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I never thought a coach on the internet could make such a difference. But the offer
sounded so generous, free unlimited coaching for a whole year! So I had to give it a
try, and it really made a difference. Long before a year had passed, by the way.

I mean, sure I had spent time studying my hand histories; you're supposed to that,
right? But what should I be looking for? Other than that I lost more money than I won
most of the time. I knew that much already.

As soon as I started sending in my hand histories to

Professional Coach Rounder, my eyes opened. And then the
scales fell from them. I received a whole printed report
dealing exclusively with the hands I had played over the last
days! Picking my game to pieces, laying it out like a broken
engine, showing me in neat little diagrams why my money
leaked out.

At first it was actually a bit humiliating. Some guy I didn't

know told me how bad I was doing. But then again, what good
would Coach Rounder do telling me I was playing great poker
when I wasn't?! I felt that his harsh, objective analysis was a
way for me to become a better poker player. I didn't know of
any better way. So I swallowed my pride and started to change
my game according to the advice of my coach.

When my little bankroll started growing instead of always

shrinking away, I didn't feel the least humiliated anymore. I
kept sending in batch after batch of hand histories and
received a steady stream of suggestions and tips on how to
strengthen my game even more, making my poker profits bigger and less volatile by
the week.

Here are some screenshots of the tracking charts and software in action (click here to see a
full sample report – opens in new window):
The year still isn't over, but I feel like I have already passed my examination! My
presence at any poker table is something else completely compared to eight months
ago. Cash game or multi-table doesn't matter, I'm much more comfortable now. And
much more dangerous – for my opponents, that is. Being a safe winner is such a great
feeling. It has been worth every hour of hard work that I put in.

I guess everyone has their own way of improving in poker, but if you think a year of
personalized poker advice sounds interesting, by all means go ahead and try it.

It's amazing that you can get something like this FOR FREE!

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