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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )

Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)

1 confined space means ?
confined space means any chamber, tank, manhole, vat. Soil, pit, pipe, flue or other enclosed
space, in which
2 what's the entry ?
ingress by a person head passes through an opening into the confined space .
3 what is the confined space gases dangers ? ( vapors or fumes )
fire or explosion
4 CS Hazardous atmosphere is when? And acceptable limit atmosphere?
* oxygen is not within the range of 19.5% to 23.5% by volume
* flammable gas or vapor is 10% or more of it's LEL or
* toxic substances exceed PEL
5 what is the code practice ? New
SS 568 year 2009 ( the previous SS 548 CP 74 : 1998 effected on 2009 )
6 who is employer ?
employer is employ another person ( under contract service )
7 who is the owner ?
the factory permit holders
8 who is the employee( or worker)
under the contract and under the employee
9 what is confined space registration year ?
year 2009
10 what is penalties of individual person ?
1st offence S $ 200.000 and 2y jail . 2nd offence S$ 400.000 and 2y jail
worker 1 st time 1000 $ , 2nd time 2000 $ periodic offence
11 the new code practice effect on ?
12 responsible person means ?
employer or the principal under whose direction he enters or works in confined space
13 what is the range of oxygen in the air ?
19.5 to 23.5 % by volume
14 what is the range of flammable gas or vapor in the air ?
10% or more of it's LEL or
15 how to safely do remove the confined space covers?
depressurized and rendered and remove the covers
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
16 how to use the lighting in confined space ?
sufficient and suitable ( before entry shall be ensured )
17 how to use the ventilation in to the confined space ?
air should be directed to the area and exhaust ventilation excahused to location to outside of
confined space
permit should be specifies the description, location entry of purpose, result of gas testing
and period of validly.
19 who issue the permit ?
the Authority manager ( AM)
20 when should not enter the Confined space?
* wear not suitable berthing apparatus
* without permit
* wear not a safety harness with rope securely attached
* CSA not keeping watching outside of Confined space
21 when the AM can issue the permit ?
check the application form as follows
* mention Identification CS ( sketch dwg) no hazardous , ventilation, emergency effective action, responsible safety officer,
CSA , CSSA, and validly of working hours .
22 when can remove the permit from work station ?
once work was done or replace to the new permit. once work was done or replace to the new permit.
23 periodic testing when it needed ?
if there are 2 more person in to the confined space at least on of them continuously monitor
24 how many years need be keeping record ?
all recorded shall be keep less then 2 years from date of made
25 when report to S.S , WSHO, WSH and the AM?
incomplete the work for any person meet to the vicinity and pose risk

26 when review the entry permit ?
work is likely to pose a risk and cannot be continued for period timing .
27 who is post a notice at confined space ?
the occupier shall clearly post a notice
douring the work , the supervisor post a copy validity entry permit .
28 when worker can enter the confined space
have receive the safety health training for confined space
29 what is duties of confined space attendant ?
monitor person entering onto working
maintain regular contact the person
carry out rescue work into event on emergency
30 incase fire ?
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
probably maintained the escape route and free form obstruction .
31 how to protect form toxic dust , fumes or other contaminants ?
use exhausted air flow, and , breathing apparatus suitably treated to remove
any material, oil must, vapor , odor, carbon monoxide and dioxide .
32 what is the PEL ?
it means permissible exposure level ( PEL)
33 PEL when specified the schedule
PEL in the first schedule
34 what is the working hours in PEL toxic substance ?
8 hrs a day , 40 hrs a week

35 how offence worker can breaker during the work day?
15 minutes
36 what is employer principals?
description of the CS , gas testing, appoint to the AM, CSSA, CSA
gas testing, preparing a permit , monitoring to ensure S& H of worker during the work of CS
37 what is the entrant ?
display identification badge
38 CSA duties ?
monitor for the entering and working .
maintain regular contact, necessary assist them , alert person to carry out rescue
39 what is duties of supervisor ?
prepare for the entry permit, submit to CSSA and address to AM
displaying a copy of permit
40 what is duties of CSSA?
suitable and calibration instrument,
check gases, recorded the result,
check ventilation
40 AM what he checks before sign the entry permit ?
check the hazardous atmosphere, ventilation and effective steps for
41 what is the content of coffined space gases ?
dangerous gases, vapours of fumes are liable to be present to such an extent as to involve risk
of fire or explosion .
42 when we need to enter the confined space?
inspection, repair, maintenance, cleaning, construction & rescue.
43 what is type of confined space?
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
shipbuilding, refining and petrol chemical, manufacturing, logistic
and construction .
44 what is CS easily indentify ?
storage tanks, reaction vessels, soils, convert drains, sewers, manhole, cover dams.
45 what is CS obvious identify ?
vats, ductwork, trench, sump, cold room, ISO tanks.
46 what is 2 main CS hazards ?
physical hazards and atmospheric hazards.
47 what is the lower explosive gases level in the CS?
10 % are or more
48 what is the level of Oxygen In the CS ?
19.5 % to 23.5% by volume
49 what is the atmospheric hazards?
oxygen deficiency , oxeye enrichment
presence of flammble gases / vapour
presence of toxic gases / vapour
50 what is vapour ?
vapour is colorless and odorless and cannot be detected unless a gas detector vapour is colorless and odorless and cannot be detected unless a gas detector
51 which can be sources of ignition?
i) hot work like welding or gas cutting;
ii) pyrophoric materials (e.9. iron sulphide);
- iii) sparks from internal combustion engines, .g.,
compressor, drilling and non-flame cutting;
source of ignition of the
flammable liquid or combustible powder itself.
52 what is the autoignitition temperature ( AIT ) ?
sold, liguid or gas will makes it self spark or flame .
53 what is the LEL & UEL ?
LEL low explosive level UEL
UEL upper explosive level LEL
Low LEL values - most petroleum vapours
flamrnable range between 1 to 10% by vol
Above which the mixtures will not burn, i.e too
rich to burn
54 whatis oxygen enitrchement ?
Flammable materials catch fire easily in the CS
ignition= OL__0
sources= @00du
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
55 what is the Causes of oxygen deficiency?
Oxidation ,Rusting ,Bacterial growth
Hot works such as welding and cutting
Displacement by inert gases such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide
56 Poisoning - by toxic gases, vapours or foums ?
inhalation , skin and ingestion ingestion -2LM8@gg0
57 units of PEL are PPM and mg/m3
Maths for sampling house testing time ( range )
Model No. TMx410
Sampling Pump Model SP400
vol= r2 X dia X dia X hose length x per meter / hose length
Range for ppm ( Parts Per Million)
CO- 0-999, H2S 0-500, O2 - 0-30% and CH4 -0-5.0
CO- 48sce, H2S -30 sec, O2 - 10sec and CH4 - 35sec
Pump suction
Pump capacity
847.8 mm3
Hose length
100 feet = 3000 mm
Sampling time ( calibration)
radius = D/2 ~ 6mm/2 ~ 0.3mm x 0.3mm
vol= r2 X dia X dia X hose length x per meter / hose length
vol = 3.I4 X 0.3mm X 0.3mm X 3000 ~ 847.8
pump capacity = vol/time =847.8 mm3 X 0.min/ I000
847.87 00~ 1.7mint ( 102 sec)
Actual time for sampling
CO- 48sce, H2S -30 sec, O2 - 10sec and CH4 - 35sec
Maths for permissable explosive level
Units of PEL are ppm and mg/m3.
Formula to convert mg/m3 to ppm at Standard
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
Temperature (25"C) and Pressure (760 mmHg).
ppm= mg/m3 x 24.5/molecular weight

ppm= 36
mw= 42
what is the PEL ?
ppm 36 x 42
For work shift more than I hrs, adjust the PEL
by either of the following methods
OSHA model
Brief & Scala model
OSHA model
. Adjusted PEL = thr PEL x Daily Reduction Factor
. Daily Reduction Factor = 8/h where h = hours worked per day
for hours 16.
16 hourse 16 hourse
Brief & Scala model (a more conservative model)
. Adjusted PEL = 8hr PEL x Daily Reduction Factor
. Daily Reduction Factor = {8/h x (24-h/16) where h = hours worked per day
8/h x (24-h/16)
8 x 8
16 16
= 1
PEL for mixtures
N= C + C2 + Cn
T1 T2
C1=100ppm (PEL1 =150ppm) . C2-50ppm (PEL2=100ppm)
Calculate if PEL is exceeded
N= 100 + 50
150 + 100
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
purge time for static condition .
Q= V/T ln ( Co/ C)
A tank of 500 m3 volume contans hydrogen
sulfide at200 ppm concentration. How much
time will it take a fan with a capacity of 20
m3/min to reduce the concentration to 5 ppm?
Q= V/T ln ( Co/ C)
T= V/T x Ln x ( Co/ C)
20= 500/T X Ln x ( 200/5) =500*LN(40) = 1844.43
20 = 500/t x Ln x ( 40 ) = 1844.43972706
20=1844.43/T =1844.43/20 = 92.2215
ANSWER IS 92.22 Mints to be purging
58 Hydrogen sulphide ( H2S)
H2S is a toxic , combustible gas and is heavier than air
smell like rotten eggs
PEL is 10 ppm
causes : lungs to fail and the person is asphyxiated
59 Carbon monixide 59 Carbon monixide
CO is a toxic , orderless, combustible gas and is slightly lighter than air
PEL is 25 ppm
causes : bloodstream through lungs and asphyxiation
for EX: Diesel driven pump or compressors, fire, welding and burning .
60 Hydrocarbon ( vapours)
it is from crude oile or petroleum
the main effect is narcotic , headache, eye irrtation and feel drunknness
PEL is 250 ppm
61 Solvents
casuse : eye ,nose irritation,
it is used by painting
the toxic is some degree
62 Alcohols
it is used commonly paint
causes : irritation
it is poison and optic nerve
63 ketone
it is used to painting
causes : dermattis, irritation to the nose and throat
64 fumes from welding & flame cutting
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
it is from Welding fumes may include fluorides, oxides of
iron, zinc, copper, manganese, lead cadium nickel and chromium
causes : astham, pneumonities or pullmonary
65 what is Heat stress?
sweating , damage to vital organs- brain, kidney and lever
66 what is the cold stress ?
hypothermia, frost bite, trence foot and chillblains
67 what is the hypothermia ?
is beeing loss of body heat
68 what is the forstbite ?
permanently damage body tissues
69 what is thechilblains ?
it is damage beds in the skin
70 what is the Radiation ?
it is ultravoilet
casuses : skin burns catract, arceye genetic cahnages . cancer
71 noise efect ?
short term or long term hearing loss and poor communication --- accidents short term or long term hearing loss and poor communication --- accidents
71 what is the 8 h PEL for noise ?
85 DB
72 what is the confined space RA ?
work is conducted by knowledgeable and experienced personal
73 what is the machanical hazards sourses ?
moving or rotating parts ( belts, gears, paddles, blades,
shafts, chain or belt drives agitators .
74 identification of Confined Spaces ?
all CS shall be clearly identified , documented and labeled include equipment and services
75 year of 2008 how many presentage accidents in to tha CS?
76 what is the Hierarchy of Controls ?
Engineering Control
Admistartor Control
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
77 what is content insite the sewer system /
for Ex: methane and hydrogen and deep water
78 who should approved the RA?
the AM
79 how offten to review the RA?
3 Y once
80 what is the purging ?
it is means before enter CS to remove the contain of
hazardous contaminants .
another medium such as air, water, steam or inert gases.
81 when do not carry out the gas testing ?
purging and vaentilation do not exclude the need for gas testing .
82 when the new contaminants be introduced in the CS ?
such as welding and painting works while releases new contaminants .
83 what is the 2 type of ventilation /
forced and local exhaused ventilation ( LEV)
84 how much in to the CS minimum fresh air per person /
1.4m3/mints per person 1.4m3/mints per person
for EX: 20peopel working int o the CS ?
1.4 X 20 = 28 m3/mint
85 when the forced ventilation required ?
PEL of equal or higher than 500 ppm is deemed to be slightly toxic.
86 where to fix the blowers?
contaminant free source .
87 where not put the blowers ?
such as generatore
88 Forced ventilation for continuous retease for remove contaminatas
Q=(E X 24.5 X 10
) / )MW X C)
CO is generated at the rate of 25 gm/min in a
confined space. The MW of CO is 28 and the
PEL of CO is 25 ppm. Calculate the blower
capacity to dilute the contaminants.
Q = (E x24.5 x 10
) / (MW x C)
- E (gm/min) is the rate of contaminant generation
-MW is the molecular weight of contaminant
- Q (m3/min) is the quantity of the air supplied
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
- C (ppm) is the Permissible exposure limit (PEL) of contaminant
Q = (E x24.5 x 106) / (MW x C)
Q=25 X 24.5 X10
) / 28 X 25)
Q=25 X 24.5 X10
) / 28 X 25) =25*24.5*1000000/28*25
1000MG = 1 G
875000/1000= 875.000mg 875
supposed is their 10 mg/min CO is generated ?
Q = (E x24.5 x 10
) / (MW x C)
Q=10 X 24.5 X10
) / 28 X 25)
Q=10 X 24.5 X10
) / 28 X 25)
1000MG = 1 G
Q = (E x 24.5 x 10
) / (MW x C)
E- 2.8MG, MW 28, C=25 PPM Q?. E- 2.8MG, MW 28, C=25 PPM Q?.
Q=2.8 X 24.5X100000/ 28X 25
=2.8*24.5*1000000= 68600000 98000 =98000/1000
700 98 M3/MIN
89 what purpose of local exhaust ventilation?
Exhaust ventilation is achieved by pulling air out
of the confined space and in the process,
90 what is the push -pull system ?
combination of both forced ventilation and exhaust ventilation
91 what purpose of use venturi eductor ?
Air or Steam is released
92 what purpose of use ducting ?
used widely and extensively to channel the air to from CS
93 what is the 2 ducting ?
* flexible collapsible ducting
* flexible non collapsible ducting
93 flexible collapsible ducting ?
* commonly used in marine industry,
28 X 25 =
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
* Can only be used for forced ventilation.
* Cost less
* More flexible
94 flexible non collapsible ducting ?
* Can be used for both forced and exhaust ventilation
* susceptible to wear and tear during use.
95 how much the welding point m3/ mints for local exhaust ventilation system ?
welding point is 10m3/mints
96 how much the welding point m3/ mints for forced ventilation system ?
The minimum dilution air should be 30 m3/min per welder
97 spray painting in CS?
forced ventilation should be provided to dilute the flammable vapour to
below 10% of lower explosive.
98 normal painting in to the CS? (BRUSH AND ROLLER PAINTING )
forced ventilation should be provided to dilute the solvent vapours to below PEL
99 Befor enter a CS ?
isolated in order to pervent to the hazards services and energy sources
100 energy sources must be lock out & tag out 100 energy sources must be lock out & tag out
for ex: pipe line , gas, steam, hydralic wind and radiation
101 what is the balank ?
it may not allowed hazards materials to ender a CS area
102 what is two methoed of isolation contaminats /
lock out , tag out & blank or cap
103 methods of isolation from moving parts ?
moving parts must to be remove the belt or other mechanicak
104 locked or tagged, or both, by a competent person
authorised in writing by the employer.
105 what is the two Potential hazards in the confined space?
i. Atmospheric hazards
ii. Non-Atmospheric hazards
106 what is the Results of the atmospheric testing of the CS?
Oxygen, Flammable gases & Other toxic gases
107 type of Communication system?
speech, hand signals, telephone, radio, and so on.
108 where the radio freguency / wireless devices dosen't work ?
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
tanks or sewers and metal or concrete shielding
109 CS lighting illuminataion ?
illumination lessthen 50lux
110 electrical equipment how to protect?
proteected by ELCB
111 Name of ventilation .
Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV)
Venturi Eductor
Axial-flow fans
Centrifugal-flow Fans
112 what purpose of signal or alarm?
when higher than accataple concentration are present .
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Confined space safety assessor course ( CANADA )
Question and Answer prepared by ( U KNOW MY NAME)
113 what is the four sampling method ?
* Collection method
* Active sampling method
* Passive sampling method
* Direct measurement method
114 sorbent tube method used by ?
hydrocarbon vapours
115 sorbent tube method how to identified the gases?
chromatography or ther other analytical methods
116 Section of GAS instrument ?
* specification
* accuracy
* sensitivity
* calibration
* interference
* warning alarms
* data logging features
* cost
* industrial safe
117 information of required on the entry permit ?
mention Identification CS ( sketch dwg) no hazardous , ventilation, mention Identification CS ( sketch dwg) no hazardous , ventilation,
emergency effective action, responsible safety officer,
CSA , CSSA, and validly of working hours .
118 What is the diffreans of purging and ventilation ?
When a confined space is known to contain
hazardous contaminants, it is crucial to
adequately purge the space before any entry.
Subsequently, continuous ventilation should
be provided to maintain the safe work
119 what is the Hierarchy of Controls
elemination - change design to eleminate risky maintenance works
substitiution - use of less flammable construction materials
engineering controls - design in safe access for building maintanance
administrating control - implement safe work procedure for manitanence
persnal protection equipment ( PPE) - provision and correct use of safety restraint ,
harness, and so on
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