Shubham Gupta's Career Plan

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10/8/12 9:51 AM

y name is Shubham Gupta and I am a high school student living in Seoul. I want to make a difference in the marketing world by bringing new ideas that will influence many different cultures and places. I hope that through the following career plan I can obtain a significant and influential career. College I want to attend a notable university that is in the U.S.A. that is not too competitive but well known. I want to major in marketing research while minoring in either sociology or international business since I want to work internationally. I hope the college focuses attention on different types of marketing and learning how to communicate to different cultures successfully. First Jobs I would like to first have experience in being an assistant, so I can understand how the marketing environment works. Then later go on to being an analyst, where I can use my talents with and get more experience, and an actual job. I think it would be best if I worked my way up from smaller and low paying jobs, and then from experience go to being a more influential marketer.
Capstone of Career

First Jobs


Development in Jobs & Positions From being an assistant and analyst, I hope to go on to becoming an account manager, or marketing officer. These two jobs are like the stepping-stones for becoming managers or go into the PR environment. Both of these will jobs help me gain the experience that I need to get my ideal job. Capstone of Career My ideal job that I want to obtain is Public Relations in the marketing research field. I want to experience the many opportunities that come with doing PR in marketing research, and I feel like I will be able to make an influence with this job. I hope that in the end, I make peoples lives better with my skills and talents.

18 21-22 23 24 30 35 42

High School Degree College Degree in Marketing Research Marketing Assistant Analyst Account Manager Marketing Officer PR in marketing research

Qualities to be a success Confident Perseverance Inventiveness

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