no valld name maLch ls found. School flghL
vldeos are only conflrmed lf Lhe vldeo has
been posLed Lo conLlnue LormenLlng Lhe
person LargeLed ln Lhe vldeo.
- PaLe symbols are conflrmed lf
Lhere's no conLexL C8 lf haLe
phrases are used
- Pumor overrules haLe speech
unLLSS slur words are presenL or
Lhe humor ls noL evldenL.
6. MoLhers breasLfeedlng wlLhouL
cloLhes on.
7. LscalaLe besLlallLy, necrophllla, and
pedophllla. Conflrm carLoon/dlglLal
verslons 8u1 escalaLe lf conLenL ls
8. ulglLal/carLoon nudlLy. ArL nudlLy ok.
9. eople uslng Lhe baLhroom".
10. 8laLanL (obvlous) deplcLlon of camel
Loes and moose knuckles.
11. Sex Loys or oLher ob[ecLs, buL only ln
Lhe conLexL of sexual acLlvlLy.
12. ueplcLlng sexual feLlshes ln any form.
I 8|ocks and Internat|ona| Comp||ance
1. PolocausL denlal whlch focuses on
haLe speech
2. All aLLacks on ALaLurk (vlsual and
3. Maps of kurdlsLan (1urkey)
4. 8urnlng 1urklsh flag(s)
Conflrmed (unless clearly agalnsL kk
and/or Ccalan):
1. kk supporL and deplcLlon
2. Abdullah Apo" Ccalan-relaLed
Cred|b|e 1hreats
(Lsca|ate as per cred|b|||ty assessment)
1.Credlble LhreaLs or lnclLemenL of physlcal
harm agalnsL anyone
2. Credlble lndlcaLlons of organlzlng acLs of
presenL or fuLure vlolence
3.Any LhreaLs of vlolence agalnsL Peads of
SLaLe (PCS) or Law LnforcemenL Cfflcers
(LLC) should always be escalaLed even lf
noL credlble
4.Any credlble lndlcaLlon of LerrorlsL
acLlvlLy or organlzed pasL/fuLure crlme.
wanL no oLher furLher conLacL wlLh Lhe
3.ALLacklng anyone based on Lhelr sLaLus as
a sexual assaulL or rape vlcLlm.
3. vlolenL speech (Lxample: l love
hearlng skulls crack")
6. hoLos and dlglLal lmages showlng
lnLernal organs, bone, muscle,
Lendons, eLc. ueep flesh wounds
are ok Lo show, excesslve blood ls
ok Lo show.
7. Crushed heads, llmbs, eLc are ok as
long as no lnsldes are showlng
- noLe: no excepLlon for news or
awareness relaLed conLenL.
I||ega| Drug Use
1. unconflrm all marl[uana unless
conLexL ls clear LhaL Lhe posLer ls
2. lllegal drugs shown nC1 ln Lhe
conLexL of medlcal, academlc or
sclenLlflc sLudy.
- Note: Any deplcLlon of marl[uana
alone (any amounL) or
lmplemenLs used for smoklng
marl[uana are ok (unconflrm)
The concept of 'burden of clarity on user':
1here are cerLaln Lypes of conLenL where Lhe mere deplcLlon of an lmage ls consldered a vlolaLlon,
unless Lhe capLlon (or oLher relevanL conLenL) suggesLs LhaL Lhe user ls noL promoLlng, encouraglng or
glorlfylng Lhe acL.
lor such conLenL, as below, Lhe user musL make lL clear LhaL Lhe posLed phoLo ls noL a vlolaLlon, elLher
Lhrough Lhe capLlon or Lhrough LexL on Lhe phoLo.
Burden of Clarity
- nate Symbo|s - lncludes SwasLlka and oLher acknowledged haLe symbols,
also lncludes plcLures of PlLler, 8ln Laden and oLhers assoclaLed prlmarlly
wlLh haLe and vlolence.
- Graph|c V|o|ence - lncludes hlghly graphlc lmages of vlolence Lowards
humans and anlmals
- Se|f narm - lncludes sulclde, eaLlng dlsorders and self-muLllaLlon
(excepLlon ls body arL, plerclngs, LaLLoos, eLc.).
-I||ega| Drugs - ueplcLlon of drugs (oLher Lhan marl[uana or lLs derlvaLlves -
hash, hash oll, eLc.) whlch are Lyplcally abused, and lmplemenLs deplcLlng
drug abuse
Internat|ona| Comp||ance]I 8|ocks:
#hoLos Anu/C8 LexL maklng fun of/aLLacklng/deplcLlng negaLlvely/crlLlclzlng, ALaLurk.
#8urnlng Lhe 1urklsh flag [oLher flags are ok Lo be shown burnlng]
#Maps of kurdlsLan [as of now, only maps are escalaLed, oLher references are merely conflrmed]
#PolocausL denlal [any dlscusslon of holocausL denlal should be escalaLed]
#Chlld pornography/edophllla [LSCALA1L ll unSu8L Cl SLxuAL CCn1Lx1 C8 ACL]
#1hreaLs of school vlolence, credlble or oLherwlse
#necrophllla and besLlallLy
#Credlble LhreaLs and lndlcaLlons -
# Credlble 1hreaLs agalnsL ordlnary people or publlc flgures LhaL quallfy (2 ouL of 3 - 1lme/lace, 1argeL,
Content That Should Be Escalated
# Credlble 1hreaLs agalnsL ordlnary people or publlc flgures LhaL quallfy (2 ouL of 3 - 1lme/lace, 1argeL,
# Credlble LhreaLs agalnsL Law LnforcemenL Cfflcers (LLC)
# Any LhreaL (credlble or noL) agalnsL Peads of SLaLe (PCS)
# Credlble lndlcaLlons of pasL/fuLure crlme and organlzed crlme
# Any lndlcaLlon of LerrorlsL acLlvlLy
#oachlng of endangered specles [always check hLLp://www.lucnredllsL.org/apps/redllsL/search before escalaLlng]
#Credlble deplcLlons of sulclde and/or promoLlon Lhereof.
#Self Parm phoLos
#LaLlng dlsorders (ana - anorexla, mla - bullmla, generlcally known as ana-mla)
Note: There is currently only one escalation option in the tool; it can be used
for all 3 above types
! At the moment, we ignore all spam posts and photos unless they
violate other Abuse Standards like nudity, graphic violence, etc.
Only clear and obvious visual and verbal violations visible in the
post should be confirmed/escalated as appropriate post should be confirmed/escalated as appropriate
! gnore porn links unless the url is sexually descriptive or
pornographic thumbnails can be seen.
THROUGH THE SPAM QUEUE/FLTER. f it violates other
standards, confirm as appropriate under "Confirmed - Other.
Glossary of important terms
! Reported Content (or simpIy, Content): A user-generated
post on the social media website that we moderate for. Can be a
photo+caption, a post+caption or video+caption. Refers to
content that has been reported as having a particular violation
! Caption: The text accompanying a photo or video post. For
posts, this is the original post on which comments are later
! Comments: Text uploaded by users in response to a posted
piece of content. Usually found as a conversation thread with
one or more users commenting on the original post or any other
! Photo tags: These are people who have been tagged to a
particular piece of content. Considered as irrelevant content
when moderating because users can remove tags of
!VioIation: A piece of content that violates the terms of use of
the user's social media account.
!Non-VioIation: A piece of content that has been reported for
review but does not violate any of the terms of use of the user's
social media account.
!ReIevant Content: Elements of a piece of content that should
be reviewed when making a decision.
!IrreIevant Content: Elements of a piece of content that should
be ignored when making a decision.
when moderating because users can remove tags of
! Mentions: These are user's names being mentioned and
possibly tagged within the text, such as caption text. These are
considered valid name matches (relevant content) when the
name has a match with that of the reporter.
! Poster: The user who originally posted the content.
Represented by 'posted by' as seen on the moderation tool.
Considered as irrelevant content when moderating.
! Reporter: The user who reported a piece of content.
Represented by 'reported by' as seen on the moderation tool.
Considered as relevant content when moderating because it is
the basis for the name match policy.
! Owner: n PhotoComments, the user who owns the original
photo that is being commented on.
!Confirmed: With respect to the moderation tool, a decision
which implies that there is a violation on a piece of content, as
reported by the user.
!Unconfirmed: With respect to the moderation tool, a decision
which implies that there is no violation on a piece of content, as
reported by the user.
!Confirmed - Other: With respect to the moderation tool, a
confirmed decision which violates the terms of use, but does not
violate the abuse standard for which it has been reported.
Example, nudity in a piece of photo content that has been
reported for hate speech.
!EscaIate A decision taken on a piece of content that sends it
to the social media client's internal review team for further
Thanks for reviewing this document carefully. f you
have any questions or need to clarify any points,
please take it up with your team leader in an email
(using the oDesk messaging system to ensure
security of the information) with a copy to the
Certification and Training Manager: Certification and Training Manager:
Note to Team Leads:
Please copy the above D in your clarification response to your
team member(s). This is to ensure integrity of information and uniformity
of process knowledge.

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