AS Media w4 FP

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To get you going...

Login to iMacs Mediastudentas 12mediaas Read comments on your blog and also read comments
on two others blogs (ones you haven't read before)

Set a target for yourself regarding AS media work with

an achievable timeframe.

AS Media
Week 4

To deepen knowledge about
shot construction and shot choices

To understanding the

importance of each media language in the development of the scene.

To create your own sequence

Media language
Visual Camera Lighting Design Costume Make-up Special FX Aural Diegetic Non-diegetic Incidental Music Sound effects Atmosphere Soundtrack Verbal Dialogue Voice-over Script Narration Non-verbal Actions Expressions Posture Positioning


Use the media language grid to

identify how the sequence is constructed.

Homework 2
Formal assessment essay How is the chicken used as a metaphor in the opening
of City of God?

Explain with reference to all the media languages and

particularly with reference to camera, mise en scene (including performance), editing and sound.

800 words

Term Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

G321 Intro Prelim Production Post prod Evaluation Submit by 15 may A2 course starts

G322 TV drama representation unseen analysis Mock Film institutions and audience Mock Exam revision Independent research

Understanding shots
Shot Extreme long shot Long shot 2 people talking Medium close-up Purpose Establishing location Example Wide shot of forest

Continuity editing

Define Practice Shoot Edit Review

Homework 1
Write an opening sequence for a new feature film
setup a school which can be filmed in one continuous shot, has no dialogue and lasts approximately 2mins.

Your script needs to describe how the camera is used,

what it sees, what we here (remember no dialogue), and how genre and audience are established.

Use script writing format.

What has been learnt today?

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