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Dual & primal

Each LP problem ( both max. and min. ) stated in its original form has associated with another linear programming problem , which is unique based on the same data. In general, it is immaterial which of the two problems is called primal or dual, since the dual of dual is primal. If the objective function of the primal is to be maximized, the objective function of the dual become minimization and vice versa. For a maximization primal with all < ( less than or equal to ) type constraints, there exists a minimization dual problem with all > ( greater than or equal to) type constraints and vice versa. Each constraint in the primal corresponds to a dual variable and vice versa. The right hand constants of the primal becomes the coefficients of the dual variables . The dual of the dual LP problem is again the primal problem.

A basic feasible solution for the general transportation problem must consist of exactly m+n-1 ( no. of rows + no. of columns -1) positive allocations in independent positions in the transportation table. A solution will be called degenerate when the number of occupied cells is less than the required number, m+n-1.

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