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Volume IV, Section 3—Direct

Loan Fixed-Length Record



Direct Loan Record Layouts........................................................................................................................3
Header ...................................................................................................................................................3
Trailer ....................................................................................................................................................4
Loan Origination..........................................................................................................................................6
Full Loan (Subsidized/Unsubsidized/PLUS) Origination—Export to Common Origination and
Disbursement System .............................................................................................................................6
Full Loan (Subsidized/Unsubsidized/PLUS) Origination Acknowledgement—Import from Common
Origination and Disbursement System................................................................................................28
PLUS Credit Decision Override Acknowledgement—Import from Common Origination and
Disbursement System..........................................................................................................................31
Loan Origination Change...........................................................................................................................33
Loan Origination Change—Export to Common Origination and Disbursement System Loan
Origination Change Acknowledgement—Import from Common Origination and Disbursement
System .................................................................................................................................................33
Loan Origination Change Field Transmit Number Table Sorted Alphabetically by Field Name ......38
Loan Origination Change Field Transmit Number Table Sorted Numerically by Change Field
Transmit Number ................................................................................................................................50
MPN Acknowledgement—Import from Common Origination and Disbursement System......................62

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-1

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
MPN Acknowledgement............................................................................................................................62
Disbursement .............................................................................................................................................65
Disbursement—Export to Common Origination and Disbursement System Disbursement
Acknowledgement, Booking Notification, or Payment to Servicer—Import from the Common
Origination and Disbursement System................................................................................................65

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-2

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Direct Loan Record Layouts

Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 10 10 Header Record Must be “DL HEADER” Left
Identifier Uppercase and left-justified with one
Identifies record as a blank position after DL and one blank
header record position after HEADER
2 11 14 4 Data Record Length 0000–9999 Right
Indicates length of the
data record
3 15 22 8 Message Class See the Summary of Direct Loan Left
File name recognized Message Classes table in Section 2
by COD
4 23 45 23 Batch Identifier Batch Type: #A–Z Left
The batch ID Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
associated with the School Code: X00000–X99999
detail records Where X = G or E
Date Batch Created = CCYYMMDD
Time Batch Created = HHMMSS

5 46 53 8 Created Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date

The date when the CCYY = 2004–2005
record was created
6 54 59 6 Created Time 000000–235959 Right
The time when the Format is HHMMSS
record was created HH = 00–23
MM = 00–59
SS = 00–59
7 60 61 2 Batch Reject Code 01 = Duplicate Batch ID Number Left
(Acknowledgement) 02 = School Code indicates non-
Single 2-byte reject Direct Loan Participant
code indicating reason 03 = File contains non-ASCII
COD rejected the keyboard printable characters
entire batch 04 = Batch not processed, contact COD
for more information
05 = Invalid message class
06 = Not in Use
Can be blank
8 62 69 8 *Filler For ED use only Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-3

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
9 70 71 2 Rebuild Loan File 01 = Program Year Left
Request Type 02 = Date Range
Identifies the data 03 = Borrower
requested by schools 04 = 21-Character Loan ID
for data recovery Can be blank
This is used only on the Rebuild
Loan File (CODRBFOP Batch Type
10 72 80 9 Software Provider Software Provider ID = 3 Left
Identifier and Version alphanumeric characters
Number Software Provider Version = 6
Identifies software alphanumeric characters
vendor and version Can be blank
number of software Always blank for all files sent to
11 81 N N *Filler For ED use only Left
Length of filler = N
minus 80 where N=
Record length provided
in Field #2
Total N*

*Filler is added, if necessary, to make the header record the same length as the detail records which follow.

Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 10 10 Trailer Record Identifier Must be “DL TRAILER” Left
Code to identify record Uppercase and left justified with
as a trailer record one blank position after DL
2 11 14 4 Data Record Length 0000–9999 Right
Indicates length of the
data record
3 15 21 7 Number of Records Numeric > = 0 Right
The number of data
records included in the

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-4

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
4 22 26 5 Total number of Zero filled for all files sent to Right
accepted records schools except:
Total number of -The Full Loan Origination
accepted records in a Acknowledgement (DISF or
loan origination DIPF)
acknowledgement (DISF -Loan Origination Change
or DIPF file) Acknowledgement (DIOC)
OR -MPN Promissory Note
A loan origination Acknowledgement (DIPA)
change -Disbursement Acknowledgement
acknowledgement (DIOD—Batch Type #H Only)
(DIOC file) Numeric > = 0
OR Blank for all files sent to COD
(DIPA file)
A disbursement
(DIOD file—Batch Type
#H Only)
5 27 31 5 Total number of rejected Zero filled for all files sent to Right
records schools except:
Total number of rejected -Full Loan Origination
records in a loan Acknowledgement (DISF or
origination DIPF)
acknowledgement (DISF -Loan Origination Change
or DIPF file) Acknowledgement (DIOC)
OR -MPN Promissory Note
A loan origination Acknowledgement (DIPA)
change -Disbursement Acknowledgement
acknowledgement (DIOD-Batch Type #H Only)
(DIOC file) Numeric > = 0
OR Blank for all files sent to COD
(DIPA file)
A disbursement
(DIOD file—Batch Type
#H Only)

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-5

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
6 32 36 5 Total number of pending Zero filled for all files sent to Right
records schools except:
Total number of pending -MPN Note Acknowledgement
MPNs in a DIPA file (DIPA)
Numeric > = 0
Blank for all files sent to COD
7 37 80 44 *Filler For ED use only Left
Length of filler = N
minus 36 where N =
Record length provided
in Field #2
Total N*

*The minimum filler length is 44 bytes, making the minimum trailer record length 80 bytes. Filler is added, if necessary, to
make the trailer records the same length as the detail records that precede them.

Loan Origination

Full Loan (Subsidized/Unsubsidized/PLUS) Origination—Export

to Common Origination and Disbursement System
Batch Type #D
Batch Type PF
In this record layout, all the fields are required unless the valid field content includes the phrase “can be
blank” or “default is blank.” The required fields are for Subsidized/Unsubsidized and PLUS records,
unless otherwise indicated in the valid field content column.

*Special Schools include “Experimental Site Schools” and schools that meet the low default rate
criteria. Only Special Schools are allowed to make one disbursement.

**A minimum of two disbursements are required for all other schools.

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-6

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
1 1 21 21 Loan Identifier Student’s Social Security Number: Left
Unique Identifier created 001010001–999999998
at the time of origination Loan Type: S = Subsidized
U = Unsubsidized
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–999
Loan Sequence Number must begin
with 001 not 101

NOTE: Valid values must be

2 22 30 9 Borrower’s Social 001010001–999999998 Right
Security Number
The borrower’s current
Social Security Number
3 31 42 12 Borrower’s First Name 0–9 Left
The borrower’s first name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A-Z in the
first position
4 43 58 16 Borrower’s Last Name 0–9 Left
The borrower’s last name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A–Z in the
first position
5 59 59 1 Borrower’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z Left
Can be blank
6 60 94 35 Borrower’s Permanent 0–9 Left
Address Uppercase A–Z
The first line of the , (Comma)
borrower’s permanent . (Period)
address ’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-7

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
7 95 110 16 Borrower’s Permanent 0–9 Left
Address City Uppercase A–Z
The city where the , (Comma)
borrower permanently . (Period)
resides ’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
8 111 112 2 Borrower’s Permanent Uppercase A–Z Left
Address State A valid two-letter postal code
The state where the See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
borrower permanently Codes table in Section 1
9 113 121 9 Borrower’s Permanent 0–9 Left
Zip Code Space(s)
The borrower’s address Last 4 digits may be blank
Zip Code
10 122 131 10 Borrower’s Telephone 0–9 Right
Number Can be blank
The borrower’s home
telephone number
11 132 153 22 Filler For ED use only Left
12 154 161 8 Borrower’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The borrower’s date of 19050101–19961231
13 162 162 1 Borrower’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen Right
The borrower’s 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
citizenship status 3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid
only on Subsidized/Unsubsidized
Full Loan Origination or Loan
Origination Change Records)
Required for PLUS only
Can be blank for
14 163 171 9 Borrower’s Alien 000000001–999999999 Right
Registration Number Can be blank
The borrower’s alien
registration number, if
eligible non-citizen

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-8

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
15 172 172 1 Borrower’s Loan N = No Left
Default/Grant Z = Overridden by School
The borrower is in default
on a Title IV loan or owes
a refund on a Title IV
16 173 173 1 Student’s College Grade 0 = 1st year undergraduate/never Right
Level attended college
Indicates the student’s 1 = 1st year undergraduate/attended
current college grade college before
level in the program or 2 = 2nd year
college undergraduate/sophomore
3 = 3rd year undergraduate/junior
4 = 4th year undergraduate/senior
5 = 5th year/other undergraduate
6 = 1st year graduate/professional
7 = Continuing
graduate/professional or beyond
17 174 178 5 Loan Amount Approved Numeric > 0 Right
The total maximum
amount for which the
borrower is eligible
18 179 186 8 Loan Period Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date when classes 20030702–20050630
begin for the specific Cannot be prior to the student’s
period covered by the academic year start date
19 187 194 8 Loan Period End Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date when classes 20040701–20060629
end for the specific period Cannot be after the student’s
covered by the loan academic year end date
20 195 202 8 1st Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Cannot be all spaces or zeros
disbursement date for the
1st disbursement
21 203 207 5 1st Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Cannot be all spaces or zeros
The anticipated gross
amount for the 1st

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-9

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
22 208 212 5 1st Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Cannot be all spaces or zeros
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 1st
23 213 217 5 1st Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Cannot be all spaces or zeros
Rebate Amount
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 1st
24 218 222 5 1st Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Cannot be all spaces or zeros
The anticipated net
amount for the 1st
25 223 230 8 2nd Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated *Special Schools Only
disbursement date for the
2nd disbursement
26 231 235 5 2nd Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Gross *Special Schools Only
Amount **Cannot be all spaces or all zeros
The anticipated gross
amount for the 2nd
27 236 240 5 2nd Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee *Special Schools Only
Amount **Cannot be all spaces or all zeros
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 2nd
28 241 245 5 2nd Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Interest *Special Schools Only
Rebate Amount **Cannot be all spaces or all zeros
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 2nd
29 246 250 5 2nd Disbursement Numeric > 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount *Special Schools Only
The anticipated net **Cannot be all spaces or all zeros
amount for the 2nd

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-10

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
30 251 258 8 3rd Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the
3rd disbursement
31 259 263 5 3rd Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
The anticipated gross
amount for the 3rd
32 264 268 5 3rd Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 3rd
33 269 273 5 3rd Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 3rd
34 274 278 5 3rd Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net
amount for the 3rd
35 279 286 8 4th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the
4th disbursement
36 287 291 5 4th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
The anticipated gross
amount for the 4th
37 292 296 5 4th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 4th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-11

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
38 297 301 5 4th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 4th
39 302 306 5 4th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net
amount for the 4th
40 307 314 8 5th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
5th disbursement
41 315 319 5 5th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 5th
42 320 324 5 5th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 5th
43 325 329 5 5th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 5th
44 330 334 5 5th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 5th
45 335 342 8 6th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
6th disbursement

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-12

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
46 343 347 5 6th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 6th
47 348 352 5 6th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 6th
48 353 357 5 6th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 6th
49 358 362 5 6th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 6th
50 363 370 8 7th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
7th disbursement
51 371 375 5 7th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 7th
52 376 380 5 7th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 7th
53 381 385 5 7th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 7th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-13

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
54 386 390 5 7th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 7th
55 391 398 8 8th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
8th disbursement
56 399 403 5 8th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 8th
57 404 408 5 8th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 8th
58 409 413 5 8th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 8th
59 414 418 5 8th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 8th
60 419 426 8 9th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
9th disbursement
61 427 431 5 9th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 9th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-14

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
62 432 436 5 9th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 9th
63 437 441 5 9th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 9th
64 442 446 5 9th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 9th
65 447 454 8 10th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
10th disbursement
66 455 459 5 10th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 10th
67 460 464 5 10th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 10th
68 465 469 5 10th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 10th
69 470 474 5 10th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 10th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-15

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
70 475 482 8 11th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
11th disbursement
71 483 487 5 11th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 11th
72 488 492 5 11th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 11th
73 493 497 5 11th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the 11th
74 498 502 5 11th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 11th
75 503 510 8 12th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
12th disbursement
76 511 515 5 12th Disbursement Numeric >= 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 12th
77 516 520 5 12th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 12th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-16

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
78 521 525 5 12th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
12th disbursement
79 526 530 5 12th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 12th
80 531 538 8 13th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
13th disbursement
81 539 543 5 13th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 13th
82 544 548 5 13th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 13th
83 549 553 5 13th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
13th disbursement
84 554 558 5 13th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 13th
85 559 566 8 14th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
14th disbursement

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-17

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
86 567 571 5 14th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 14th
87 572 576 5 14th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 14th
88 577 581 5 14th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
14th disbursement
89 582 586 5 14th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 14th
90 587 594 8 15th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
15th disbursement
91 595 599 5 15th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 15th
92 600 604 5 15th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 15th
93 605 609 5 15th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
15th disbursement

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-18

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
94 610 614 5 15th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 15th
95 615 622 8 16th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
16th disbursement
96 623 627 5 16th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 16th
97 628 632 5 16th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 16th
98 633 637 5 16th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
16th disbursement
99 638 642 5 16th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 16th
100 643 650 8 17th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
17th disbursement
101 651 655 5 17th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 17th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-19

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
102 656 660 5 17th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 17th
103 661 665 5 17th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
17th disbursement
104 666 670 5 17th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 17th
105 671 678 8 18th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
18th disbursement
106 679 683 5 18th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 18th
107 684 688 5 18th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 18th
108 689 693 5 18th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
18th disbursement
109 694 698 5 18th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
The anticipated net Blank for PLUS
amount for the 18th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-20

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
110 699 706 8 19th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
The anticipated Can be blank
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
19th disbursement
111 707 711 5 19th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 19th
112 712 716 5 19th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 19th
113 717 721 5 19th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
19th disbursement
114 722 726 5 19th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
Blank for PLUS
The anticipated net
amount for the 19th
115 727 734 8 20th Disbursement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Anticipated Date 20030622–20061027
Can be blank
The anticipated
disbursement date for the Blank for PLUS
20th disbursement
116 735 739 5 20th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Gross Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated gross
amount for the 20th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-21

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
117 740 744 5 20th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Loan Fee Can be blank
Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated loan fee
amount for the 20th
118 745 749 5 20th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Interest Can be blank
Rebate Amount Blank for PLUS
The anticipated interest
rebate amount for the
20th disbursement
119 750 754 5 20th Disbursement Numeric > = 0 Right
Anticipated Net Amount Can be blank
Blank for PLUS
The anticipated net
amount for the 20th
120 755 777 23 Loan Origination Batch Batch Type = #D or PF Left
Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
The original batch
School Code = X00000–X99999
identification number that
where X = G or E
contains the loan
origination record sent to Date Batch Created =
Time Batch Created = HHMMSS
121 778 778 1 Promissory Note Print S = COD Prints (Send to Borrower) Left
Indicator R = COD Prints (Return to School)
The Promissory Note F = On-site (Custom System)
print option used for this
122 779 779 1 Additional Unsubsidized Y = Yes Left
Eligibility for Dependent Default is blank
Unsubsidized only
This dependent student is
eligible for an additional
unsubsidized loan amount

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-22

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
123 780 784 5 Origination Fee Numeric > 0 Left
Percentage 03000 for 3 percent
The origination fee
04000 for 4 percent
percentage used for this
record There is an implied decimal
between the 2nd and 3rd positions
from the left
124 785 793 9 Student’s Social Security 001010001–999999998 Right
Number (PLUS)
Required for PLUS only
The student’s current
Social Security Number
125 794 805 12 Student’s First Name 0–9 Left
(PLUS) Uppercase A–Z
The student’s first name . (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A–Z in the
first position
Required for PLUS only
126 806 821 16 Student’s Last Name 0–9 Left
Uppercase A–Z
The student’s last name
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A–Z in the
first position
Required for PLUS only
127 822 822 1 Student’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z Left
(PLUS) Can be blank
The student’s middle
For PLUS only

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-23

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
128 823 823 1 Student’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen Left
(PLUS) 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
The student’s citizenship
3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid
only on Subsidized/Unsubsidized
Full Loan Origination or Loan
Origination Change Records)
Required for PLUS only
Can be blank for
129 824 832 9 Student’s Alien 000000001–999999999 Right
Registration Number Can be blank
For PLUS only
The student’s alien
registration number if an
eligible non-citizen
130 833 840 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The student’s date of Required for PLUS only
131 841 841 1 Student’s Loan N = No Left
Z = Overridden by School
Overpayment (PLUS)
Required for PLUS only
The student is in default
on a Title IV loan or owes
a refund on a Title IV
132 842 847 6 School Code X00000–X99999 where X = G or E Left
Direct Loan School Code
133 848 852 5 Filler For ED use only Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-24

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
134 853 887 35 Student’s Local Address 0–9 Left
The first line of the Uppercase A–Z
student’s local address
, (Comma)
Student’s local address is . (Period)
not required; however, if
a local address does not ’ (Apostrophe)
pass COD edits it will be - (Dash)
stored as blank
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Can be blank
135 888 903 16 Student’s Local Address 0–9 Left
City Uppercase A–Z
The student’s local , (Comma)
address city . (Period)
Student’s local address is ’ (Apostrophe)
not required; however, if - (Dash)
a local address does not
pass COD edits it will be # (Number)
stored as blank @ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Can be blank
136 904 905 2 Student’s Local Address Uppercase A–Z Left
A valid two-letter postal code
The student’s local
address state See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
Codes table in Section 1
Student’s local address is
not required; however, if Can be blank
a local address does not
pass COD edits it will be
stored as blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-25

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
137 906 914 9 Student’s Local Zip Code 0–9 Left
The student’s local Space(s)
address Zip Code
Last 4 digits may be blank
Student’s local address is
not required; however, if Can be blank
a local address does not
pass COD edits it will be
stored as blank
138 915 946 32 Filler For ED use only Left
139 947 947 1 Dependency Status I = Independent Left
The dependency status of D = Dependent
the student Required for all loan types
140 948 988 41 Filler For ED use only Left
141 989 996 8 Loan Origination Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date the loan record 19000101–20991231
was originated by the
142 997 1004 8 Academic Year Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date the student’s 20030702–20050630
academic year starts at
the school
143 1005 1012 8 Academic Year End Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date the student’s
academic year ends at the
144 1013 1013 1 Additional Unsubsidized Y = Yes Left
Eligibility up to Health Default is blank
Profession Programs Unsubsidized only

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-26

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Start End Field Field Name and
Field # Position Position Length Description Valid Field Content Justify
145 1014 1014 1 Disclosure Statement Y = COD prints Left
Print Indicator Blank = School prints
Default is “Y”
Indicates whether the
school or COD will print
the Disclosure Statement
The party (school or
COD) who is responsible
for printing and mailing
the Disclosure Statement
is also responsible for
printing and mailing the
Plain Language
Disclosure Statement
146 1015 1064 50 Student’s E-mail Address 0–9 Left
The student’s e-mail Uppercase A–Z
Lowercase a–z
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
_ (Underscore)
# (Number)
% (Percent or in care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
, (Comma)
@ (At)
. (Period or Dot)
Can be blank
If field not blank, an @ and a “.”
(period) to the right of the @ are
Total 1064

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-27

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Full Loan (Subsidized/Unsubsidized/PLUS) Origination
Acknowledgement—Import from Common Origination and
Disbursement System
Batch Type #D
Batch Type PF
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
1 1 8 8 Acknowledgement Format is CCYYMMDD Date
The date COD
acknowledges loan
origination records
received from Direct
Loan school
2 9 31 23 Loan Origination Batch Type = #D or PF Left
Batch Identifier Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
The batch number
School Code = X00000–X99999
which contained the
where X = G or E
loan origination record
sent to COD Date Batch Created =
Time Batch Created = HHMMSS
3 32 52 21 Loan Identifier Student’s Social Security Left
Number: 001010001–999999998
Unique Identifier
created at the time of Loan Type: S = Subsidized
origination U = Unsubsidized
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000 - X99999
where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–
NOTE: Valid values must be

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-28

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
4 53 53 1 Full Loan Origination A = Accepted Origination Left
Status Flag (Subsidized/Unsubsidized only)
The status of the Full B = Rejected Origination
Loan Origination C = Accepted Origination/Credit
Record Check Accepted (PLUS only)
D = Accepted Origination/Credit
Check Denied (PLUS only)
X = Accepted Origination/Credit
Check Pending (PLUS only)
5 54 63 10 Full Loan Origination 0–9 Left
Reject Reasons
Uppercase A–Z
Reject reasons for the
See the Loan Origination Reject
Full Loan Origination Codes table in Section 2
6 64 64 1 Master Promissory A = Accepted Master Promissory Left
Note Status Note at COD
The status of the MPN P = Master Promissory Note
on file at COD NOT on file at COD
I = Inactive
C = Closed
Q = Rejected
X = Pending Master Promissory
Note at COD (A valid MPN is on
file at COD but this loan record is
rejected and was not linked to the
For subsidized/unsubsidized and
PLUS loans
7 65 65 1 Master Promissory “E” indicates electronic MPN Left
Note Type Blank indicates paper MPN
For subsidized/unsubsidized and
PLUS loans
8 66 89 24 Filler Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-29

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
9 90 90 1 Master Promissory Y = LOR has been linked to a Left
Note Indicator MPN at COD
The Master N = LOR is not linked to a MPN
Promissory Note on file at COD
indicator is used to
indicate whether or
not the LOR has been For subsidized/unsubsidized and
linked to a MPN at PLUS loans
10 91 95 5 Filler For ED use only Right
Total Bytes 95

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-30

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
PLUS Credit Decision Override Acknowledgement—Import from
Common Origination and Disbursement System
Batch Type #C
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
1 1 8 8 Credit Decision Date Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Date Credit Override 19000101–20991231
is processed
2 9 29 21 Loan Identifier Student’s Social Security Left
Number: 001010001–999999998
Loan Identification
Number Loan Type: P = PLUS only
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–
NOTE: Valid values must be
3 30 30 1 Credit Override C = Credit overridden; new credit Left
Status of the credit information provided
override E = Credit overridden; endorser
D = Credit denied; endorser not
N = Denied; after pending
4 31 35 5 Endorser Amount Numeric >= 0 for PLUS Loans Left
Loan Amount signed Can be blank
for by the Endorser on
the Endorser
5 36 36 1 MPN Status A- Accepted MPN on file on
COD system
The status of the MPN R- MPN not on file at COD
on file at COD system
X- MPN on file at COD system is

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-31

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
6 37 57 21 Master Promissory Student’s Social Security Left
Note Identification Number: 001010001–999999998
The Master MPN Indicator: N for PLUS for
Promissory Note 04 and forward.
(MPN) Identifier Program Year: 05
printed on the Master
Promissory Note. School Code: X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
This MPN ID is used Loan Sequence Number: 001–
by COD to link PLUS 999
loans to this Master
Promissory Note Can be Blank
7 58 58 1 Master Promissory “E” indicates electronic MPN Left
Note Type Blank indicates paper MPN
For PLUS loans
8 59 59 1 MPN Indicator Y = LOR has been linked to a Left
N = LOR is not linked to a MPN
on file at COD.
For PLUS loans
9 60 80 21 Filler For ED use only Left
Total 80

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-32

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Loan Origination Change

Loan Origination Change—Export to Common Origination and

Disbursement System
Loan Origination Change Acknowledgement—Import from
Common Origination and Disbursement System
Batch Type #E
Field # Start End Field Field Name Export Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length and and/or
Description Ack
1 1 21 21 Loan Identifier Export & Student’s Social Security Left
Unique Ack Number: 001010001–999999998
Identifier Loan Type: S = Subsidized
created at the U = Unsubsidized
time of P = PLUS
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–
NOTE: Valid values must be
2 22 23 2 Loan Identifier Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Error Code Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Reject reason
for the entire Can be blank
Change Record
3 24 27 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 01 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
Field Number
representing the Can be blank
first field to be

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-33

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name Export Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length and and/or
Description Ack
4 28 77 50 Value 01 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
The value the
Section 3
field should be
changed to
5 78 79 2 Error 01 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
6 80 83 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 02 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Field number Section 3
representing the Can be blank
second field to
be changed
7 84 133 50 Value 02 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
field should be
changed to Can be blank
8 134 135 2 Error 02 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
9 136 139 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 03 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
Field number
representing the Can be blank
third field to be
10 140 189 50 Value 03 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank
11 190 191 2 Error 03 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-34

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name Export Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length and and/or
Description Ack
12 192 195 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 04 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
Field number
representing the Can be blank
fourth field to
be changed
13 196 245 50 Value 04 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank
14 246 247 2 Error 04 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
15 248 251 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 05 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
Field number
representing the Can be blank
fifth field to be
16 252 301 50 Value 05 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
The value the
Section 3
field should be
changed to Can be blank
17 302 303 2 Error 05 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
18 304 307 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 06 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Field number Section 3
representing the Can be blank
sixth field to be
19 308 357 50 Value 06 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-35

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name Export Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length and and/or
Description Ack
20 358 359 2 Error 06 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
21 360 363 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 07 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Field number Section 3
representing the Can be blank
seventh field to
be changed
22 364 413 50 Value 07 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank
23 414 415 2 Error 07 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
24 416 419 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 08 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Field number Section 3
representing the Can be blank
eighth field to
be changed
25 420 469 50 Value 08 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
The value the
Section 3
field should be
changed to Can be blank
26 470 471 2 Error 08 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
27 472 475 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 09 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Field number Section 3
representing the
ninth field to be Can be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-36

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name Export Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length and and/or
Description Ack
28 476 525 50 Value 09 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
The value the Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank
29 526 527 2 Error 09 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
30 528 531 4 Change Field Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Number 10 Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
Section 3
Field number
representing the Can be blank
tenth field to be
31 532 581 50 Value 10 Export & See the Loan Origination Change Left
Ack Field Transmit Number Table in
The value the
field should be Section 3
changed to Can be blank
32 582 583 2 Error 10 Ack If non-blank, see the Loan Left
Origination Change Reject Codes
table in Section 4
Can be blank
33 584 589 6 Filler For ED use only Left
34 590 612 23 Change Batch Export & Batch Type = #E Left
Identifier Ack
Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
School Code = X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Date Batch Created =
Time Batch Created = HHMMSS
35 613 614 2 Filler For ED use only Left
Total 614

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-37

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Loan Origination Change Field Transmit Number Table Sorted
Alphabetically by Field Name
This table provides the Change Field Transmit Number values to use in Change Field Numbers 01–10
on the Loan Origination Change Record. It is sorted by Field Name, and it is the same table that appears
at the end of this section (sorted by Change Field Transmit Number).
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S038 8 1st Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 1st 20030622–20061027
S039 5 1st Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 1st
S048 8 2nd Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 2nd 20030622–20061027
S049 5 2nd Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 2nd
S058 8 3rd Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 3rd 20030622–20061027
S059 5 3rd Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 3rd
S068 8 4th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 4th 20030622–20061027
S069 5 4th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 4th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-38

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S130 8 5th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 5th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S131 5 5th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 5th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S134 8 6th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 6th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S135 5 6th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 6th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S138 8 7th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 7th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S139 5 7th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 7th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S142 8 8th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 8th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S143 5 8th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 8th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S146 8 9th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 9th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-39

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S147 5 9th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 9th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S150 8 10th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 10th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S151 5 10th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 10th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S154 8 11th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 11th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S155 5 11th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 11th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S158 8 12th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 12th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S159 5 12th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 12th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S162 8 13th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 13th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S163 5 13th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 13th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-40

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S166 8 14th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 14th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S167 5 14th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 14th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S170 8 15th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 15th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S171 5 15th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 15th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S174 8 16th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 16th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S175 5 16th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 16th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S178 8 17th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 17th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S179 5 17th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 17th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S182 8 18th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 18th 20030622–20061027
disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-41

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S183 5 18th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 18th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S186 8 19th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 19th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S187 5 19th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 19th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S190 8 20th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20th 20030622–20061027
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S191 5 20th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Amount Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 20th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S122 8 Academic Year End Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date the student’s academic year ends at 20040701–20060629
the school Must be valid date
S121 8 Academic Year Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date the student’s academic year starts at 20030702–20050630
the school
Must be valid date
S123 1 Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Y = Yes
Dependent Student Default is blank
This dependent student is eligible for an
Unsubsidized only
additional unsubsidized loan amount
S110 1 Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Health Y = Yes
Profession Programs
Default is blank
This was formerly a HEAL Loan
Unsubsidized only
S019 9 Borrower’s Alien Registration Number 000000001–999999999
The borrower’s alien registration number, if
eligible non-citizen

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-42

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S018 1 Borrower’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen
The borrower’s citizenship status 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid
only on Subsidized/Unsubsidized
Full Loan Origination or Loan
Origination Change Records)
S016 8 Borrower’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD
The borrower’s date of birth 19050101–19961231
S006 12 Borrower’s First Name 0–9
The borrower’s first name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
S007 16 Borrower’s Last Name 0–9
The borrower’s last name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
S022 1 Borrower’s Loan Default/Grant Overpayment N = No
The borrower is in default on a Title IV Loan Z = Overridden by School
or owes a refund on a Title IV Grant
S008 1 Borrower’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z
The borrower’s middle initial Can be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-43

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S009 35 Borrower’s Permanent Address 0–9
The first line of the borrower’s permanent Uppercase A–Z
address , (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S010 16 Borrower’s Permanent Address City 0–9
The city where the borrower permanently Uppercase A–Z
resides , (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S011 2 Borrower’s Permanent Address State Uppercase A–Z
The state where the borrower permanently A valid two-letter postal code
resides See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
Codes table in Section 1
S012 9 Borrower’s Permanent Zip Code 0–9
The borrower’s address Zip Code Space(s)
Last 4 digits may be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-44

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S005 9 Borrower’s Social Security Number 001010001–999999998
The borrower’s current Social Security
S013 10 Borrower’s Telephone Number 0000000000-9999999999
The borrower’s home telephone number If no phone number, use all zeros
S017 1 Dependency Status I = Independent
The dependency status of the student D = Dependent
S115 1 Disclosure Statement Print Indicator Y = COD prints
Z = COD reprints
Blank = School Prints
S193 5 Interest Rebate Percentage Numeric > = 0
01500 = 1.5 percent
There is an implied decimal between
the 2nd and 3rd positions from the
S029 5 Loan Amount Approved Numeric > = 0
The total maximum amount for which the
borrower is eligible
S033 8 Loan Period End Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date when classes end for the specific 20040701–20060629
period covered by the loan
S032 8 Loan Period Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date when classes begin for the specific 20030702–20050630
period covered by the loan
S116 5 Origination Fee Percentage Numeric > = 0
03000 = 3 percent
04000 = 4 percent
There is an implied decimal between
the 2nd and 3rd positions from the

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-45

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S083 1 Promissory Note Print Indicator S = COD Prints (Send to Borrower)
The Promissory Note print option used for R = COD Prints (Return to School)
this record F = On-site (Custom System)
V = COD Reprints and sends to
Z = COD Reprints and sends to
P008 9 Student’s Alien Registration Number 000000001–999999999
The student’s alien registration number, if PLUS only field
eligible non-citizen
P007 1 Student’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen
The student’s citizenship status 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid
only on Subsidized/Unsubsidized
Loan Origination Change Records)
PLUS only field
S026 1 Student’s College Grade Level 0 = 1st year undergraduate/ never
attended college
Indicates the student’s current college grade
level in the program or college 1 = 1st year undergraduate/attended
college before
2 = 2nd year
3 = 3rd year undergraduate/junior
4 = 4th year undergraduate/senior
5 = 5th year/other undergraduate
6 = 1st year graduate/professional
7 = Continuing graduate/professional
or beyond
P006 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD
The student’s date of birth 19050101–19961231
PLUS only field

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-46

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S126 50 Student’s E-mail Address 0–9
The student’s e-mail address Uppercase A–Z
Lowercase a–z
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
_ (Underscore)
# (Number)
% (Percentage)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
, (Comma)
@ (At)
. (Period or Dot)

Can be blank

If field not blank, an @ and a “.”

(period) to the right of the @ are
P003 12 Student’s First Name 0–9
Uppercase A–Z
The student’s first name
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A–Z in the first
PLUS only field
P004 16 Student’s Last Name 0–9
The student’s last name Uppercase A–Z
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
Left justified with an A–Z in the first
PLUS only field

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-47

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
P009 1 Student’s Loan Default/Grant Overpayment N = No
The student is in default on a Title IV loan or Z = Overridden by School
owes a refund on a Title IV grant PLUS only field
S100 35 Student’s Local Address 0–9
The first line of the student’s local address Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S101 16 Student’s Local Address City 0–9
The student’s local address city Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
‘ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S102 2 Student’s Local Address State Uppercase A–Z
The student’s local address state A valid two-letter postal code
See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
Codes table in Section 1

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-48

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
Transmit Length
S103 9 Student’s Local Zip Code 0–9
The student’s local address Zip Code Space(s)
Last 4 digits may be blank
P005 1 Student’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z
The student’s middle initial PLUS only field
P002 9 Student’s Social Security Number 001010001–999999998
The student’s Social Security Number PLUS only field

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-49

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Loan Origination Change Field Transmit Number Table Sorted
Numerically by Change Field Transmit Number
This table provides the Change Field Transmit Number values to use in Change Field Numbers 01–10
on the Loan Origination Change Record. It is sorted by the Change Field Transmit Number, and it is the
same table that appears at the beginning of this section (sorted alphabetically by Field Name).

Change Field Field

Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
P002 9 Student’s Social Security Number 001010001–999999998
The student’s Social Security Number PLUS only field
P003 12 Student’s First Name 0–9
The student’s first name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
. (Period)
Left justified with an A–Z in the first
PLUS only field
P004 16 Student’s Last Name 0–9
The student’s last name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
. (Period)
Left justified with an A–Z in the first
PLUS only field
P005 1 Student’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z
The student’s middle initial PLUS only field
P006 8 Student’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD
The student’s date of birth 19050101–19961231
PLUS only field

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-50

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
P007 1 Student’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen
The student’s citizenship status 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid only
on Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loan
Origination Change Records)
PLUS only field
P008 9 Student’s Alien Registration Number 000000001–999999999
The student’s alien registration number, if PLUS only field
eligible non-citizen
P009 1 Student’s Loan Default/Grant N = No
Z = Overridden by School
The student is in default on a Title IV loan
PLUS only field
or owes a refund on a Title IV grant
S005 9 Borrower’s Social Security Number 001010001–999999998
The borrower’s current Social Security
S006 12 Borrower’s First Name 0–9
The borrower’s first name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
S007 16 Borrower’s Last Name 0–9
The borrower’s last name Uppercase A–Z
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
S008 1 Borrower’s Middle Initial Uppercase A–Z
The borrower’s middle initial Can be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-51

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S009 35 Borrower’s Permanent Address 0–9
The first line of the borrower’s permanent Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S010 16 Borrower’s Permanent Address City 0–9
The city where the borrower permanently Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S011 2 Borrower’s Permanent Address State Uppercase A–Z
The state where the borrower permanently A valid two-letter postal code
See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
Codes table in Section 1
S012 9 Borrower’s Permanent Zip Code 0–9
The borrower’s address Zip Code Space(s)
Last 4 digits may be blank

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-52

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S013 10 Borrower’s Telephone Number 0–9
The borrower’s home telephone number If no phone number, use all zeroes
S016 8 Borrower’s Date of Birth Format is CCYYMMDD
The borrower’s date of birth 19050101–19961231
S017 1 Dependency Status I = Independent
The dependency status of the student D = Dependent
S018 1 Borrower’s Citizenship 1 = U.S. Citizen
The borrower’s citizenship status 2 = Eligible Non-Citizen
3 = Ineligible Non-Citizen (Valid only
on Subsidized/Unsubsidized Full
Loan Origination or Loan Origination
Change Records)
S019 9 Borrower’s Alien Registration Number 000000001–999999999
The borrower’s alien registration number,
if eligible non-citizen
S022 1 Borrower’s Loan Default/Grant N = No
Z = Overridden by School
The borrower is in default on a Title IV
Loan or owes a refund on a Title IV Grant
S026 1 Student’s College Grade Level 0 = 1st year undergraduate/never
attended college
Indicates the student’s current college
grade level in the program or college 1 = 1st year undergraduate/attended
college before
2 = 2nd year
3 = 3rd year undergraduate/junior
4 = 4th year undergraduate/senior
5 = 5th year/other undergraduate
6 = 1st year graduate/professional
7 = Continuing graduate/professional
or beyond
S029 5 Loan Amount Approved Numeric > = 0
The total maximum amount for which the
borrower is eligible

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-53

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S032 8 Loan Period Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date when classes begin for the 20030702–20050630
specific period covered by the loan
S033 8 Loan Period End Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date when classes end for the specific 20040701–20060629
period covered by the loan
S038 8 1st Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
1st disbursement
S039 5 1st disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 1st
S048 8 2nd Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
2nd disbursement
S049 5 2nd Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 2nd
S058 8 3rd Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
3rd disbursement
S059 5 3rd Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 3rd
S068 8 4th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
4th disbursement
S069 5 4th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 4th

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-54

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S083 1 Promissory Note Print Indicator S = COD Prints (Send to Borrower)
The Promissory Note print option used for R = COD Prints (Return to School)
this record F = On-site (Custom System)
V = COD Reprints and sends to
Z = COD Reprints and sends to
S100 35 Student’s Local Address 0–9
The first line of the student’s local address Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
S101 16 Student’s Local Address City 0–9
The student’s local address city Uppercase A–Z
, (Comma)
. (Period)
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-55

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S102 2 Student’s Local Address State Uppercase A–Z
The student’s local address State A valid two-letter postal code
See the State/Country/Jurisdiction
Codes table in Section 1
S103 9 Student’s Local Zip Code 0–9
The student’s local address Zip Code Space(s)
Last 4 digits may be blank
S110 1 Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Y = Yes
Health Profession Programs
Default is blank
This was formally a HEAL Loan
Unsubsidized only
S115 1 Disclosure Statement Print Indicator Y = COD prints
Z = COD reprints
Blank = School Prints
S116 5 Origination Fee Percentage Numeric > = 0
03000 = 3 percent
04000 = 4 percent
There is an implied decimal between
the 2nd and 3rd positions from the left
S121 8 Academic Year Start Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date the student’s academic year starts 20030702–20050630
at the school
Must be valid date
S122 8 Academic Year End Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The date the student’s academic year ends 20040701–20060629
at the school
Must be valid date
S123 1 Additional Unsubsidized Eligibility for Y = Yes
Dependent Student
Default is blank
This dependent student is eligible for an
Unsubsidized only
additional unsubsidized loan amount

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-56

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S126 50 Student’s E-mail Address 0–9
The student’s e-mail address Uppercase A–Z
Lowercase a–z
’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
_ (Underscore)
# (Number)
% (Percentage)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
, (Comma)
@ (At)
. (Period or Dot)

Can be blank

If field not blank, an @ and a “.”

(period) to the right of the @ are
S130 8 5th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
5th disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S131 5 5th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 5th Blank for PLUS
S134 8 6th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
6th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-57

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S135 5 6th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 6th Blank for PLUS
S138 8 7th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
7th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S139 5 7th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 7th
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S142 8 8th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
8th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S143 5 8th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 8th
Blank for PLUS
S146 8 9th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the
9th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S147 5 9th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 9th
disbursement Blank for PLUS
S150 8 10th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the
10th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S151 5 10th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
The anticipated gross amount of the 10th Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
disbursement Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-58

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S154 8 11th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
11th disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S155 5 11th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 11th
disbursement Blank for PLUS

S158 8 12th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD

The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
12th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S159 5 12th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 12th
Blank for PLUS
S162 8 13th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
13th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S163 5 13th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Amount Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 13th
Blank for PLUS
S166 8 14th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
14th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S167 5 14th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 14th
Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-59

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S170 8 15th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
15th disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S171 5 15th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 15th Blank for PLUS
S174 8 16th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
16th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S175 5 16th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 16th
Blank for PLUS
S178 8 17th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
17th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S179 5 17th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 17th
Blank for PLUS
S182 8 18th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
18th disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S183 5 18th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 18th
Blank for PLUS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-60

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Change Field Field
Transmit Number Length Field Name and Description Valid Field Content
S186 8 19th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
19th disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S187 5 19th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 19th Blank for PLUS
S190 8 20th Disbursement Anticipated Date Format is CCYYMMDD
The anticipated disbursement date of the 20030622–20061027
20th disbursement
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
Blank for PLUS
S191 5 20th Disbursement Anticipated Gross Numeric > = 0
Subsidized/Unsubsidized only
The anticipated gross amount of the 20th
Blank for PLUS
S193 5 Interest Rebate Percentage Numeric > = 0
01500 = 1.5 percent
There is an implied decimal between
the 2nd and 3rd positions from the

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-61

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
MPN Acknowledgement—Import from Common
Origination and Disbursement System

MPN Acknowledgement
Batch Type #A
Batch Type #D or PF for Standard Origination

Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
1 1 8 8 Promissory Note Format is CCYYMMDD Date
Acknowledgement Date 19000101–20991231
The date on which COD
acknowledged the
receipt of the paper or
electronic MPN
2 9 31 23 Promissory Note Batch Batch Type = #A for Option 1 Left
Identifier and Option 2
The Batch ID for the = #D or PF for
MPN Batch Standard
Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
School Code = X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Date Batch Created =
Time Batch Created = HHMMSS

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-62

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
3 32 52 21 Loan Identifier Student’s Social Security Left
Number: 001010001–999999998
Unique Identifier created
Loan Type: S = Subsidized
at the time of origination
U = Unsubsidized
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000–X99999
where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–
Blank for
loans if MPN Status = X

NOTE: Valid values must be

4 53 53 1 MPN Status A = Accepted Left
Status of the paper or R = Rejected MPN or valid MPN
electronic MPN at COD not on file at COD
X = Pending
5 54 63 10 Promissory Note Reject 0-9 Left
Codes Uppercase A–Z
Reason(s) MPN was
See the Promissory Note Reject
Codes table in Section 4
Indicates up to five 2-
Can be blank
byte reasons why MPN
was rejected or is
pending at COD
6 64 72 9 PLUS Borrower’s 001010001–999999998 Left
Social Security Number
Can be blank
The PLUS borrower’s PLUS only field.
current Social Security
Number Blank for
subsidized/unsubsidized MPNs.
7 73 163 91 Filler ED Use only Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-63

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description
8 164 184 21 Master Promissory Note Student’s Social Security Left
Identification Number: 001010001–999999998
The Master Promissory MPN Indicator: M for 01 and
Note (MPN) Identifier forward
printed on the Master Subsidized and
Promissory Note. This Unsubsidized
MPN ID is used by
: S or U for 00
COD to link Subsidized/
Subsidized and
Unsubsidized and PLUS
loans to this Master
Promissory Note : N for PLUS for
04 and forward.
Program Year: 05

School Code: X00000–X99999

where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number: 001–

9 185 189 5 Filler For ED use only Right

10 190 190 1 Master Promissory Note “E” indicates electronic MPN Left
Type Blank indicates paper MPN
Total 190

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-64

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference

Disbursement—Export to Common Origination and

Disbursement System
Disbursement Acknowledgement, Booking Notification, or
Payment to Servicer—Import from the Common Origination and
Disbursement System
Batch Type #H—Disbursement
#B—Booking Notification
SP—Payment to Servicer
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
1 1 21 21 Loan Identifier Export & Student’s Social Security Left
Ack Number: 001010001–
Unique Identifier
created at the time
of origination Loan Type: S = Subsidized
Program Year: 05
School Code: X00000–
X99999 where X = G or E
Loan Sequence Number:
NOTE: Valid values must be
2 22 23 2 Disbursement Export & 01–04 for PLUS Right
Number Ack
01–20 for
The disbursement Subsidized/Unsubsidized
number for the
Disbursement Activity L =

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-65

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
3 24 24 1 Disbursement Export & D = Actual Disbursement Left
Activity Ack (Batch Type—#H)
Type of A = Adjusted Disbursement
disbursement Amount (Batch Type—#H)
Q = Adjusted Disbursement
transaction Date (Batch Type— #H)
L = Booking Disbursement
(Batch Type—#B)
P = Payment to Servicer
(Batch Type SP)
4 25 32 8 Transaction Date Export & Format is CCYYMMDD Date
For a “D” or “A” Ack 20030622–20061027
this is the date
activity occurred
at the school
For a “Q” activity
this is the new
disbursement date
For an “L”
activity this is the
Booked Date at
COD for this loan
For a “P” activity
this is the date the
Servicer posted
the payment to
servicer received
from the borrower

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-66

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
5 33 34 2 Disbursement Export & 01-99 Right
Sequence Number Ack
01–65 School assigned
The sequence
66-90 COD assigned
number that
determines the 91-99 Payment to
order in which Servicer (Disbursement
this disbursement Activity = P)
activity Disbursement sequence
transaction is numbers must be sequential
processed for a and follow in order within
specific the above blocks of numbers
Numeric > 0
Disbursement Activity L =
6 35 39 5 Disbursement Export & Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Gross Ack
Disbursement Activity L,
and P = Blank
The actual gross
Disbursement Activity Q =
amount (in
Blank or all zeros.
dollars) of the
7 40 44 5 Disbursement Export & Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Loan Fee Ack
Disbursement Activity L,
and P = Blank
The actual loan
Disbursement Activity Q =
fee (in dollars)
Blank or all zeros.
associated with
the disbursement
8 45 49 5 Disbursement Export & Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Net Ack
Disbursement Activity L,
and P = Blank
The actual net
amount (in Disbursement Activity Q =
dollars) of the Blank or all zeros.

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-67

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
9 50 54 5 Disbursement Export & Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Interest Ack Disbursement Activity L,
Rebate Amount
and P = Blank
The actual
interest rebate Disbursement Activity Q =
amount for the Blank or all zeros.
10 55 55 1 Filler For ED use only Left

11 56 63 8 User Identifier Export & 0–9 Left

Create Ack Uppercase A–Z
Identifier of user
. (Period)
who created the
record ’ (Apostrophe)
- (Dash)
# (Number)
@ (At)
% (Percent or care of)
& (Ampersand)
/ (Slash)
Can be blank
12 64 86 23 Disbursement Export & Batch Type = #H, #B, or SP Left
Batch Number Ack Cycle Indicator = 5 (for 04–05)
The Batch
School Code = X00000–
Number of the
X99999 where X = G or E
Batch Date Batch Created =
Time Batch Created =
13 87 92 6 School Code Export & X00000–X99999 where X = Left
Ack G or E
Direct Loan
School Code
Also identifies
school originating
loan record
14 93 95 3 Filler For ED use only Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-68

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
15 96 105 10 Disbursement Ack Blank = Accepted Left
Activity Taken
For all others, see the
Status (Multiple
Disbursement Reject Codes
Reject Codes)
table in Section 4
Status of
Disbursement Activity
L and P = Blank
activity at COD
16 106 107 2 Filler For ED use only Left
17 108 112 5 Disbursement Ack Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Gross
Blank if COD record
matches the school’s
COD calculated
Disbursement Activity L,
actual gross
and P = Blank
amount (in
dollars) of the Disbursement Activity Q =
disbursement Blank or all zeros.
18 113 117 5 Disbursement Ack Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Loan Fee
Amount—COD Blank if COD record
matches the school’s

COD calculated Disbursement Activity L,

actual loan fee and P = Blank
amount (in Disbursement Activity Q =
dollars) Blank or all zeros.
19 118 122 5 Disbursement Ack Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Net
Blank if COD record
matches the school’s
COD calculated
Disbursement Activity L,
actual net amount
and P = Blank
(in dollars) of the
disbursement Disbursement Activity Q =
Blank or all zeros.

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-69

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
20 123 128 6 Payment to Ack -99999 to 099999 Right
Servicer Amount
Disbursement Activity = P
Amount of the Only
borrower payment
A negative amount indicates
sent to the
a refund
A positive amount indicates
a reversal of the refund (that
is, bounced check)
Disbursement Activity D, A,
Q and L = Blank
21 129 129 1 First Export & F = First Disbursement Left
Disbursement Ack
Required if First Actual
Disbursement has a
This flag is used disbursement number greater
to identify which than 01
C = Change First
(01–20) for
Disbursement Flag to
Sub/Unsub and
indicate the new First Actual
(01–04) for PLUS
Disbursement with an earlier
is the
transaction date
disbursement with
the earliest Disbursement Activity = D
transaction date Only
Disbursement Activity A, Q,
L, and P = Blank
22 130 134 5 Disbursement Ack Numeric > or = 0 Right
Actual Interest
Blank if COD record
Rebate Amount—
matches the school’s
Disbursement Activity L,
COD calculated
and P = Blank
actual interest
rebate amount for Disbursement Activity Q =
the disbursement Blank or all zeros.
23 135 138 4 Filler For ED use only Left

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-70

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference
Field # Start End Field Field Name and Export or Valid Field Content Justify
Position Position Length Description Ack
24 139 143 5 COD’s Total Net Ack Numeric > 0 Right
Booked Loan
Amount for the Can be blank
Disbursement Activity = L
Disbursement Activity D, A,
Total net Q, and P = Blank
amount of the
first disbursement
accepted and
booked by COD
for this loan
25 144 151 8 Acknowledge- Ack Format is CCYYMMDD Date
ment Date (Import 19000101–20991231
The date COD message
acknowledges this class:
disbursement DIOD )
The original (Export Format is CCYYMMDD
Disbursement message 20030622–20061027
Date of an class:
Adjusted DESD) Disbursement Activity = Q
Disbursement Only
Date (Q) Activity
When submitting
an Adjusted
Date Activity, this
is the date the
activity occurred
at the school
26 152 152 1 Confirmation Export & Y = Yes Left
Flag Ack
Default is blank
This disbursement
has been
confirmed by the Disbursement Activity Q, L,
borrower at the and P = Blank
Total 152

Please refer to Volume VIII, Section 6 – COD Reports for report layouts.

February 2004 (2004-2005) COD Technical Reference Page IV-3-71

Volume IV – Direct Loan Phase-In Participant Technical Reference

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