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Big Idea Chemistry Project Using one of the topics listed below, you must address the following

points: What is the concern/issue/problem? How has chemistry/science contributed to this issue? How have other factors have contributed to this issue? What are the long term environmental impacts? What are some possible solutions? How can chemistry/science help with these solutions?

The format for this report can be: a website or a cartoon interview with a scientist a presimodo presentation a power-point presentation a double spaced typed written report (2-3 pages) a bristol-board presentation

You may use one of the topics from the list. If you wish to do a different topic, you must get prior approval early in the unit. Acid Precipitation Ocean Acidification Keystone Pipeline and/or Northern Gateway Pipeline Controversy Oil spills in water ways (oceans, seas, etc)...think ocean tankers or offshore drilling Nanotechnology Smokestack emissions

A list of cited resources must also be included!!

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