Survey Form A

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1 Newspaper Market Survey

Newspaper Market Survey Questionnaire

About you:
Name: Age / Year of Birth: Income Bracket (per annum): More than Rs. 8,00,000/Rs. 3,00,001 8,00,000 Rs. 1,50,001 3,00,000 Less than Rs. 1,50,000 PIN: Sex: Male Female


Which English newspapers do you subscribe to? Which do you feel are the three best English newspapers? 1. 2. 3.

Reason for Preference:

You think these are the best newspapers because of? Paper 1 a. The Price b. Favourite content or section Paper 2 Paper 3

c. Attractive display

d. Favourite Supplement/ Addon

e. Reliable content Quality

2 Newspaper Market Survey


Some other reason/s?

1. Competition:
Do you prefer any other source of news and information? (Tick where applicable) Medium Internet Radio Television Other Sources Why?

Have these alternate sources affected your newspaper reading? If so, how and why?

Room for Improvement:

If you were the editor of .. <your favourite newspaper> how would you go about making it the most-preferred information source?

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