Your Response To Questions 1

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Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email: Aborrero@uncc.

edu Emily Arvanitis Course: English 1101 Date: September 9, 2012

Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 3: Literacy Sponsor Analysis Instructions (Part 1 The Charts): Fill out the chart to describe a sponsor who has shaped your views of literacy. While you need to describe at least four sponsors, keep in mind that each sponsor should have their own chart. Also keep in mind that your responses should be detailed, and should be formulated as full sentences. Sponsor #1

1.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: Walden Pond 2.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: I heard about Walden Pond my junior year of high school when we learned about Henry David Thoreau and transcendentalism. After reading some of his journals I wanted to see what Walden was like and when I went I fell in love. My best friend and I drove there one fall afternoon and sat and wrote and talked and watched the sun set and ever since then that has been my favorite place to get away and write. 3.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: Theres a bench that someone put in the water that I always sit on in the summer because I like to stick my toes in the water. Some days I would just sit with my best friend, Elena, and talk about everything and question our lives. My favorite day was when I went by myself and sat by the biggest tree I found and just wrote and thought about anything and everything. One day I almost went swimming in the pond but it was too dirty so I got nervous and just sat on the ledge and let my feet dangle. Another day, after prom sometime, I went to the pond and walked around Henry David Thoreaus house because I thought one day I would write journals and such like him but then I thought about how much I would miss my friends.

4.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: Most time I would go to Walden I was in a strange or lost mood when I went there, but I always left feeling either full or empty. Sometimes I would go when I was having a good day and I would leave happily. Other times I would be in a bad mood when I went and be in an even worse mood when I left. A lot of times I would feel inspired though because going to Walden by myself has taught me how important it is to be myself and not let other people influence my choices.

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

5.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: Whenever I was at Walden I always did my best writing. I think this was because I was outside and it cleared my head and I didnt have anyone around me to disturb my peace. Sometimes going to Walden would cause me to write about the most random things, simply because, I was alone. My mind always wanders so it created the strangest beliefs and ideas in my head. Often times I would be in my own world and act like nothing was ever wrong at Walden so in some way it was bad I was there so often because it caused me not to see all things that are wrong. I like to be this way sometimes, but other times I felt stupid because I wouldnt see things everyone else saw.

Sponsor #2

6.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: Lisa Bellavia 7.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: When I was in 8th grade my brother was a freshman in high school and Lisa was his English teacher. After school I would go hang out with them then she ended up being my teacher freshman year and junior year but weve gotten very close throughout the years and now were good friends. 8.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: Freshman year was when I really came out of my shell with writing because Lisa loved what I wrote and encouraged me to write more and about different things. My favorite memory was a project we did in her class and I had to write a poem about myself and where I come from. We had to keep making poems about certain things and made an anthology that is my favorite piece of writing Ive done. Whenever I had something I hated writing about Lisa would make me sit in her classroom and edit it until I was done and I always got good grades because of her. 9.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: Whenever I hung out with Lisa I was most always in a good mood. Although sometimes we cried together, most times were happy. A lot of times we have serious conversations though and that helps to clear my mind so I feel accomplished after hanging out with her. Shes also very inspiring and encouraging because when she sees something that has a future shell make you pursue it. 10.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: Lisa has taught me that not everyone writes the same but its not a big deal at all. And just because one person doesnt like what you write doesnt mean its the worst thing in the world. She also taught me to have confidence in my writing and that I should show show my personality through my literature.

Sponsor #3

11.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: Shakespeare

12.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: Ive never actually met him, but Ive read things hes written and from that we have a bad relationship.

13.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3:

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

When I read Romeo and Juliet my sophomore year I absolutely hated it because I didnt understand the language and the old English. It confused me and thank god I had a good teacher because she understood how flustered with it I got so she helped me out. Then after that when we read Macbeth I just thought it was one of the most stupid stories I have ever read and I didnt understand any of the characters. Senior year when I read Hamlet I grew an even stronger dislike for him because I did horrible on everything having to do with Hamlet. As soon as I started to not understand it all just went downhill from there. Also, I had to read Hamlet myself and do countless, pointless, projects about it. 14.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: Whenever I read Hamlet I was so confused and often didnt pay attention after two sentences because I got frustrated. It was also really discouraging having to keep read about Shakespeare and his life because frankly I just didnt care. When I was supposed to read any of Shakespeares work I would just look it up on Spark Notes then Google the answers to the questions. 15.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: Shakespeare has made me realize that I never want to learn about old English or take a class all bout his writing. Because I get so angry when I read his work I have also learned that he was a very strange man.

Sponsor #4

16.) Identify the Sponsor: In the space below, identify a sponsor that you feel has impacted your current views and/or practices of reading, writing, and communication. If the sponsor is a person, give their name; if it is a text, object, or institution, describe what the sponsor is, and if necessary, where it is located. Your Response to Questions 1: Tracy Arvanitis

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

17.) Making a Connection: In the space below, describe your relationship with or connection to the sponsor. If they are a person, how you know the person, and if the sponsor is a text, object, or institution, provide context about when or how you interacted with this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 2: Shes my momma.

18.) Tracing Experiences: In the space below, briefly describe experiences or memories that you have had with this sponsor related to literacy. While these experiences can be positive or negative, try to identify was many experiences as you can that you feel impacted your current view or literacy. Your Response to Questions 3: Ever since I was young my mom has always been reading to me and encouraging me to read and write instead of watch TV and such. When I was younger I obviously wanted nothing to do with that but when I grew older I began to realize that she was on to something. When I started to bring home good grades in writing she would always make me write more and she often encouraged me to read books I normally wouldnt read. 19.) Tracing Emotions: In the space below, briefly describe your emotional response to each of the experiences and/or memories you accounted for in question three. Were your experiences happy, sad, discouraging, encouraging, inspiring, terrifying, etc. Describe the emotional response you had or have, and explain why. Your Response to Questions 4: I love talking to my mom about writing because she is a writer so shes good at editing and revising and giving me tips on certain things. Sometimes we get into fights about what we think is a good book and what not, but that just teaches me that people like different things and thats not even a big deal. 20.) Ideologies of Literacy: In the space below, consider how this sponsor influenced the way you think about literacy, and briefly describe the ideas, views, and/or beliefs of literacy that you gained from this sponsor. Your Response to Questions 5: When I was younger I always wanted to write like someone else and I tried to copy other peoples writing but my mom made me realize that writing is for you and I shouldnt be doing that. When I wrote poems I would always try to make them sound like Robert Frost and she never understood why, I dont understand why anymore either. My mom has always encouraged me to write from my heart and for the time Im writing, disregard what other people would think about my literature.

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

Emily Arvanitis Course #: English 1101 Date: September 9, 2012 Project #1: Multi-Modal Literacy Narrative Part 3: Literacy Sponsor Analysis Instructions (Part 2 Reflection): Now that you have documented details about each sponsor, I want you to reflect on what you have learned. In the space below, compose a reflection in which you consider some of the following questions and compose a short reflective essay: Did you learn anything about how you learned to read and write that you did not know before? What ideas and beliefs about literacy stood out the most during this activity? Have your feelings about your sponsors remained the same over time, or have they changed? If you were to compare one literacy sponsor to another, do you find that the views and beliefs they have are in agreement with one another, or is there tension between beliefs and values? What was the most significant discovery that you made while completing this activity.

From writing this Ive realized that it was through different people and places that I have become who I am now in writing and reading. If my mom never read crazy amounts of books to me and if Lisa never taught me about Walden Pond or anything I dont think my literature would come out as it has. I also learned that there was a reoccurring theme that everyone and every place have taught me- be yourself through your writing. Although that seems clich and obvious, I guess I just didnt get it until now. My feelings about all my sponsors have stayed the same for a while now. Ill always love my mom, Walden Pond, and Lisa, but Ill never even like Shakespeare. Most views of my sponsors are similar, except Shakespeare. I think I got along with Lisa so much because she has similar beliefs as my mom and thats what I grew up around so I was used to it. Walden just gave me a peaceful piece of mind, along with everyone else- for the most part. The most significant thing I learned from this was that no matter where I go or what I write, I will always write from my heart, unless its about factual things.

Course: English 1101 Instructor: Anthony Borrero Email:

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