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1. What is yoga and who is the father of yoga?

The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root yoz which means join or to yoke or to Union or Merge body and mind. Pantanjali is the father of

2. What is chakra? What are they? Chakra means wheel or circle but yogic context a better translation psychic energy centers or pranic energy center. They are 1. Mooladhara 2. Swadistana
3. Manipuraka 4. Anahata 5. Visudha 6. Agna &. Sahastrasara

3. What is kriya? What are they? Kriya means cleaning the internal organs. Kriyas are six. They are 1. Kapalabhati 2. Trataka 3. Neti 4. Dowti 5.Nouli 6. Bhasti

What is Mudra? Write any Five mudras? Mudra means gesture or attitude or seal.Mudra can be described as psychic,emotional,devotional. They are 1. Chin 2. Chinmaya 3. Adi 4. Brahma 5. Aswani

5. What is bandha? What are they? Bandha means Hold or tighten or lock .They are 1. Jalandhra 2. Udyana 3. Mulabandha 4. Mahabandha 6. How are types of pranas? Pranas are five they are 1. Prana 2. Apana 3. Samana 4. Vyana 5. Udana


How many types of Upa Pranas ? Upa pranas are five they are 1. Naga 2. Koorma 3. Krukura 4. Devadatta 5. Dhanunjaya

8. How many types of panchendriyas? 1. Eyes 2. Nose 3. Ear 4. Tongue 5.Skin 9. How many types of karmendriyas? 1. Hands 2. Legs 3. Mouth 4. Anas 5. Jananedriyalu

How many nadis are there? Write any three nadis?

Nadis means Flow or current Nadies are 72000.Three Nadies are Very Important.They are 1. Ida 2. Pingala 3. Sushumna 11. How many types of koshas? What are they? 1. Annamya Kosha 2. Pranamaya Kosha 3. Manomaya kosha 4. Vignanamaya Kosha 5. Anadamaya kosha 12. How many Pancha Bhutas? 1. Space 2.Earth 3. Water 4.Air 5. Fire
13. How

many type of Asta siddulu?

1. Anima 2. Garima 3. Lagima 4. Mahima 5. Prakarayam 6. Eshatam 7. Mahatvam 8. Vasatvam

14. What is arishat Vargalu? What are they?


Kama 2. Krodha 3. Mada 4. Moha 5. Lobha 6. Masyaryalu


What is mind? What are they? Mind is nothing but a collection of Sanskaras. Flow thoughts. It is nothing but a bundle of thoughts and habits

They are 1. Concious Mind 2. Un Conscious Mind 3. Sub Conscious Mind 4. Super Consious mind. 16. Explain Yogic Diet? Yoga classifies food into 3 categories 1. Tamasic food 2. Rajasic food 3. Sattvic food 17.Explain Patanjali Sutras and how many Chapters There are 196 Sutras and 4 Chapters . 1. Samadhipada 51 Sutras 2. Sadhanapada- 55

3. Vibhuthipada - 56

Kaivalyapada 34

18. What are the systems benefited by Yoga? Skeleton, muscular, respiratory, digenstive, endocrine, circulatory, reproductive, urinary, genital system, nervous excretory 19. What is respiratory rate per minute and what is normal pulse rate? Respiratory: Human being New Born-40, one year baby -30, 2-5 years -24, adult -16 Pulse rate: New born-140, one year- 120, second year- 110,fiveth year-90, 10 years-80 , adults -60 to 80. Animals Elephant -3 to 5, tortoise -1 to 2 times, rat-60 to 75 times dog-25 to 40 times. 20. Physiological bebefits of asanas?

Cells , mind,shape,joints, skin, circulation, Cardio-vascular system, Respiratory system, Digestive system, Excretory system, Glands , organs will be activated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. What is astanga yoga? Give details about Astanga Yoga? Eight limbs are called Astanga Yoga 1. Yama- Social discipline, self restraint. 1. Ahimsa non-injuries 2. Satya truthfulness. 3. Asteya- Non stealing 4. Brahmacharya celibacy 5. Aparigraha - non covetousness.

2. Niyama self discipline 1. Soucham internal and external purity 2. Santhosam contentment(happiness) 3. Tapassu Austerity 4. Swadyayam Strengthening the knowledge 5. Eswara praniodhanam self Surrender

3. Asana Study comfortable position 4. Pranyamam Life force or extention or expansion of prana or vital energy. 5. Pratyahara - withdrawal of the five senses organs. 6. Dharana - Unbroken flow of thought towards god

7. Samadhi Super consciousness state


What is meditation ? how may types of meditation? Explain the benefits of meditaion? The word Meditation is use to describe a number of different uses of mind from completion to concentration to devotion and chanting . latin word Mederi meaning to heal Meditation can certainly be looked on as a healing process Emotionally, mentally, and physically too.

So many types of meditation are given below. 1. Maitreya Dyanam. 2. Prajapita Brahma Kumari. 3. Shri Aurobindo dynamic Meditation. 4. Kundalini Yoga Meditation by Vethathiri Maharishi. 5. Ramalinga swamigal. 6. Vipassana Meditation. 7. Transcendental Meditation. 8. J. Krishna Murthy meditation. 9. Osho Meditation 10. 11. Pyramid meditation. Benefits of meditation :

Memory power, Concentration, Self Confidence, will power, Bliss, Peace, Contentment, Fearlessness,

Steadiness, free from likes/dislikes, free from anger, free from ego, and divine.

3. What is pranayama? How many types of pranayama?Aspects of pranayama? Explain the benefits of pranayama?

Pranayama is defined as breath control. Prana +ayama. Prana means Vital energy and Ayama means extension.

Four aspects of pranayama 1. Pooraka- inhalation. 2. Rechaka exhalation. 3. Kumbhaka holding fully or empty

There are four types of Pranayama 1. Sensitizing Pranayama. 2. Transquilizing Pranayama. 3. Vitalizing Pranayama. 4. Balancing Pranayama. BENEFITS OF PRANAYAMA:

1. Elasticity of the lungs. Central nervous system is activated. 2. Digestive system is improved. 3. Constipation is relieved. 4. Galvanic skin resistance power is increased. 5. All endocrine glands are toned up during pranayamic breathing 6. Vital capacity, inspratory from the lungs. 7. B.P. Levels are decreased.

Carbon dioxide is relived from the lungs.

9. Intake of Oxygen is increased. 10. Concentration and memory power are increased. 11. Face freshness, Clarity, glow is increased 12. Body will be freshness and active.

4. What is Suryanamaskaras? How many steps in Suryanamaskaras? Explain benefits of Suryanamaskaras? Surya means SUN and Namaskara means salution Suryanamaskara is a series of twelve physical postures 1. Pranamasanam 2. Uttitha Hastasan 3. Padahastasan


5. Pravathasan 6. Sastnganamskarasan 7. Bhujangasan 8. Sasankhasan 9. Asawasanchalanasan 10. Padahasatasan 11. Uttitahastasan 12. Pranamasan. Suryanamaskaras Benefits: Suryanamaskara is composed of three elements of form, energy and rhythm. These Postures generate prana, subtle energy, D.vitamin which acticites the psychic body. By doing suryanamaskaras daily our circulatory, digestive, skin, nervous, endocrine systems, all organs, all glands, will be activated. 5. Differences between Asanas and Physical Exercises? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Yogasanas Starting with prayer. Movements are slow, steady, smooth, movements Space requirement is very less. Yama, Niyama aims, attitudinal. Essential individually Parasympathetic nerve system is stimulated Very less energyis required Keep Joints, muscles, ligaments cells,

Physical Exerscies 1. No prayer. 2. Very fast. 3. Large space. 4. Training not insisted. 5. Group practice. 6. Sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. 7. Lot of energy is required 8. Leads to stiff, hard

Arteries, veins, soft and elastic 9. There is no wear and tear even with chronic usuage. 10. Release more tension in the body and mind 11. Bring feeling of freshness 12. Blood circulation is without strain 13. Blood pressure is regulated 14. Lungs become strong 15. Muscular functions of bladder are well maintained.

9. Wear and tear is common 10. Release comparatively less. 11. Leads to bodily discomfort 12. Blood circulation with strain 13. Blood Pressure raises to maximum level. 14. Comparatively less.

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