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Learning The Past Tense

Look at these verbs: Present (Today) talk walk play laugh help ask answer shout finish look Past Tense: (Yesterday) talked walked played laughed helped asked answered shouted finished looked

Change these sentences into the Past Tense. For example: Jane talks to the teacher. Jane talked to the teacher. 1. The students (walk) ___________ to their lessons. 2. The children (play) ____________ in the park. 3. They (laugh) ____________ at the joke. 4. The good students (help) ___________ their teacher with the books. 5. She (asks) ___________ him a question about the homework. 6. The student (answers) ____________ the question. 7. The angry teacher (shouts) ____________ at the naughty students. 8. When they (finish) ____________ reading, they look at the pictures.

Now look at these special verbs:

Present (Today) am / are / is do can have / has go run speak learn drive eat cry hurry stop

Past Tense: (Yesterday) was did could had went ran spoke learnt drove ate cried hurried stopped

Change these sentences into the Present Tense: 1. Ahmed was in the school football team. ____________ 2. I did basketball on Saturday afternoons. ____________ 3. We went to the cinema at weekends. ____________ 4. You ran around the playing fields. __________ 5. Sofia and Rahma spoke English very well and learnt the exercise quickly. ____________ 6. Ahmed drove a big red car, but had an accident. ___________ 7. I cried when the story was sad. ____________ 8. They hurried home from school and stopped at the shop for sweets. ____________

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