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ENG9. words and phrases 2a.

1.deed 2.pilfering 3. probation 4.fraud 5.bail 6.burglar 7.threat 8.court 9. drunk driving 10.verbal abuse 12.juvenile delinquent

Speeding- driving faster than the speed limit. Rape- to be molested Murder- to kill Robbery- stealing Kidnapping- to take someone as hostage, taking someone away against their will Shoplifter- someone who steals from a shop Drug dealing- someone who sells drugs Threat- to threaten someone is to for ex say that I will hit you if you dont an explanation from the internet is n
expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage

Burglar- someone who breaks in (mostly at night) to steal Wife beater- a husband who beats/ hits hes wife.

Appropriate-inappropriate Fancy- plane Just- unjust Odd-even, regular Peaceful- troubled SevereArtificial- natural Fictitious- real Narrow-broad Ordinary- extraordinary Public- private Tolerant- intolerant Fair- unfair Independent- dependent NotoriousPatient- impatient Ruthless- considerate Well-trimmed- untrimmed


Artificial Fair Fancy Fictional Patient Picturesque

7.1 intolerant. Unfair. Impatient. Inconsiderate. Unkind. Incompetent. Unfaithful. Unfriendly. Unhappy. Dishonest. Unjust. Disloyal . immature. Impolite. Unpopular. Impractical. Unreliable. Insensitive.
Bli arg Bli trt p Bli less p Kr p Kom dit i tid Skaffa biljetter till koncerten Bli fast Fortstt med jobbet. 8b. she gets angry really easy Everyone gets tired of homework at some point She got fed up with all the lies You should get going, its getting late The gibsons family didnt get there on time so they missed their flight Halie is going to get tickets to the concert


Shoulder, track, mansion, rifle, treason, wrist, county, fortress, justice, scientist, hedge, lighthouse, butcher, ,testify, unload

Section 2 love
1a. partner, Soulmate


2. barrister 3. wealth. 4.pride. 5. lack 6. 7.necklace. 8. contradict. 9.surrender 10.stiff 11.fictional 12.convince 13. prejudice 14.determined 15. survey

7.A 1.soul mate 2. 3.subconscious 4.creature 5.mutal 6.resemble 7.exhilarated 8. 9.physical 10.neglected


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