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Subject Class Date/Day Time Duration Theme Topic Focused Skill Integrated Skills Learning Outcomes Lesson Objectives

: : : : : : : : : : :

English 5 Bakawali 5 July 2011/Tuesday 11.10pm 12.10pm 1 hour World of Self


Listening and Speaking Writing

By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: 1. respond to simple instruction as clapping your hand and shout yes whenever the teacher say class. 2. Respond to complex instructions as arranging themselves into a line according to the date of birth. 3. Write simple instruction and rules in groups, for example, do not make noise in the classroom. Evaluate peoples opinion, for example, responding (agree or not agree) to rules developed by their friends in the classroom.

Language Content Educational Emphasis Moral Values Materials Previous Knowledge

: : : : : Values and Citizenship respect other people Respect

Stage Set Induction (3 Minutes) Presentation (12 Minutes)





(20 minutes)

Production (15 Minutes)

Closure (5 Minutes)


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