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The newsletter of Reading Pride Celebration serving the Greater Reading Pride area with the latest GLBT news, announcements and more
Fall 2012 No.5


From the desk of our President Richard Spangler

Another Pride Festival has come and gone and planning on next years festival began the day after Reading Pride Celebration 2012. As always to all those who made it another big success we thank you, to all who attended, to all our vendors, to all our volunteers, to all who spread news of the events on Facebook and a special thank you to the members of the Reading Pride

Celebration Committee who give tirelessly of time and talent, not only for the event itself but also on all the fundraising events necessary to make the Pride Festival possible. We welcome your input, on what we can do to improve the RPC Festival. Please contact us at info@readingpridecelelbra tion,com or e-mail me directly at Have a great holiday season and know that we are busy planning for Reading Pride Celebration 2013 to be held on Sunday July 21, 2013 at Centre Park in Reading, PA

Being in the leather community for a few years now, I have competed in several leather contests. Winning the Mr Reading Leather title in 2008. The next Mr. Reading Leather contest will be held next October of 2013 I will be a judge. I am looking for contestants to compete in the

contest. If you are interested email me at for information. This will be The Reading Railmen's 35th anniversary. The club has been around since 1978 and was started by 15 original members from Reading and the surrounded areas. If you look at our logo we have the train in the middle and there are 15 round circles around the logo this Continued on Page 3


Being in the leather community for a few years (Continued from Page 1)
this represents the 15 original members that started the club. Our founding fathers so to speak. Over Labor Day weekend a large gathering of Leather clubs came together in Maryland for an event which is called Olympia. It is held only every 2 yrs. I had the pleasure of going to this event 2 yrs ago with my boyfriend and our club brothers. It was a proud event to see all the leather clubs together and the brotherhood that was shared with each other was awesome. People talking and socializing with each other. Laughing and a good time was had by all. It was set up over a large camp ground and several cocktail parties had been thrown by each of the leather clubs that attended. There was a dungeon were you could go to have a great time . The leather community does a lot of good for the gay community which we are a part of. Raising funds for all kind of good causes. Some of the other Leather Clubs also hold events at their home bars and the also have pool parties I have attended some of them and they also can be really fun they are usually out of town and requires some travel or overnight. We had a club bar night at the Red Star Saloon on September 15 2012 is was the Whip It Good Night. This was a kinky fetish type event. It was a blast. Make sure you join us for a future (to be determined) Whip It Good Night! October 13th 2012 is our 34 th anniversary celebration. We do this every year and we have a blast. November 17th 2012 is our All Leather and Hanky night. December 1st 2012 is our annual Santa's cumming event which raises money for our Ed Knoll PWA account. This money helps people with HIV right here in the Reading Community. The Reading Railmen are looking for members to join our club. If you are interested please come to a bar night and talk to us about it. We also have a web site at Check it out... Mr Reading Leather 2008 Jim Kuser

Be Heard Speak Out

Send a letter to our Editor TODAY Letters to the Editor should be about 200 words. The Editorial Board has the right to accept or reject any letter. Letters may be subjected to editing for clarity and brevity. Send letters to: The dead line for the winter issue is December 19th 2012. Thank you

Check us out on the web

You will find Photos, news, events and so much more

In Business, Provide a Service: Be a Vendor at Pride 2013

By Ben Renkus Vendor Chairperson
Thanks to the many vendors that brought their art, crafts, wares and services to the many participants at Reading Pride Celebration 2012 in supporting our community. Without you Pride would be nothing but six hours of entertainment. On July 16th we started planning with a general meeting for next years Pride Festival, thats right, the day after this years Pride. We are always looking to make Pride bigger and better for everyone involved. At that meeting I promised to do my best to fill the park with vendors and those companies who are sponsors of Pride. We want our participants to be enlightened by your art, mesmerized by your crafts, wanting your wares and educated by or in need of your services. We constantly are on the hunt for new vendors while trying to keep those who already participate. We go to various events checking out vendors throughout the year to see if we can interest them in being a vendor for us. If you are in business, provide a

service or are an advocate and are GLBT Allied, Friendly or Owned we are interested in hearing from you as a possible community resource and vendor for Reading Pride Celebration 2013. If you know someone who would fit the above description of a vendor, please have them contact me, or let me know and I will contact them. Your help in finding or sharing those vendors that you have used would be greatly appreciated. or

By Ben Renkus Vendor Chairperson

For years I have heard Centre Park referred to as the Gayborhood, perhaps for the seemingly high concentration of GLBT community members living in the old elegant historical Victorian neighborhood. Anyone who knows me knows that I have always made that connection. So when Reading Pride Celebration was in the early stages of planning almost seven years ago, it was no surprise to me that we choose Centre Park for the Pride Festival. Since that time a very special relationship developed between Reading Pride Celebration and Centre Park Historical District. Centre Park has always helped out with the Pride Festival in providing us with their expertise in putting on events in the park and loaning us equipment. This year at Reading Pride Celebration 2012, Centre Park Historical District, who has participated in the all six Pride Festivals, proclaimed to be Readings Gayborhood on tee shirts used for fundraising with the print image above. Chris Miller, the President of Centre Park Historic District, spoke to Rich Spangler, President of Reading Pride Celebration, about the designation and the possibility of both organizations cooperating in some future endeavors. At this time it is not sure what type of cooperation might be considered that could benefit both organizations but it is worth exploring. Stay tuned! For more information on the Centre Park Historic District and their events check out or

Up Coming Events
Saturday: October 6 Flea Market at Centre Park 8 AM to Noon. Look for the Rainbow Flags. Come find a treasure and help Reading Pride Celebration. We have some great items available; TVs, workout equipment, home dcor Cooking items, lamp shades, mirrors and curtains just to mention a few. So come out and support a great cause. All proceeds benefit Reading Pride Celebration 2013. If you have anything to donate to the flea market please contact Rich Spangler at 610.375.8209. All donations would be tax deductible. Tuesday October 16 Friends Helping Friends, Boscovs Department stores great program for No- Profit organizations. Pay $5.00 for a voucher that you can use all day long (Tuesday October 16) and receive a 25% discount on most purchases. It can be used at any store, at any time and as many times as you like, just keep the voucher with you and present it each time you checkout. Tickets will be available at the Flea Market at Centre Park for purchase. Its a win win situation we keep the $5.00 and you get great discounts! All proceeds benefit Reading Pride Celebration 2013.Tickets can be purchased from any Pride Member Saturday December 22 Applebees Flapjack Fundraiser 8AM to 10AM 3050 North 5th Street Highway Reading, PA19605. All you can eat pancakes sausage, juice and coffee or tea. Adults $6.50 Kids under 12 $4.00. Hosted by Miss Reading Pride Celebration 2012 Whitley Nycole DeAire And some of her best friends will be serving up breakfast to give your last minute Christmas shopping day a dragalicious start. Tickets can be purchased from any member of Pride, from our web site or at the door. All proceeds benefit Reading Pride Celebration 2013.

The Bible and Queer Spirituality Celebrating Pride Revs. Deb Coggin and Jennifer Glass
Rev. Deb Coggin writes, One of the definitions of PRIDE is reasonable and justifiable selfrespect. I like that definition. It is reasonable and justifiable for me as a "Queer Christian" to have pride. God created me just as I am! Queer! I know many will disagree and even some in the LGBT community struggle with this concept. Yet, the more I learn and the more I understand my faith, the stronger my pride grows. I am not ashamed of who I am. And because of this belief, I have dedicated my life to helping others understand that can have self-respect and PRIDE. We do not have to live in shame. We do not have to live in fear. For if God has set us free, we are free indeed. My hope and prayer is that every day for every "Queer" person is a PRIDE day. If you struggle within yourself to believe you are wonderfully created and that God fully and completely loves you as a "Queer" person then visit our website at and send me an e-mail or visit one of our worship services. It is time for everyone to be filled with PRIDE every day. Rev. Jen Glass writes, I am proud to be Queer! Long before I knew anything about sexual orientation, I knew I was different and the word queer, which means different, gives me a way to define that. I am proud to be part of the LGBT Community and proud to be alive at this time! We do so much good for justice and human rights. Together we make a difference and change each others lives and the world. I am proud to be a Queer Christian! And I am proud of that even if some people arent as proud of that as I am. I find that sometimes the Christian community doesnt embrace me because I am Queer. I also find that sometimes the Queer community doesnt embrace me because I am Christian. I am who I am, I am proud of who God made me to be, and I am proud and blessed that God is present in my life and walks with me every moment I breathe! If it werent for God and my relationship with the Divine, I probably wouldnt have come out and I certainly wouldnt get through a lot of other things in life.! (Continued on Page 7)

The Bible and Queer Spirituality Celebrating Pride (Continued from Page 5)

In addition, I am proud to be part of Metropolitan Community Churches! We are a community of faith that embraces sexuality and spirituality and I am proud to be in ministry with a church that is so accepting of all people and that spreads Gods love for everyone! Furthermore, there are so many things for us to be proud of in the last year! New York legalized samesex marriage, Washington and Maryland signed samesex marriage bills into law, civil unions are legal in Hawaii and Delaware, Chaz Bono appeared on Dancing With the Stars, there was a Transgender Miss Universe contestant, they say we are at the beginning of the end of AIDS, Starbucks and President Obama support same-sex marriage, Mayor Spencer of the City of Reading is 1 of 9 mayors in Pennsylvania that support same-sex marriage, and in Pennsylvania we are set to get our first openly gay state representative in Brian Sims of Philadelphia, just to name a few! I love having QUEER PRIDE! Got questions? About the Bible? About other matters of faith? Please feel free to email Pastors Deb and Jen at

Rev. Deb Coggin is the Lead Pastor and Rev. Jen Glass is a pastor on staff at Vision of Hope MCC. Vision of Hope is a member of the denomination known as the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches. For the last 44 years MCC has grown into the worlds largest Christian faith group providing spiritual support to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender persons along with their allies. We are Led by Christ, Empowered to Rock the World with locations in Mountville and Reading. If you are looking for a church that is not like any other and you want to find a place that is looking to encounter the presence of the living God, then come check us out! In Mountville we worship on Sunday mornings at 10am, with PrePraise starting at 9:45am. In Reading we worship on the 2nd and 4th Sundays NOW at 4pm at the Quaker Meeting House, 108 N. 6th Street, Reading! (*In July that will be the 22nd and then in August, the 12th and 26th.

Whats cooking in the Kitchen with Robert Bailey

Cooking with Robert C. Baily


1 Head Iceberg Lettuce, Large, Firm, Chopped Medium 1 Head Romaine Lettuce, Large, Firm, Sliced Medium 1 Head Endive Lettuce, Large, Cut Small 2 Heads Butter Leaf Lettuce, Large, Cut Medium 1 Fresh Baby Spinach, Small Leaf 1 Head Radicchio Lettuce, Medium, Sliced Thinly Combine First Four Lettuces And Soak In Ice Water. Add Baby Spinach And Radicchio. The Radicchio Is Basically For Color. You Can Make Side of Sliced Sweet Onion, Sided Assorted Peppers, And Fresh Button Mushrooms For Your Guests. Hot Bacon Dressing 2# Thick Cut Bacon, Sliced Medium 1 Cup Sugar, White, (1/2 Cup Splenda for Diabetics) 6 To 8 Tablespoons of Flour 1 Cup Cider Vinegar 2 Cups Cold Water 4 Whole Eggs Well Beaten Fry The Bacon Very Crisp, Remove And Set A Side, Reserving The Bacon Fat. Whisk the Sugar and Flour Together Until Well Combined. Then The Eggs, Vinegar, And Water. Combining well. Add Salt & Pepper To Your Liking. On A Medium High Burner Heat The Bacon Fat. In A Large Skillet Or Large Sauce Pot. When Hot Slowly Add The Vinegar Mixture Whisking Constantly Till Thick. Remove From Heat. You Can Do Two Things With This, Depending On Your Guests. Either Pour Directly onto Salad or SERVE on the side.
(more recipes on Page 10)

The Gayzette: A GLBT and Allies Publication Fall 2012 vol 5 no.1 Newsletter Committee Chairs Richard Todd Wagner EDITOR, DESIGN, and LAYOUT Richard Todd Wagner Kimberly Kalbach Ben Renkus Richard Spangler ARTICLE CONTIBTIONS Richard Todd Wagner Richard Spangler Deb Coggin Jennifer Glass Jim Kuser Robert C. Baily Ben Renkus Joe DiCindo

The Gatzette: a GLBT and Allies Publication is a quartile publication of the Reading Pride Celebration. DISCLAMER The views expressed in these articles are those of the authors and do not necessary reflect the views of the Reading Pride Celebration. OUR MISSION: is to Celebrate Unity and Diversity in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community of Reading and Berks County. Contributions are encouraged and must be submitted via e-mail, CD, or flash drive. Articles are subject to editing and may be rejected: articles length approximately 250 or less. Deadline for winter is December 16, 2012 Contact:

Proud Sponsors of Reading Pride Celebration

Chef Alans 6th and Penn Ave West Rdg. Pa 19611 610-375-4012

Goodnites Crown Plaza 1741 Paper Mill Rd 610-376-3811

Red Star SALOON 11TH s. 10TH St Reading, Pa. 19602 610-375-4116

Cooking with Chef Joey D

French Onion Soup 8 large onions sliced long wise inch Quart of beef stock Lb. of butter Cups of flour 2 Large Bay Leaves 1 tsp. Dried Basil Leave 1 tsp. of thyme 1 tsp. of Black Pepper 2 Cups of Dry Sherry Gruyere Swiss Cheese French bread sliced in to croutons placed on a cookie sheet sprinkle with Olive Oil and Parmesan Cheese. Bake till toasted. Method Medium sauce pan saut butter, onions for half hour on low heat, add all seasons sprinkle over the mixture and cook for an additional 20 mixture, add boiling beef stock which contains dry sherry, cook for 30 minutes Serve in a crock, place two croutons in crock add soup, top with 3 slice of Dryer Swiss Cheeses, bake in 35 degree oven till golden brown. Chef Joes Macaroni and Cheese Ingredients 2 Lbs of Macaroni gallon of milk stick of butter 1 cup Flour 2 lbs. Of Copper Sharp Cheese 1 Tbsp. Dry Mustard 1 Tbs. Worcestershire Sauce 1 tsp. Salt Kocher 1 tbs. White Salt 1 Tsp. White pepper Cook the Macaroni in the water and Kocher Salt Make a Bchamel Sauce White Sauce heat up milk Scaled make in medium pot, Separate sauce pan melt butter add 1 cup of flour to make a roux cook 20 minutes slow on low heat, add scaled milk, mustard and pepper to Roux mix, then add copper Sharp Cheeses in cut up small pieces, cook sow for 30 minuets. Pour over strained macaroni, bake 325 degree oven till golden brown


Rich Rostato Sep 8th

Pedro Lorenzi Sep 9th

Justin Mason Ms RDG Pride 2011 Sep 10

Richard Turner Whitley Sep 17th Ms. RDG Pride 2012

Victoria Stiles Sep 25th

Candice Chiarelli Sep 29

Anthony Torres Sep 30th

Evelyn Purcell Oct 9

Lana Davis Oct 11

Joe Dicindo Nov1st

Amanda Orth Nov 2 nd

Dennis Ruffber Nov 9

Krista Cyran Nov 19

Richard Todd Wagner Nov 23rd

Sofanda Coxx Nov 29

Bob Hertz Ria LaRue Dec 9

DJ Journey Jose Dec 19th

Happy Anniversary Rich & Ben Sep 1st & 5th Tom & Henry Sep 1nd


This Edition of the Gayzett is decanted in the memory of our beloved ones we lost
Glenn Wagner Dame Glenda

Kyra (Kruz) Cordova


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