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SYNOPSIS The story follows a man and his house through twenty years of futuristic change. He plants a flower in 2030 and tries to keep it alive but overcrowding and pollution cause him to constantly re-evaluate his methods.

STORY STRUCTURE: ACT 1 - SETUP A man aged 50/60 stands at the window of his period home. He plants a seedling. OR A man stands in the garden plot of his period home. He plants a seedling. -INCITING INCIDENT As the seedling grows up an new layer of buildings push through the ground forcing our characters house, garden and shed up onto a higher level. The seedling is now getting no light, and the man uses #method 1 to solve the problem. ACT 2 - INCREASING CONFLICT The story continues to unfold as above, with each new layer of houses bringing a new method to ensure the plant sees the sunlight. -SEEMING DEFEAT The plant 1) wilts OR 2) falls off the sill OR 3)some incident befalls it ACT 3 CLIMAX AND RESOLUTION The plant seeds fall down landing in gutters, nooks and crannies, and proceed to grow all over the buildings.

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