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Center of Advance Studies in Engineering, Islamabad

EE2301 Electronic Devices & Circuits (Fall 2012) Section-I

Assignment #02 {Total Marks= 50} Assigned: Tuesday 25th, Sep., 2012 : Due: Friday. 28th , Sep. 2012.

(Part A): For the diode circuit shown in fig. 1 employing the diode characteristics shown in Fig. (2); Determine the operating point (VDQ, IDQ) by applying following three equivalent circuit models i.e.
1- Piecewise linear model 2- Simplified diode model 3- Ideal Model

For the following cases

i) R= 1K ii) R=100 iii) R=50

At the end compare results in each case and with those obtained by load line analysis technique applied as shown in Figs 3, 4 and 5. For your convenience the operating point is obtained for each case using load line analysis technique on MATLAB and the results are shown in the subsequent figures (Fig. 3, 4 and 5). Fig. 6 shows the effect of changing the load resistance on Q-point.


+ Si VD -

E 10V

+ -


Fig. 1

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Fig. 2 : Diode Characteristics with IS=17 A, n=2, VT= 26mV

Fig. 3 : With R= 1K ; Q-Point (0.6403V, 9.36mA)

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Fig. 4 : With R= 100 ; Q-Point (0.76V, 92.19mA)

Fig. 5 : With R= 50 ; Q-Point (0.796V, 184.1mA)

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Fig. 6: Effect of changing the value of load resistance (Part B): Implement the above circuit shown in Fig. 1on Multisim for the given component values (i.e. use 1N4004 si diode from mutisim library) and verify the results with your calculations. ___________________________________________________________________________ END

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