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Predominantly Welsh-speaking in the mid-19th century, Until political pressure moved schoolmasters to enforce English as the sole acceptable

language of learning. This was a period of systematic lingual genocide, the dark days of the Welsh-Not

In the last 50 years, a resurgence, thanks in part to Welsh Anarchists. Today, around 800,000 people speak Welsh.

Fall-rise intonation, characteristic singsong tone - transfer from Welsh

H-dropping RP ['hjumn]

Welsh ['jumn]

[o] pure and long

coat, boat, stole, old, roll, toe, no

Final unstressed [i] of unstressed syllables in polysyllabic words is close and tense bright lovely, duty, happy, extraordinary

coward, mother, horse, formal

Before a vowel, alveolar tap [] front, frame, roll

[l] is light and clear

ball, roll, little, cattle, feel

Voiceless plosives [p, t, k] have extended stop stage and delayed release stage, vigorous and aspirated

Intervocalic position (geminated?)

[stti:], [vv]
Butter, crouched, cripple

End of word + next word vowel Not in No glottilization ['ktn] not ['kn]

Some diphthongs in RP become long monophthongs

[] to [e:] face, lazy, rain [] to [o:] show [a] and [a] have mid central starting points [] and [] life [lf] and loud [ld]

Open back rounded vowel [], similar to the American, replaces the open/mid back rounded vowel [] of RP in: All, daughter, taught Also [] in Lost, monotony


Strong form Influence, consequence, compensate, vowels [] in final closed syllables brightest [bi.tst] Some recorded oddities programme [pro.rm]



Significant lip-rounding in of []

Nurse, learn, bird, surface, burning

-ing becomes -in ['s] to ['sn] <tj> and <dj> are usually realised as <t> and <d>

Tube [tjub] to [tub]


[i] to []

RP [hi] Cardiff [j] RP [km hi] Cardiff [km j]

[a] to []

RP ['kadf] RP [f']

Cardiff ['kdf] Cardiff ['f]

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