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Music Video

What we see

The meaning behind it

Codes might be individual to the media text you are analysing and they consist of three sections; Technical Codes Symbolic Codes Verbal Codes

Equipment is used to tell the story beneath the surface of what we see. For example characters performance and action show how they are feeling. camera angles, movements, shot distance are used to make something look dynamic. In order to make the visuals more exciting and not dull. For example, cuts between dance performances. Close ups- create a sense of intimacy and therefore creates a relationship with the viewers. Editing- fast cut montage used and slow pace includes gentler transitions to establish a specific mood. Using effects creates different pleasures for audience as they will interact differently.

Symbolic codes can be decoded on mainly connotation level. All things which draw upon our experience and understanding of other media text or our cultural frame of reference. This allows us to relate to specific music video as be have ideas of social issues and environment.

Everything to do with language. It is either written or spoken For example the relation between lyrics and visuals Repetition of words to create an impact. Use of slangs to fit particular genres Language used to create emotions.

Something 99 % share within a genre or platform Widely recognised way of doing something, has to do with the specicf context form and style. Conventions are aspects we typically expect to see within an given media context. For example conventions of music videos are; Same length ( around 4 mins) Fast edits Appearance of artist & singing

Are elements we expect to see within a given genre or form. For example lighting is used in horror genres to create mystery Bright lighting used in performances Close up of artists in rock music

You must be able to identify which conventions are associated with a particular genre. For example : Fast editing is used in hip hop genres. Slow pace editing is used in ballad or love songs Bright lighting used in hip hop genres Band present in Rock music

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