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Exercise and Dancing kill the pain

Dr. Datten Bangun, MSc,SpFK Dept.Farmakologi & Therapeutik Fak.Kedokteran USU MEDAN

Theories regarding the cause, nature, and purpose of pain have been debated since the dawn of humankind. Most early theories were based on the assumptions that pain was related to a form of punishment. The word pain is derived from the Latin word poena meaning fine, penalty, or punishment. pain is whatever the experiencing person says it is, existing when he says it does (McCaffery, 1980)

Pain Theory: Historical Perspectives

Pain serves as one of the bodys defense mechanisms by warning the brain that its tissues may be in jeopardy, yet pain may be triggered without any physical damage to tissues. Chronic pain may be more debilitating than the trauma itself and, in many instances, is so emotionally and physically debilitating that it is a leading cause of suicide.

The pain response itself is a complex phenomenon involving sensory, behavioral (motor), emotional, and cultural components.

The psychological aspect of pain perception was later addressed by Beecher, who studied 215 soldiers seriously wounded in the Battle of Anzio, finding that only 27% requested pain-relieving medication (Morphine). When the soldiers were asked if they were experiencing pain, almost 60% indicated that they suffered no pain or only slight pain, and only 24% rated the pain as bad. This was most surprising because 48% of the soldiers had received penetrating abdominal wounds. Beecher also noted that none of the men were suffering from shock or were insensitive to pain because inept intravenous insertions resulted in complaints of acute pain. The conclusion was drawn that the pain experienced by these men was blocked by emotional factors.

Conditions that open or close the Conditions that open Conditions that close gate
Physical Physical conditions conditions the gate Conditions that open the gate Extent of the injury Extent of the injury the gate Conditions that close the gate Medication Medication Counterstimulation, eg Inappropriate activity level Counterstimulation, eg Inappropriate activity massage level massage Anxiety or worry Anxiety or worry Tension Tension Depression Depression Mental conditions Focusing on the pain Mental conditions Focusing on the pain Boredom Boredom Positive emotions Positive emotions Relaxation Relaxation Rest Rest Intense concentration Intense concentration or or distraction distraction Involvement and Involvement and interest ininterest in life activities life activities

Emotional Emotional Conditions Conditions

Treatment of PainNow (as it ever was)

For mildmoderate pain: moderatesevere pain:For chronic pain: For



Willow bark (aspirin) (or acetaminophen)

Tricyclic Opium poppy (morphine) Antidepressants adjuncts

Types of Pain Medications

Peripherally active analgesics work at the periphery (e.g., aspirin, Tylenol). Centrally active analgesics narcotics that bind to the opiate receptors in the brain (e.g., codeine, morphine, heroin). Local analgesics can be injected into the site of injury or applied topically (e.g., novocaine). Indirectly acting drugs affect non-pain conditions such as emotions that can exacerbate pain experience.

Endorphins : are among the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) ,At least 20 types of endorphins have been demonstrated in humans. Endorphins interact with the opiate receptors in the brain to reduce our perception of pain and act similarly to drugs such as morphine and codeine. They also act as sedatives. In contrast to the opiate drugs, however, activation of the opiate receptors by the body's endorphins does not lead to addiction or dependence.

Endorphin release
Varies among individuals. Certain foods, such as chocolate or chili peppers, can also lead to enhanced secretion of endorphins. Chili peppers, the spicier the pepper, the more endorphins are secreted. The release of endorphins upon ingestion of chocolate likely explains the comforting feelings that many people associate with this food and the craving for chocolate in times of stress. Various activities to increase body's endorphin levels. Studies of acupuncture and massage therapy have shown that both of these techniques can stimulate endorphin secretion. Sex is also a potent trigger for endorphin release. The practice of meditation can increase the amount of endorphins released in your body.

How to Release Endorphins for Pain Relief According to the Mayo Clinic, exercise is an effective way to eliminate or reduce pain. From chronic pain to menstrual cramps, exercise is definitely what the doctor ordered. = Because exercise induces the body to release endorphins, it is most effective when incorporated into a daily or weekly routine. Natural pain blockers, endorphins block pain signals from reaching the brain. The more consistently a person exercises, the more he will build a defense against aches, pains and minor depression.

Physical exercise :
Everyone understands that physical exercise is essential if you truly want to shed pounds and be healthy. Most individuals assume that : =exercise sessions must be carried out in a gym. = a boring sixty to ninety minutes. = prepare to invest their training time in a space with lots of other people who share the same goal. = They get ready to look uncomfortable. = They rarely seem prepared for a satisfying experience. While its true that you need to workout to lose weight and get healthy, there is no rule that says you cant choose to do something fun and that you enjoy.

Why Dancing?
All training produces endorphins. The degree of fun you will feel when you dance makes that the most important reason to use dancing for your workout. Not all exercises have the sheer level of amusement and contentment that come from dancing. Dancing is entertaining which helps make those endorphins all the more potent. When a person take a dance class or use a dancing video or game you will be developing your coordination. This will give you an improved sense of self confidence, which can carry over into other areas of your life. Its fabulous for preventing depression.

10 Benefits Of Dancing
Forever young Strong bones, lubricated joints. Calorie blaster. Better blood. Mental mastery It's all about balance. Socially satisfying. Culturally diverse Groomed to perfection A happy self.

Forever young
Dancing is tremendously beneficial in keeping us young. It retards the aging process. It benefits our heart, cardiovascular system and increases our lung capacity. The muscle exertion and breathing rates of dancers performing in one dance competition is equivalent to those of cyclists, swimmers and an Olympic-level 800-meter runner.

Strong bones, lubricated joints

Dance aids in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis, which is a major concern for women, especially during post-menopause because of the significant drop in estrogen that occurs at this stage. A decrease in our estrogen levels stops calcium from being absorbed into our bones. Dance also keeps joints lubricated, which helps prevent arthritis.

Calorie blaster.
Dance exercises our bodies to allow for increased circulation. It helps burn calories while improving our stamina. Dance burns from 5 to 10 calories per minute depending on speed and intensity. A 150-pound adult can burn about 150 calories doing 30 minutes of moderate social dancing. Swing and mambo burn more calories than a slow waltz. Increase strength and stamina Aerobic and weight bearing activity will boost your strength and endurance. Burn up to 400 calories per hour!

Better blood.
New research has discovered that it is necessary to measure both good and bad cholesterol levels when determining our health. Dancing aids in lipid control, which raises our HDL (good cholesterol), and lowers our LDL (bad cholesterol). Dancing is also great for diabetics because it aids in blood sugar control.-Neuropathy

Mental mastery
Dance improves our memory by making us recall steps, routines and dance patterns making it a great mental exercise for our brains. The big benefit is that increasing mental exercise keeps your mind young, quick, alert and open. distraction Intense concentration --------- close the gate

It's all about balance

Balancing in one position may be easy, but balancing in the numerous types of positions involved in dancing is much more difficult. Dancers have mastered the ability to balance themselves in a number of positions. This strengthens our stabilizer muscles, while protecting our core and keeping us less prone to injury in our daily lives. Dancing also aids in coordination and helps strengthen our reflexes. It is a great way to keep our central nervous system in tip-top shape by improving the connection of our bodies to our mind.

Socially satisfying.
Dancing is recreational and entertaining. It creates a social life for us, while affording us the opportunity to make new friends. Friends helps us grow, make us laugh and support us as we learn.------ endorphine surges

Social laughter is correlated with an elevated pain threshold

in a series of six experimental studies in both the laboratory (watching videos) and naturalistic contexts (watching stage performances), using change in pain threshold as an assay for endorphin release. The results show that pain thresholds are significantly higher after laughter than in the control condition. This pain-tolerance effect is due to laughter itself and not simply due to a change in positive affect. We suggest that laughter, through an endorphin-mediated opiate effect, may play a crucial role in social bonding. Dancing== during exercises and practicing, filled with lots of laughter

Culturally diverse
Dancing has no cultural barriers. People from all parts of the world, with different ideologies, meet on the dance floor. Cultural interaction improves our health by expanding our mind and sharing our spirit!--positive emotion--closing the gate

Groomed to perfection
Dancing is not only fun and romantic, but it helps promote good grooming because everybody wants to look his or her best while they dance:
= When you look good,you feel good, = and when you feel good,you can do even better ---- closing the gate

A happy self.
Dance elevates our mood by raising our endorphin levels. This is what allows us to heal stress and depression two of our immune system's biggest enemies! It helps us establish our self-confidence and self-discipline. It improves the harmony between our mind and body, giving us a sense of well-being.

Trade your Prozac, Elavil and Cymbalta for dance shoes and literally dance you troubles away.!!!!


Dancing and dementia

A 2003 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine found that ballroom dancing at least twice a week made people less likely to develop dementia. Research also has shown that some people with Alzheimer's disease are able to recall forgotten memories when they dance to music they used to know.

Who Can Dance?

Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity? If your doctor hasn't restricted your activity in any way, you're ready to rock, says Beckford. Bagi pemula, try Poco-poco or sajojo.or dangdut

Tari Serampang Dua Belas (Melayu)



Dance Sport UI,2011

Rumba Salsa

Belly dancing

Good for arthritis?

Happy dancing..> also good for the elderly

So. Happy Dancing and.

Get healthy Thank you

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