The 1st Priority Nursing Diagnosis For The Client Is Hyperthermia Related To Increased Metabolic Rate and Inflammatory Response Secondary To Osteomyelitis

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The 1 priority nursing diagnosis for the client is Hyperthermia related to increased metabolic rate and inflammatory response

secondary to osteomyelitis. This is where an individual has a body temperature elevated above normal range (Doenges, 2006). Nursing interventions appropriate for the client would include: Promote surface cooling by means of a tepid sponge bath. Assist to learn and demonstrate appropriate safety measures. Advise to maintain bedrest. Provide supplemental oxygen as needed. Administer medications as indicated. Administer replacement fluids and electrolytes. Review signs/symptoms of hyperthermia. Provide referral to other disciplines as indicated.


The 4 priority nursing diagnosis is Activity Intolerance related to generalized body weakness secondary to surgery. It is defined as the insufficient physiological or psychological energy to endure or complete required or desired daily activities (Doenges, 2006). The interventions in the plan of care include: Encourage maintaining positive attitude. Promote comfort measures and provide for relief of pain. Reduce intensity level of activities that cause undesired physiological changes. Assist to learn and demonstrate appropriate safety measures. Encourage expression of feelings contributing to/resulting from condition. Plan care with rest periods between activities. Implement exercise program in conjunction with the patient, SO and other health care providers. Refer to appropriate sources for assistance and/or equipment as needed.

For the discharge planning, the client had the nursing diagnosis of Health Teachings: Home Care Management related to termination of the nurse-client relationship. Termination of the nurse-client relationship is hard especially if the client is already used to the presence of the nurse being a support person for the client. Health teachings in this phase are focused on teaching the client to be able do things independently. Nursing interventions include: Review results of laboratory tests. Advise to ambulate (e.g. walking) with rest periods in between. Encourage to take oral medications and to comply with indicated therapeutic regimen. Advise to have good personal hygiene by bathing daily. Instruct to report to the doctor any unusuality. Advise to eat foods rich in vitamin C regularly (Doenges, 2006).

Reference: th Doenges, et. al. (2006). Nurses Pocket Guide: Interventions and Rationales. 10 Ed. Volume 1. Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company

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