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Tamasic foods are "GURU" by nature - Heavy to digest. They are neither good for the body nor for the mind. They suck out the positive energy in us and destroy immunity. Tamasic food TAMASIC FOODS : Foods which are stale and processed foods made from refined flour (maida), meat, alcohol, onions, garlic, fermented foods and over ripe foods, Mushrooms, frozen foods all have tamasic qualities and should be reduced. Most of the bakery products like pastries, pizzas, burgers, chocolates, soft drinks, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol, canned and preserved foods like jams belong to this category. Fat foods,Sweets made from sugar, ice creams, puddings and most fast foods are included in this list.

In general spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods form part of the tamasic diet. The Tamasic personality Tamasic foods give us a desire to nish and rest; they require a lot of energy to digest and can potentially put the mind in a depressed dull state. Tamas brings about stagnation leading to degeneration of peoples health. Such individuals suffer from intense mood swings, depression, emotional imbalance, insecurity, desires, and cravings and are unable to deal with others in a diplomatic way. They tend to be very self-centered. Their nervous system do not function optimally and such individuals age fast. They are easily fatigued. Ayurvedic Acharyas believe that the Gunas in a diet has a lot to do with our personality:

Sattva means purity & peace; Rajas means passion Tamas means darkness & depressing. Sattvic, rajasic and tamasic are more than just qualities in food they are a way of living life!

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