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iPad Work Flow

Overview of 5-Step Work Flow Model Explanation of Step One Break out for Cloud Service Set-up/ Challenges Submission & Electronic Correcting e-Correcting practice

The 5-Step Model

1. Distribute PDFs to students through a cloud service

2. Students open the PDF in Notability

3. Completed work is sent by students to the teacher's designated email

4. The teacher opens the document in Notability for correcting

5. The teacher sends the corrected document back to the students' email

How do I Choose a Cloud Service?

How are my les organized?

Files are put into separate Files are put Files are put Files are put notes within a into folders into folders into folders subject within folders within folders within folders notebook
Students bookmark a link to your notebooks on their home screen
Through the Evernote Mac application or

How do students access the les? How do I add les?

Students bookmark a link to your notebooks on their home screen

Students bookmark a link to your notebooks on their home screen

Students open your les from within the Google Drive app
Through Google Drive folders on your Macs hard drive or online.

Through Through Box Dropbox folders folders on your on your Mac's Mac's hard drive hard drive or or

Teacher's View

Students' View

Teacher's View

Students' View

Teacher's View

Students' View

Teacher's View

Students' View

Students Open the Document in Notability

Students email completed work back to the teacher


The teacher opens the document for correcting

In Notability On your Mac


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