Timeline of Attack

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Timeline of Attack

Monday, October 1 9:00am: Bomb arrives in three packages at Port of Los Angeles 9:05am: Packages picked up by Ahmad Hassan Kouri in Dodge van 9:25am: Two other packages containing remaining parts of bomb arrive at Port of Long Beach 9:30am: Packages picked up by Kouri in Dodge van Tuesday, October 2 4:30am: Van arrives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 4:45am: Kouri rests in colleagues home in Edmond, Oklahoma with bomb stored in basement 9:00am: Kouri continues driving towards Illinois 10:00pm: Van arrives in Evanston, Illinois 10:30pm: Van arrives at Northshore Apartments in Evanston, Illinois Wednesday, October 3 11:32am: Kouri calls Abdul Malik Amjad 12:30pm: Abdul Malik Amjad arrives to assemble bomb and prepare for attack Thursday, October 4 4:00am: Bomb is successfully assembled 10:00am: Kouri makes various calls to other Al Qaeda members, including Mohammad Abdullah Amarin and Husam Zaman 5:00pm: Kouri has dinner at Lebanese restaurant near his apartment with two unidentified people (suspected Al Qaeda members) Friday, October 5 1:00am: Amjad arrives at Kouris apartment 9:00am: Amjad packs bomb securely in back of Weslec Electrical Service van 11:35am: Amjad drives van to site and parks 12:03pm: Bomb parked at corner of Monroe and La Salle detonated

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