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Outburst - a sudden and violent expression of emotion Synonyms : explosion

Tarnish- to lose or cause to lose the shine, esp by exposure to air or moisture resulting in surface oxidation; discolour s- stain,damange,smirch,blot a- Enhance ,shine

Strident - having or making a loud or harsh sound S: clamant , blatant,shrill A: sweet , dulcet, mellifuluous

Desist - To cease doing something; forbear(foll by from) S: abstain , refrain, cease

Peremptory - 1.Putting an end to all debate or action: a peremptory decree.

2. Not allowing contradiction or refusal; imperative: The officer issued peremptory commands. 3. Having the nature of or expressing a command; urgent: The teacher spoke in a peremptory tone. 4. Offensively self-assured; dictatorial: a swaggering, peremptory manner.
Embargo - 1. A government order prohibiting the movement of merchant ships into or out of its

ports. 2. A prohibition by a government on certain or all trade with a foreign nation. 3. A prohibition; a ban: an embargo on criticism
S: ban , censor

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