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Evo pitanja s usmenih ispita. Nadam se da e ti pomoi. Sretno. 1. Emerson's philosophy in his poetry 2. The ending in 'Great Gatsby'.

Nick Carraway states that 'Gatsby did a good thing'. What was that thing and why it was good? 3. Predestination vs. free will in 'Moby Dick'. 4. Theme of alienation in Frost's poetry. 5. Emerson's analysis of nature. What are components and uses of nature? 6. Poetic definition of M. Moore. 7. Ingredients of scholar in Emerson. 8. Death wish in 'Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening' 9. The quality of Emily Dickinson's poetry. 10. Spain in 'The Sun Also Rises'. 11. Witman's definition of America before and after the war. 12. Is there anybody happy in 'Winesburg Ohio? 13. Ending of Walden. What does author mean under: 'several more lives to live'.? 14. Moral quality of YGB, Hawthorne. 15. Priest's definition of love in 'Farewell to Arms'. 16. Italians in 'Farewell to Arms'. 17. Whitman's imagery in 'Song of Myself'. 18. The Occipital horn in a poem 'To a Snail', M. Moore. 19. Emily Dickinson's way of writing, style. 20. What is the remedy for people by Thoreau, explain! 21. Ahab and Ishmael. Is any one of them transcendentalist? If yes, who? 22. Against which side the Italians were fighting in 'Farewell to Arms'? 23. Who were the sides in WWI? 1. Nature in Emerson's poetry a. What is Rhodora about? b. Who is the poet arguing with in Rhodora? 2. Perspective of war in A Farewell to Arms 3. The role of nature in Hawthorne's work, The Scarlet Letter and Young Goodman Brown 4. Discuss pessimism in Robert Frost's poetry a. In a Glass of Cider b. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 5. Walden by Thoreau a. What is wrong with 19th century America (too much work, technology, slavery)? b. What is it that Americans should and should not do according to Thoreau? c. Did Thoreau believe in the American Dream? d. Did he think they should work more or less? 6. The Emperor of Ice Cream and Wallace Stevens' view of death 7. Ideology in Moby Dick a. Compare and contrast ideological position of Ahab vs. Starbuck, what is it that Ahab believes? b. What are two ideas clashing at the beginning of Moby Dick (predestination

vs. free will)? c. What part of the US is Starbuck from? (North East, Star-buck, his name indicates rationality, Yankee mentality) d. What about Ishmael, does he believe in predestination or in free will? e. Who is the person of the highest moral values in Moby Dick? 8. Marianne Moore's idea of poetry 9. Main topics in Emily Dickinson's poetry 10. The portrait of the lost generation in the Sun also Rises a. What bothers them, why are they lost and unhappy? b. Is Cohn a member of the lost generation? No c. How was it reflected in his behaviour? d. Did Cohn ever marry? e. Who was Frances? f. Is Cohn a gentlemen in how he treats Frances? g. What is actually wrong with Cohn? What does he refuse to face? h. Does Cohn fall in love with Brett Ashley or with his idea of Brett Ashley? 11. Whitman and the Civil War a. Where did he spend the war, which town? b. In which of his poems does he discuss the Civil War? 12. The poetic method of catalogue in a Song of Myself a. Discuss Stanza 10, what images are there in Stanza 10? 13. Speak of the message of Hamatreya 14. What is Brahma about? 15. The form of Winesburg, Ohio 16. America in the Song of Myself. What aspects of America does he show in a Song of Myself? 17. Walden 18. Beauty in Wallace Stevens' Peter Quince at the Clavier 19. Basic ideas of Emerson's Nature a. Emerson sees nature as a commodity as well. How can nature be a commodity? b. He also says that nature is discipline. Nature does teach us some kind of discipline. What kind? c. What Emerson means when he says correspondence? 18. Marianne Moore's Student 19. Female characters in TSTF 1. Opening of Song of Myself - What I assume, you shall assume what does it mean? - What is his opinion on religion (stanza 1)? - The child asks What is grass, what does he answer? - Uniform hieroglyphic, what does it mean? 2. Italians in A Farewell to Arms 3. Philosophy in Days, Emerson - Did the day like his choice?

- What is the relationship between herbs and apples and bread, kingdoms or sky that holds them all? - What is his problem with time? - Is this poem more about ambition than about time? 4. Several lost women in Winesburg, Ohio - What was Elisabeth Willards ambition? 5. Moral choices of Young Goodman Brown 6. Wallace Stevens view of death 7. Melvilles philosophy (predestination vs. free will) 8. Economy in Thoreau - What is his objection to the telegraph? 9. Whitmans America 10. Dickinsons topics - What is her view of nature? 11. Quentins part in TSTF 12. Whitmans view of death 13. Social classes in The Great Gatsby 14. Comic episodes in Moby Dick 15. Frosts pessimism 16. Hamatreya as a reflection of Emersons philosophy - How does the poem end? 17. How does the book A Farewell to Arms end? - Were they in any danger in Italy? - Why is this ending tragic? 18. Hawthornes view of the Puritans - What was Governors house like? How do you describe it? - Were Puritans supposed to live a simple life? - What does the rest of population think of Dimmesdale? - Are there any good, honest Puritans? 19. Wallace Stevens symbolism 20. The ending of Walden - What did he learn? - What does he say about Indians? 21. The structure of Winesburg, Ohio 22. The character of Captain Ahab - Is there anything noble about Ahab? 23. Moores Student - Why is the student heroic? 24. You need imaginary gardens with real toads in them what does she mean? 25. The ideas in Emersons poetry 26. The ironic view of pessimism of the American Dream? 27. Feminism in The Scarlet Letter 28. Frosts modernism

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