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IMMEDIATE 3 October 2012 Action Short of Strike Action The NUT's action short of strike action to protect teachers

and defend education commences today. In schools and sixth form colleges across England and Wales, members of the NUT will commence action short of strike action to ensure that the onslaught of atta cks on the teaching profession stops. The action is intended to be pupil, parent and public friendly, whilst resisting Government initiatives which are undermining teachers ability to work effectivel y to deliver the highest standards of education. The NUT will be taking action alongside colleagues from the NASUWT who together represent nine out of 10 teachers in England and Wales. Christine Blower, General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers, the large st teachers' union, said: Teachers are being undermined by a Government whose almost daily criticisms and e rosion of working conditions and pay, coming on top of previous attacks on pensi ons, are unacceptable. This negative approach to the profession has to stop. The action we are taking at this stage will have a positive benefit on childrens e ducation and restore a balance to the working lives of teachers. END For further information contact Caroline Cowie on 0207 380 4706/ 07879480061 pr157-2012

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