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Grammar for Writing

Learning Objective:

How sentences can be joined using conjunctions.

A conjunction helps us join two short sentences together to make a longer one.

The cat is brown.


The cat is fat. The cat is brown and the cat is fat.

With more precise writing we have to think about using other conjunctions.

Read the following letter with your partner. Focus on the underlined words.

Dear Mr Agard ____Ms Nichols,

I like the book you wrote called, Caribbean Dozen. I say one of the poems while I am skipping. Ive been saying that poem ______I was four _____now I say the version in your book. I look at the book everyday ______I can learn the last verse. Mrs Bradley reads us poems_ _____ we have finished our work. Martin likes the one about the chocolate bars _______it is only five words long. I like writing poems though Im not as good at it as Sheena. I am better if nobody bothers me. I could write you a poem about my friends hamster or I could draw Mrs Bradleys cat for you. I like the picture of the rabbit ______ I like the poem too. I want a rabbit _____ I am not allowed one.
Love from Gina

Dear Mr Agard and Ms Nichols, I like the book you wrote called, Caribbean Dozen. I say one of the poems while I am skipping. Ive been saying that poem since I was four but now I say the version in your book. I look at the book everyday so that I can learn the last verse. Mrs Bradley reads us poems when we have finished our work. Martin likes the one about the chocolate bars because it is only five words long. I like writing poems though Im not as good at it as Sheena. I am better if nobody bothers me. I could write you a poem about my friends hamster or I could draw Mrs Bradleys cat for you. I like the picture of the rabbit and I like the poem too. I want a rabbit but I am not allowed one. Love from Gina

Here is a list of the conjunctions we have just read:

and, while, since, but, so that, when, because, though, if, and or.

Try and join these simple sentences using the list of conjunctions to make a complex sentence.

The cat is brown.

His mother was brown.

I like playing football.

Im not as good as my friend. I have not had much sleep. My brother started to learn the drums.

and, while, since, but, so that, when, because, though, if, and or.

Well Done!
We understand how to write a complex sentence using conjunctions.

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