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Notice of Meeting Architects for Peace

The Annual General Meeting of Architects for Peace will be held on Monday 5th November, 2012, 8pm at RMIT Building 50, Orr St, Carlton Agenda Appointment of chairperson Attendance, apologies and proxies Quorum (5) Acceptance of previous minutes Financial statement Presidents report Nominations for new committee Appointment of new committee

Please note: Nominations for the Committee of Management should be: (a) Made in writing, signed by two members of the Association and accompanied by the written consent of the candidate (which may be endorsed on the form of nomination); and (b) Delivered to the Secretary of the Association not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the holding of the Annual General Meeting. Members may put forth motions for the meeting 14 days before the date of the meeting. Please email Soledad Maldonado, Secretary at If you are unable to attend this meeting and would like to vote, please complete and return the attached proxy form.

Proxy Form for Annual General Meeting Architects for Peace

I, of being a financial member of Architects for Peace do hereby appoint

of to vote on my behalf at the Annual General Meeting of Architects for Peace to be held on Monday, 5th November, 2012 at 8pm, RMIT Building 50, Orr St, Melbourne.

Signature Dated this day of 2012.

Note: A member may give a proxy to another person to attend, speak or vote in person on the members behalf at a meeting of Architects for Peace, to vote on the members behalf at a ballot or to represent the member on a committee. The proxy may set out how to vote on particular matters. If you are unable to attend this meeting, you are requested to use and return this proxy form to appoint another person on your behalf. The form will be accepted before or at the meeting.

Nomination Form for Annual General Meeting Architects for Peace

I, of being a financial member of Architects for Peace do hereby nominate: President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Ordinary Member 1 Ordinary Member 2 Moved and seconded by a financial member of Architects for Peace 1. 2.

Please note: Nominees must be able to attend monthly meetings in Melbourne. Nomination should be received via email by Monday 29th October, 2012 to for the Annual General Meeting on Monday, 5th November, 2012.

Signature Dated this day of 2012.

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