In This Book Oscar Wilde Trasforms A Horror Atmosphere in A Comic Story

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In this book Oscar Wilde transforms a horror atmosphere in a comic story; In all the chapters the ghost undergoes

humiliation and jokes from the Otis family,. The author uses also the difference between English mentality and American mentality to create some comic parts of the book: England is an ancient country, so English people believe in traditions and legends, instead, the USA is a modern country and people are more realistic so they face the strange and inusual situations differently. For example in the second chapter, when the ghost appears for the fist time and Mr Otis talks quietly to here ghost without getting frightened: The reaction of Mr. Otis astonish the reader because usually, in horror stories, ghosts frighten the other character. Mr. Otis, instead, remains quiet and he considers the ghost like a normal man. in the third chapter, when Mr. Otis offers to the ghost a bottle of doctor Dobells tincture when he tried to scare them with his demonic laughter.

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