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Common Origination and Disbursement (COD) Technical Reference

For Full Participants

U.S. Department of Education

July 2005
COD Technical Reference

Table of Contents

I. Getting Started
Volume I: Table of Contents............................................................................................I – i
Section 1: Document Standards ................................................................................I – 1 – 1
Section 2: COD Overview of Changes from 2004-2005 to 2005-2006....................I – 2 – 1
Section 3: COD Overview ........................................................................................I – 3 – 1

II. Common Record Full Participant Technical Reference

Volume II: Table of Contents ......................................................................................... II – i
Section 1: Full Participant Implementation Guide.................................................. II – 1 – 1
Section 2: Full Participant Message Classes........................................................... II – 2 – 1
Section 3: Common Record Layout........................................................................ II – 3 – 1
Section 4: Full Participant Edits ............................................................................. II – 4 – 1

III. Direct Loan & Pell Grant Combination System Supplement

Volume III: Table of Contents......................................................................................III – i
Section 1: Combination System Implementation Guide........................................ III – 1 – 1
Section 2: Combination System Message Classes................................................. III – 2 – 1
Section 3: Combination System Record Layouts .................................................. III – 3 – 1
Section 4: Combination System Edits.................................................................... III – 4 – 1

IV. Direct Loan Tools

Volume IV: Table of Contents.......................................................................................IV – i
Section 1: Direct Loan (DL) Tools for Windows, Release 5.0..............................IV – 1 – 1
Section 2: DL Tools Message Classes ...................................................................IV – 2 – 1
Section 3: DL Tools Record Layouts.....................................................................IV – 3 – 1
Section 4: DL Tools Reports..................................................................................IV – 4 – 1

V. School Testing Guides

Volume V: Table of Contents ........................................................................................ V – i
Section 1: COD School Testing Guide ................................................................... V – 1 – 1
Section 2: COD Full Participant Test Cases ........................................................... V – 2 – 1

VI. Appendices
Volume VI: Table of Contents......................................................................................VI – i
Section 1: Glossary of Terms.................................................................................VI – 1 – 1
Section 2: Funding Methods ..................................................................................VI – 2 – 1

July 2005 (2005-2006) COD Technical Reference Page i

Table of Contents
Section 3: Pell Grant Calculation Table.................................................................VI – 3 – 1
Section 4: State, Jurisdiction, and Country Codes.................................................VI – 4 – 1
Section 5: System Security ....................................................................................VI – 5 – 1
Section 6: XML Examples.....................................................................................VI – 6 – 1
Section 7: Print Specifications and Forms .............................................................VI – 7 – 1
Section 8: COD Reports.........................................................................................VI – 8 – 1

July 2005 (2005-2006) COD Technical Reference Page ii

Table of Contents

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