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Maynard Company Balance Sheet 1-Jun Assets Current Assets Accounts Receivable Cash Merchandise Inventory Prepaid Insurance

Supplies on Hand Notes Receivable, Diane Maynard Total Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Building Accumulated Decpreciation: Building Equipment (at Cost) Accumlated Depreciation: Equipment Land Total PPE Other Non-Current Assets Total Assets

21,798.00 34,983.00 29,835.00 3,150.00 5,559.00 11,700.00 107,025.00

156,000.00 5,304.00

585,000.00 429,000.00 13,260.00 7,956.00 89,700.00 526,656.00 4,857.00 638,538.00

Financial Condition on June 1st: Current Ratio


Retained Earnings on 1st June Retained Earnings on 30th June Increase in Revenue Net Income (PAT) Dividends Paid

221,511.00 229,446.00 7,935.00 19,635.00 11,700.00 7,935.00 3.19%

Return on Equity

Company is conservative as the company has less Liability

mpany heet Liabilities Current Liability Accounts Payable Accrued Wages Payable Bank Notes Payable Taxes Payable Total Current Liability Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity Capital Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity Assets Current Assets Accounts Receivable Cash Merchandise Inventory Prepaid Insurance Supplies on Hand Notes Receivable, Diane Maynard 6% Total Current Assets Property, Plant and Equipment Building Accumulated Decpreciation: Building Equipment (at Cost) Accumlated Depreciation: Equipment Land Total PPE Other Non-Current Assets Total Liabilities and Equity 638,538.00 Total Assets

Mayn Bal

8,517.00 1,974.00 8,385.00 5,700.00 24,576.00 2,451.00 27,027.00

390,000.00 221,511.00 611,511.00



Financial Condition on June 30th: Current Ratio


600.00 1,071.00 2,574.00


Maynard Company Balance Sheet 30-Jun Liabilities Current Liability Accounts Payable Accrued Wages Payable Bank Notes Payable Taxes Payable Total Current Liability

26,505.00 66,660.00 26,520.00 2,826.00 6,630.00 129,141.00 Other Non-Current Liabilities Total Liabilities 157,950.00 5,928.00 585,000.00 427,050.00 36,660.00 30,732.00 89,700.00 547,482.00 5,265.00 681,888.00 Total Liabilities and Equity Equity Capital Stock Retained Earnings Total Equity

21,315.00 2,202.00 29,250.00 7,224.00 59,991.00 2,451.00 62,442.00

390,000.00 229,446.00 619,446.00



235,620.00 15.00


Maynard Company Income Statement June Revenue Cash Accounts recievable 44,420.00 26,505.00

Merchandise in cash Merchanise in credit Merchandise on june 1st merchandise on june 30th

14,715.00 21,315.00 29,835.00 65,865.00 26,520.00

Cost of Sales Total Expenses Wage expenses Misc expenses Utilities paid insurance depreciation supplies Total Income before tax Tax Income after tax Dividents Increase in Retained Earnings

39,345.00 31,580.00 5,888.00 135.00 900.00 324.00 2,574.00 600.00 10,421.00 21,159.00 1,524.00 19,635.00 11,700.00 7,935.00



Supplies on Hand june 30th Supplies on Hand june 1st Supplies bought Supplies

6,630.00 5,559.00 1671 1,071.00 600.00

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