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Sonny San Diego

The talk among all of the summer missionaries who went to San Diego this summer are plans on how to go back. Some want to go back next summer and some want to go back as soon as they can. Some even want to go back and serve for the rest of their lives. It is wonderful to see God work in the hearts of those who serve him. So why the desire to go back? Well here are a few photos that do not begin to tell the story and there is a Youtube video here: The first experience was with Luv-em-up church. It was a church by and for those with physical, emotional and mental We got to do face painting and make balloon creation. Many of us now challenges. want Luv-em-up churches in our home towns. If you want to learn more about Luvem-UP ministry you can go here: We broke up into two teams. One team went to a dust field where they ministered to more than seventy kids. I think the kids had a greater impact on the team than the team had on the kids. If you are on Facebook you can go to my page and see more pictures of the trip. The second team worked at a apartment complex that provides housing for refugees. We got to hang out with the kids and we even danced with them. There was a video of me dancing but fortunately I think I have managed to make it disappear. We also got asked to paint a mural with the kids. There was a central white panel that was 8 feet by 15 feet. I planned it to represent many things based on what a ten year old girl wanted the mural to communicate. It was something that changed us all but most a pioneering effort to get Kaleo (a ministry of InFaith: importantly this was established in the apartment complex. That goal was achieved. As I look back on the trip I think it was one of the most challenging trips we have ever undertaken. Many of us were physically, emotionally and spiritually exhausted from a long summer of ministry before we left for San Diego. There were many challenges we faced as more the twenty people had to live and work together. In the end we all would go back in a heartbeat. We would openly invite the trials for the incredible rewards. I told the summer missionaries that life was meant to be lived as an adventure that never ends. But not all adventures are pony rides in May sunshine -- they are just worth it.
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Special Report
We not only went to San Diego this past summer but we participated in many VBSs, camps and outreaches. We did more paintball outreaches this past year than any previous year. We did a lot of face painting and sharing the gospel. I do not keep count any more but I do believe we saw more people come to Christ this than any year in ministry. I would estimate that we were involved in ministry where more than four hundred people became Gods children. This month I shared with a sixteen year old girl about Gods plan to meet the deepest desire of her heart. I then turned to her sixteen year old boy friend and asked him if he knew the Jesus his girlfriend knew. He did not but God used her gentle and quiet spirit to open his heart to the Great News and he became Gods son forever.

Family Report
As I write this I just want to say that I am so proud of my sons. Daniel is a proud father of new son, Jayden, who is three months old. David played flash light hide-and-seek with his sons the other night and they ran through the house squealing. David is learning how to say no to what he wants to do for the sake of his sons. Aaron is serving his country on the east coast and I cannot even tell you how or I would be arrested. Tim is working, saving money for a new car and college. As always I wish they would grow up faster and sooner and not make the mistakes and choices I made when I was their age. I honestly think that I would not pray for them or care for them as much as I do if they had it made and everything was running smoothly. They will get there in God's time and for now I am thrilled to see God's hand in their lives. Chris and I will soon die of unnatural causes. We are running the Portland Marathon on October 7. This may be the last newsletter I write. Check the news to see the article about my untimely death. Chris and I did manage to get away together and spend some time at beautiful Glacier National Park.

Ministry Report
Later this month I and ten of the pastors and leaders I work with will be attending a workshop on preaching the word. I love the Word and I am so glad to have men I work with attend. Pray for us as we improve our skills. Pray for my intern Norm Allport. I am challenging him to really focus on raising his support. It is something few missionaries enjoy doing but it is not about raising money but raising up partners in ministry. Pray also for another young man Jimmy as he considers becoming an intern with InFaith. Pray for our pastors lunch twice a month in Yakima. Pray that more men can come. Thanks

Financial Report
Thanks to all of you who gave towards the Kaleo trip to San Diego. Our supporters gave over $5000.00 towards the trip! God is so good thank you. I am happy to report that our support is where it should be. However, I am praying about raising more support so that my wife can reduce her hours. She is a physical therapist and it is getting more and more demanding with age. Another area of concern is our work funds account. We use work funds to pay for ministry expenses. Expense like paintball $4000-$5000 per year, Face painting $3000- $4000 per year. Pastor support $4000-$5000 per year. These are just a few of our expenses. If you would like to contribute to our work fund here is how: Send a check to InFaith -- 672 Conestoga RD -- Box 379 -- Villanova, PA 19085. Put 03102 - work funds on the memo line. Thanks so much. I will give updates via email on a regular basis. If you would like regular updates then please send me your email address. Thanks.

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