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A Project by a group of second year EXTC students of Rizvi College Of Engineering 2011-12


Presented By:

Nabarun Jana Abhishek Dawle Akshay Mandlik Suyog Slunkhe Ameya Vaidya
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Kapadia Ketan Omkar Malandkar Saddam Ansari


Introduction Causes of Cyber crime Types of Cyber crime How to tackle Cyber crime Laws related to Cyber crime Effects of Cyber crime Conclusion





Computer crime, or cybercrime, refers to any crime that involves a computer and a network. The computer may have been used in the commission of a crime, or it may be the target. Net crime refers to criminal exploitation of the Internet. Such crimes may threaten a nations security and financial health. Issues surrounding this type of crime have become high-profile, particularly those surrounding cracking, copyright infringement, child pornography, and child grooming. There are also problems of privacy when confidential information is lost or intercepted, lawfully or otherwise. Internationally, both governmental and non-state actors engage in cybercrimes, including espionage, financial theft, and other cross-border crimes. Activity crossing international borders and involving the interests of at least one nation-state is sometimes referred to as cyber warfare. The international legal system is attempting to hold actors accountable for their actions through the International Criminal Court.



Source: Wikipedia

What is Cyber Crime?

It is a criminal activity committed on the

internet. This is a broad term that describes everything from electronic cracking to denial of service attacks that cause electronic commerce sites to lose money". CYBER CRIME is any crime where
Computer is a target. Computer is a tool of crime Computer is incidental to crime
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Causes Of Cyber Crime

Humans tend to engage in criminal enterprises when the rate of return on investment is high and the risk of loss is low. This calculation is made every day on the part of cybercriminals, and they have concluded it is profitable to continue

committing fraud, stealing financial information and hacking into networks worldwide.
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History Of Cyber Crime

When personal computer technology was relatively new, and networks were first becoming ubiquitous in the 1990s, those who engaged in illegal hacking activities did so for the purpose of improving their knowledge of systems, testing their abilities and competing against others for recognition as the best hacker. Thus, intrusions into networks, ranging from military installations to commercial institutions, were little more than nuisances and likely did not pose a long-term risk to security. Furthermore, while viruses, spyware and Trojan horses became more disruptive, these intrusions were seen as an annoyance akin to vandalism. Aside from disabling a computer or making it run slower, intrusions such as these did not reach the level of concern normally associated with criminal behaviour. Yet as history shows us, whenever a group of people develop skills that give them an advantage over society at large, some will eventually exploit and victimize society.
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According to the FBI and the Association for Computing Machinery, the last few years have seen an explosion in computer security breaches that are used to steal, extort and deceive. This new breed of cybercriminal is no longer motivated solely by ego and technological ability. Instead, cybercriminals have discovered that the skills they learned as teens--hacking into high school networks or creating disruptive viruses to boast to their friends--are now also useful in making a comfortable living.
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Unlike crimes committed in the physical world, cybercrime

requires little to no investment to be carried out. A criminal mugging someone on the street requires a gun and some basic know-how, and such a crime carries with it the risk of jail time or injury if the victim puts up a fight. More complex criminal activity, such as robbing a bank or operating a protection racket, requires organizing several people, and to a certain extent, equipping and training them. In the real world, the laws of economics apply to criminals, and criminals must make determinations about how much they can invest and risk.




Types Of Cyber Crime

Hacking Cyber Stalking Software Piracy Credit Card Fraud

Denial of service Attack

Virus Dissemination

Net Extortion





Hacking in simple terms means an illegal intrusion into a computer system and/or network. There is an equivalent term to hacking i.e. cracking, but from Indian Laws perspective there is no difference between the term hacking and cracking. Every act committed towards breaking into a computer and/or network is hacking. Hackers write or use ready-made computer programs to attack the target computer. They possess the desire to destruct and they get the kick out of such destruction. Some hackers hack for personal monetary gains, such as to stealing the credit card information, transferring money from various bank accounts to their own account followed by withdrawal of money. They extort money from some corporate giant threatening him to publish the stolen information which is critical in nature. Government websites are the hot targets of the hackers due to the press coverage, it receives. Hackers enjoy the media coverage. Motive Behind The Crime

Greed Power Publicity Revenge Adventure Desire to access forbidden information Destructive mindset Wants to sell n/w security services




Cyber Stalking

Cyber Stalking can be defined as the repeated acts harassment or threatening behavior of the cyber criminal towards the victim by using internet services. Stalking in General terms can be referred to as the repeated acts of harassment targeting the victim such as following the victim, making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet, vandalizing victims property, leaving written messages or objects. Stalking may be followed by serious violent acts such as physical harm to the victim and the same has to be treated and viewed seriously. It all depends on the course of conduct of the stalker.

Both kind of Stalkers Online & Offline have desire to control the victims life. Majority of the stalkers are the dejected lovers or ex-lovers, who then want to harass the victim because they failed to satisfy their secret desires. Most of the stalkers are men and victim female.
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Denial of service Attack

This is an act by the criminal, who floods the bandwidth of the victims network or fills his e-mail box with spam mail depriving him of the services he is entitled to access or provide Short for denial-of-service attack, a type of attack on a network that is designed to bring the network to its knees by flooding it with useless traffic. Many DoS attacks, such as the Ping of Death and Teardrop attacks, exploit limitations in the TCp/IP protocols. For all known DoS attacks, there are software fixes that system administrators can install to limit the damage caused by the attacks.

But, like Virus, new DoS attacks are constantly being dreamed up by Hacker.




Virus Dissemination

Malicious software that attaches itself to other software. (virus, worms, Trojan Horse, Time bomb, Logic Bomb, Rabbit and Bacterium are the malicious




Software Piracy

Theft of software through the illegal copying of genuine programs or the counterfeiting and distribution of products intended to pass for the original.




Credit card fraud

Credit card fraud is a wide-ranging term for theft and fraud committed using a credit card or any similar payment mechanism as a fraudulent source of funds in a transaction. The purpose may be to obtain goods without paying, or to obtain unauthorized funds from an account. Credit card fraud is also an adjunct to identity theft.

According to the Federal Trade Commission, while identity theft had been holding steady for the last few years, it saw a 21 percent increase in 2008.
However, credit card fraud, that crime which most people associate with ID theft, decreased as a percentage of all ID theft complaints for the sixth year in a row..



Source: Wikipedia

Net Extortion

Copying the companys confidential data in order to extort said company for huge amount.





Phishing is a way of attempting to acquire information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. Communications purporting to be from popular social web sites, auction sites, online payment processors or IT administrators are commonly used to lure the unsuspecting public. Phishing is typically carried out by e-mail spoofing or instant messaging, and it often directs users to enter details at a fake website whose look and feel are almost identical to the legitimate one. Phishing is an example of social engineering techniques used to deceive users, and exploits the poor usability of current web security technologies. Attempts to deal with the growing number of reported phishing incidents include legislation, user training, public awareness, and technical security measures.




How to tackle Cyber crime?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Be Aware Use a Firewall Practice Safe Surfing Click with Caution Practice Safe Shopping Use comprehensive security software and keep your system updated Secure wireless network Use strong passwords Be suspicious Prevention is better than cure




Cyber Cell

There is a need for a well equipped task force to deal with the new trends of hi -tech crime. The government has taken a leap in this direction by constituting cyber crime cells in all metropolitan and other important cities. E.g. There are cyber cells in Mumbai , Pune Kolkata, Delhi ,etc. The closest Cyber Cell from Rizvi is in the BKC Police Station.




The Parliament of India passed its first Cyber law, the

Information Technology Act in 2000. It not only provides the legal infrastructure for ECommerce in India but also at the same time, gives draconian powers to the Police to enter and search, without any warrant, any public place for the purpose of nabbing cyber criminals and preventing cyber crime. The Act defines five cyber-crimes:

Damage to computer source code Hacking Publishing electronic information which is lascivious or prurient Breach of confidentiality and publishing false digital signatures




Issues with the Law

The hurry in which the legislation was passed without

sufficient public debate, did not really serve the desired purpose Cyber laws, in their very preamble and aim, state that they are targeted at aiding e-commerce, and are not meant to regulate cyber crime Cyber crime in the Act is neither comprehensive nor exhaustive Ambiguity in the definitions Uniform law.
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Effects Of Cyber Crime

Social Effects Spam Fraud Obscene or offensive content Harassment Drug trafficking Cyber terrorism Effects on Corporate World Loss Of Revenue Wasted Time Damaged Reputations Reduced Productivity Effects on Youth destroys their quest for proper education loose faith in legitimate businesses produces a dangerous generation of corrupt people



With the information highway having entered our very

homes, we are all at increasing risk of being affected by Cyber crime. Everything about our lives is in some manner affected by computers. Under the circumstances its high time we sat up and took notice of the events shaping our destinies on the information highway. Cyber crime is everyones problem. And its time we did something to protect ourselves. Information is the best form of protection.
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Thank You
Thank you for listening patiently and we hope that you would never be the victims of CYBER CRIME! Have a nice Day!!


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