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Intelligence Report on Abdul Malik Amjad Abdul Malik Amjad is a twenty-eight year old U.S.

national who has lived for the past six years in various parts of Jordan. Amjad was raised in Jordan by his grandparents until he met Husam Zaman, a senior leader of Al Qaeda based in Jordan, in 1995. He then traveled with with the Al Qaeda leader throughout Jordan, where he lived in various makeshift homes including vacated stores, underground tunnels, and empty apartments. Zaman trained Amjad until he formally committed to the group on October 3, 2003. Amjad returned to the U.S. approximately 4 months ago. Upon his return, it is suspected that he began communications with Al Qaeda splinter cells in the northeast U.S. It is believed that the splinter cells worked with Amjad to prepare the bomb for detonation.

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