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(In less than

What Counts!

Ray Walter

Assemblyman Ray Walter Said He would Deliver What Counts... And He Did It!!! (In less than 12 months!)
r R ay Wa l te n s se m bl ym a A t t h e h igh e s h as y t i ng o f An p ro -j o b s ra r. te le g i s l a t o sta 12
un Bus i ne s s C o nyS c i l 20
$30 million to kick-start the UB2020 program Led the way to pass legislation to protect our children from cyber-bullying $1 billion in economic funding to grow jobs and the economy in Western New York EPIC co-payment assistance: helping seniors get the medicine they need We elected Ray Walter to the Assembly less than a year ago. He said he would work across political party lines to deliver what counts for us, and he is off to a great start. Thanks to Ray and Governor Cuomo, Western New York is receiving the state resources we deserve.

Protecting What Counts...

Paid for by NYRSC : Not paid for at taxpayer expense

Call or text Ray Walter at (716) 952-4152

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